View Full Version : Bought spiderwebs, "This creepy old house" doesnt acknowlege

11-04-12, 02:25 PM
I am trying to get through this challenge and I bought two spiderwebs but it doesn't credit me in the challenge so I can't finish. What is up?

11-04-12, 02:35 PM
Did you purchase them before or after you received the goal? Some goals are not retroactive. If you purchased them after, and they have completed, try restarting your device.

11-05-12, 08:23 AM
I purchased them after receiving the goal. I used the purchase button in the goal itself. Time is running out on this so I guess I'm screwed

kooky panda
11-05-12, 11:57 AM
Have you completed the second part, buying the wallpaper?

Have the spiderwebs finished building?
