View Full Version : Is it just me?...

11-11-12, 08:48 PM
Or does it seem to take a ridiculously long time to make money in this game compared to what things cost? I'm on level 30 and have yet to buy a new room that costs more than the 8,000 dollar "lounge" because I can't afford to... I've spent the last 10 days saving every coin I earn because I wanted to see how big the new ballroom for 82,000 is, and it took me the entire 10 days to save up that 82,000. I make that in less than a day on the other teamlava games I play, but things like rooms and deco cost pretty close to the same as the other games. I'm feeling super discouraged and not really seeing the point in playing this game anymore and so I'm wondering if its just me, or if anyone else feels this way as well...?

11-12-12, 05:55 AM
It can take awhile if you only do the 8 hour collect method. I know some people, in the evenings, will use the 2 minute one and through-out the day use the 2 hour one, to help them build up money.

11-13-12, 02:00 PM
Yes, I only do the 8 hour collection at night while I sleep, and then 2 hours during the day, 3 minutes one if I have time because I think you make the most with the 3 minute one if you do it often

11-13-12, 03:59 PM
Yes, I only do the 8 hour collection at night while I sleep, and then 2 hours during the day, 3 minutes one if I have time because I think you make the most with the 3 minute one if you do it often

Yes, I don't use the method of doing the two minute one when I have time, and I find that I have far less coins than I thought I would. My friend who is on a lower level than me, makes plenty more money than me because she uses that technique to earn.

04-06-13, 12:01 PM
Yes, I only do the 8 hour collection at night while I sleep, and then 2 hours during the day, 3 minutes one if I have time because I think you make the most with the 3 minute one if you do it often
This is the best method to use . I make 20,000+ everyday because of this method! :D

04-07-13, 06:43 AM
I have tried all the combinations above to earn money and none of them work. You are right it IS ridiculous how hard it is to get money! Maybe these people play 24/7 to earn money and not play! i want to play, not collect money for a week before I can buy anything. Also frustrated that as you get higher, wait times for land are ridiculously long. I just want to finish expanding! It is a two day wait for each square of land from about level 24 on! I've decorated the house that I have to the point it is so cluttered waiting for land! It is such a fun game otherwise! Also, wish u could somehow do a second house! Aargh!

04-07-13, 08:56 AM
I honestly have no problem earning money. When I first started the game I would use the 2 min job to earn money for furniture to level up. Then the 2 hour job through out the day and the 8 hour at night. The higher the level the more money you earn on each job. I am now at level 80 and maintain $300,000+. At the beginning it takes time and patience and you have to take a week or 2 and JUST earn money .. No buying. That's when the money starts adding up. It's tough to not buy anything now with weekly updates tho