View Full Version : Sending Permits, brown paint and party supplies ect

11-01-12, 08:41 PM
How do I send permits as gifts? I've only got 5 pages of gifts and I'm noticing permits, brown paint and party supplies don't show up. I'm level 23 and my home is $315. Anyone else have this problem? Am I not on a high enough level? Help a sista out?

11-01-12, 08:55 PM
Those items can only be sent as requests, to be filled by neighbors. All you have to do is hit "Accept", and they'll recieve them. None of those items are available for gifting.

05-30-15, 11:30 AM
How can I send birthday cakes.my friend bugs me everyday for one but I don't know how to it is in my news.Oh and plz add me:kittycatlover292 I need help!

06-04-15, 11:40 AM
As greygull noted above, you can't send certain items as gifts. If your friend needs a birthday cake, he/she needs to send a request for it. Then you can accept it and they'll have their cake ("and eat it too" optional).