View Full Version : Items in mystery boxes

10-25-12, 12:34 PM
I was wondering if for some people in mystery boxes they always get all the 1st and 2nd prize and some people only get the 3rd and 4th prize items.Who always gets the boring prizes and who always gets the best prize items?

10-25-12, 12:53 PM
I never got first prize, in all bakery fashion and farm.
Kind of dissapointing when you get duplicates :(

10-25-12, 01:12 PM
Unfortunately the boxes r random gifting. U never know. In restaurant, I wanted some if the future delving and instead got a globe and two booths. Not what I wanted at all. However in bakery I got one of the two items I wanted from the Halloween nice on the first try! And it was a rare one to boot! So u can just keep trying that's all I can say.