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View Full Version : 70 hours for an expansion?!?!?

11-17-12, 08:09 AM
After finally getting my 64th mystic map after 3 or 4 days of waiting I hit expand and it brought up a window that says 3 days or 700 gold to finish. Are you kidding me team lava?!? That is waaaaaay to long!! I have ranted about this before because I thought the 46 hours was ridiculous. Now it's 70! I'm not waiting a week for each expansion! I will never get the space I want to do some cool decorating! Fix it please!!!

11-17-12, 09:26 AM
I agree. Waiting in this game is too long. Also, silver incomes and food production too low. Prices, especially for foliage removal and upgrading too high. Looks like there, no balance at all in this game.

11-17-12, 06:04 PM
The further you get in this game the easier it gets. I have amassed 30 million in coins and 300,000 food so expanding and feeding are no longer a problem. You just need to keep going and you will eventually turn the corner and everything will become much easier. I only have 4 pieces of expansion left to clear. I have had to wait 3 days for each piece that i have cleared for at least a couple of months now. If I can do it so can everyone else. Please stop complaining about times as the game would be at its end within a month or two and then you would be complaining about how there's nothing to do and how bored of it you are.

11-17-12, 09:43 PM
Im in that boat now too... my last SEVERAL have been 3 day expansions.

11-17-12, 10:08 PM
you got me i have 200,000 food and 25 million. It os what it is. If it was all so easy everyone would be like this http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?40054-A-few-numbers
The further you get in this game the easier it gets. I have amassed 30 million in coins and 300,000 food so expanding and feeding are no longer a problem. You just need to keep going and you will eventually turn the corner and everything will become much easier. I only have 4 pieces of expansion left to clear. I have had to wait 3 days for each piece that i have cleared for at least a couple of months now. If I can do it so can everyone else. Please stop complaining about times as the game would be at its end within a month or two and then you would be complaining about how there's nothing to do and how bored of it you are.

11-17-12, 11:09 PM
Ok well I have 37 spaces left to clear. At about 7 days per space that's 8-9 months until its cleared. Roughly 4 weeks a month 4 spaces a month. 36/4=9. If I had only like 10-15 left that would be fine, but im not gonna wait till next August to be done clearing.

11-18-12, 09:10 AM
I really don't get what the big deal is, it's not like we have enough habitats to fill the space we clear. I mean maybe it's because i'm simple when it comes to design. I see people who have made there island look marvelous and thats with limited space. Me i have not dun much, i forget i'm expanding half the time it's not very important to me.

11-18-12, 03:02 PM
I'm not there yet. Currently at 22 hours. But as Takiofallen said I too forget I'm expanding once I'm expanding.
It's also once of the reasons why I just keep on expanding....I don't wanna have to wait 3 days to receive map requests and another 3 days to finish expanding so I can squeeze in another habitat when I have my diamond waiting to be placed in a home!

For now expanding and the time frame don't bother me....much...
: )

11-18-12, 03:14 PM
Doesn't bother me either. Like Takiofallen said, we have a limited number of habitats to clear land for. So clearing quickly is really unnecessary unless you plan on decorating quickly too.

And, as Lolas said, expanding time frame doesn't bother me. I'm also at 22 hrs, and expand and or clear a plot when I have extra coins. I keep a reserve of 2 million (don't really know why), so when I have an extra 800k i will clear a weed and now my expansions are bordering 200k to expand, i will save this amount while I gather maps, then expand.

And yes, you will get enough space to get cool decorations. just be patient. Visit alot of neighbors and community players, collect often from your habitats, and the coins will accumulate quicker then you think.