View Full Version : How many?

10-28-12, 07:12 AM
How many appliances can you have out once you unlock them all without buying more with gems? I'm at 9 appliances right now and just wondering what is the max I will be able to have eventually.

10-28-12, 07:27 AM
18 at level 73. Which is more than enough because you'll end up with too much food on your counters.

10-28-12, 07:49 AM
Thanks! 18 definitely sounds like more than enough based on the number of ppl posting about how they have a ton of excess food. I thought maybe they bought extra with gems! I think I'll be happy with 12 or 13 when I get there. :-)

10-28-12, 07:53 AM
I have 18 and have a excess of food.... Level 96

10-29-12, 06:57 AM
have to disagree, I have 48 ovens and can't make enough. Sure if you only bake 1 hour recipes
it is fine but if you want to make LOTS OF MONEY you need IMHO at least 48 ovens because
the best recipe with the new price structure is red velvet cake. RVC takes a day to bake
so even with 48 ovens I can't keep up and i currently serve 86,000 plates of RVC a day.

10-30-12, 04:54 AM
GroovyRuss is correct. Sell price per item is important. You can easily stock your tables with tons of 1 gold items. But it requires more time or more ovens to have a stable supply of 10 gold items. Also if you operating multiple doors & registers then you will need more ovens.