View Full Version : Problems with Restaurant Story...Can food be recovered?

11-21-12, 12:03 AM
Help someone please...I am unable to open the game. I keep getting "push" notices about my food about to spoil. Will I lose the food and coins I've paid, when the game is not working? Thanks.

11-21-12, 12:37 AM
Help someone please...I am unable to open the game. I keep getting "push" notices about my food about to spoil. Will I lose the food and coins I've paid, when the game is not working? Thanks.

You did not give a lot of info, such as if you are a new player, have you tried anything to resolve issue, etc.? I have had this happen to me before. If you are not suspended from the game and it is a bug in the game, the first thing I would do is to turn the device off and on. I'm on android, not sure if you are apple or android - I think apple users can sync their device, but I'm not familiar with IOS. If this does not fix your problem, try uninstalling the game from your device, then reinstalling it. You will not lose your game/level - it is stored on teamlava servers. I have had to do this a couple times when the game kept force-closing for hours and I had food that needed to be served (usually happens on an update day). If this does not solve your problem. contact teamlava.

11-21-12, 01:04 PM
Thank you. No not new player. I'm on iPad. I did turn it off but had flies on food when I turned back on.

11-21-12, 01:28 PM
Help someone please...I am unable to open the game. I keep getting "push" notices about my food about to spoil. Will I lose the food and coins I've paid, when the game is not working? Thanks.

Food can be recovered by using gems. I HIGHLY reccomend that you do not do this, as it is a large waste of gems. But yes, you will lose the coins you paid to cook the food. As a general rule of thumb, almost all recipes will go bad after cooking for double the amount of time they are supposed to. For example, an 8 hour recipe will spoil 16 hours from when you started cooking it. A 5 hour recipe will spoil 10 hours after you started cooking it.