View Full Version : Any new expansions at some point

10-22-12, 06:32 AM
Just wondering if TL are going to add more expansions. I have one nbr who was going to quit cause she has finished all her expansions but a nbr convinced her to stay for a while anyway. Though some of her nbrs have quit because they have finished. Personally I don't know if I'll continue playing once I finish. I like the game but don't enjoy redecorating as much as I do the other games. Besides once expansions are done then there really isn't anything left to do. At least bakery, restaurant, fashion and farm there are always food, crops or clothes to master. Home design has nothing but expansions and redecorating to do.

10-22-12, 10:43 AM
We are not able to speculate on future updates for our games. I will inform the appropriate parties of your interests for more content.

10-22-12, 08:43 PM
Please add my voice to the comments from souriocorice5. I really like the game, but there comes a point where playing is no longer so interesting. I would relish new expansions. (nn)

10-23-12, 05:36 AM
I am completely agreeing to this post. I didn't realize it until I was about to tap the expand button and was disappointed to find out that there are no more left. I was even planning, in my mind, already on how to further design my house by using all other items. I only have 2 beds used, was looking forward to decorate at least 2 kids room. Oh well. Unless what really TL wants is for us to fill all the space with so many items, which is not a reflection of a clean and beautiful house. But the game is pretty new, so i am hoping that this will be fixed soon. And yes, it can get boring if they don't add more expansions. Home design, so far, has been my favorite TL game, next to FS. I wish TL will add soon.

10-23-12, 02:50 PM
Don't hold your breath.. I don't see TL adding any new expansion soon, the game it self is still so buggy and it has a lot of problems that need fixing first for example the slow processing moving from ngbr to ngbr , the giant holes in walls from the door glitch and the text limit problem for iPad users. In my opinion all those problems should of been picked up in beta testing and fixed before it was released in the App Store.

10-23-12, 03:11 PM
I would also love new expansions I'm maxed out and could still use a lot bigger home

10-23-12, 04:08 PM
Just a reminder that I am still keeping an eye out, and reading your suggestions, and concerns.

10-24-12, 08:10 AM
I love this game, and I'm happy they increased the levels! I would like some new expansion room as well, so i can create my dream yard to go with my dream house :)

10-24-12, 08:26 AM
At least they increased the amount of levels for now I guess that's good enough.

10-26-12, 07:08 PM
They def need to add a feature where you can create stories (floors) to your home so u can keep it more fun and worth playing. I'd love to see an attic, garage, etc. make it more realistic.

10-27-12, 04:05 AM
Expansions and more furniture (etc) would be very welcome as it's getting a bit boring for those of us at high levels....