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07-24-13, 01:33 AM
I have 51 habitats now.

Such an insult. Had to sell four habitats.

07-24-13, 04:40 AM
Such an insult. Had to sell four habitats.

I sold a diamond habitat yesterday to make room for the gemstone even though it was promised (for my time zone anyway) 2 days ago. And it's only an increase of one! We have been givin 3! (Leo has its own brand new habitat) new habitats and only 1 space for them. Completely unreasonable. Either stop releasing new elements or ACTUALLY increase the habitat limit. It's a small but annoying push for ppl to buy the gold habitats when you only release one habitat for the 5 new elements or whatever. And then the 4 dragons for mythic, stone and Dino-either make more of them or increase their habitat cap to hold 4 dragons. That's 2 habitats wasted since I have Dino's and stone complete. Pls start actually listening to your players TL!

07-24-13, 04:48 AM
My patience is rewarded. :)

07-24-13, 06:46 AM
Wasn't there a thread about how to organize our dragons according to the habitats? Despite not having to worry about having diamond habitats - only oerk about not having diamonds, eh - i'm at 47 outof 51 habitats. I know i'll have to get rid of some duplicates eventually, but for now i can relax... Even so, i'm wondering if I do have too many extra habitats :p
I have seven magic, five air, two fire, three gemstones, two blacks, one dino, one stone, one mythic, one passion, one cosmic, one fairytale, o e rainbow, four pinks, five water, six forest, six light.
All large habitats.
And i think that's it :p i just wanted to figure out the best way to organize my light dragons according to earning, for example, but i'll go ahead and grab pen and paper for that i guess :D

07-24-13, 08:18 AM
Tonguelashing actually had posted something about the most efficient way to organize our dragons. I wish I could find it...

07-24-13, 08:47 AM
Tonguelashing actually had posted something about the most efficient way to organize our dragons. I wish I could find it...

I searched but did not find anything... :(

07-24-13, 08:49 AM
LOL, sunkalito, I feel the same way...

07-24-13, 08:54 AM
Tonguelashing actually had posted something about the most efficient way to organize our dragons. I wish I could find it...

I remember seeing a pretty detailed listing awhile back, but we've had soooo many increases with dragons and different habitants that it needs to be re-worked anyways. What they should do is make the first post of this thread a list of how to fit the dragons most effectively to get the most amount of dragons in the highest earning habitants ( aside from diamond habitants though since those would have to get in non-diamond habitants ), and make sure there is a " Current as of [ Date ] and then we could just re-tweek the list when a new habitant type / dragons come out.

07-24-13, 09:43 AM
I remember seeing a pretty detailed listing awhile back, but we've had soooo many increases with dragons and different habitants that it needs to be re-worked anyways. What they should do is make the first post of this thread a list of how to fit the dragons most effectively to get the most amount of dragons in the highest earning habitants ( aside from diamond habitants though since those would have to get in non-diamond habitants ), and make sure there is a " Current as of [ Date ] and then we could just re-tweek the list when a new habitant type / dragons come out.
That's true, it was a while ago, so it wouldn't be accurate anymore.
It's going to become a huge problem for me soon. No only the habitats but the space. I have kept many trees, rocks and mushrooms to decorate my island and I am out of room. I would need to destroy all that I have created in order to put more habitats. So...first, I am going to try to get rid of duplicates that I do not need anymore and see if I can sell one or 2 habitats like that to make room. After that, I am going to have to breed the new dragons on my secondary account and call it my expansion, lol.

07-24-13, 10:06 AM
Please give us two more..

07-24-13, 11:03 AM
Lol sometimes Level one duplicates hide well

07-24-13, 11:10 AM
Thank you very much for the habitat increase. I was able to reorganize my Dragons so that both my new Gemstone and Quetzal have homes. It took a lot of moving around, selling habitats one at a time and buying 3 gemstone habitats one at a time as I organized, but I finally fit everyone in without selling any Dragons.

I have a habitat increase suggestion. Since so many of us are maxed out, whenever you release a new type (symbol), increase habitats by one. If the new type has more than 4 Dragons, increase by 1 for each 3 or 4 Dragons released.
For Example, say you were going to release a new type called Zodiac, with 12 Dragons. Increase by 1 when 1st Dragon is released, then increase by 1 again after 4th Dragon, & so on until there are enough habitats for all Dragons released.

Right now, I have one duplicate that is not a diamond...& a few Diamond duplicates. I don't want to get rid of any unique Dragons so I can add a new one. Please increase proportionally with the Dragon increases.

Thank you for listening.

07-24-13, 11:17 AM
Oh, I forgot I do have duplicate Stone and Dino Dragons, so I don't have a 3 Dragon habitat with only one lonely Dragon in it, taking up a whole habitat slot, but without enough Dragons to fill it, or any income from the empty spaces.
Please increase those two habitats to hold 4 Dragons each! That would help tremendously!
Thanks again!

07-24-13, 01:18 PM
Oh, I forgot I do have duplicate Stone and Dino Dragons, so I don't have a 3 Dragon habitat with only one lonely Dragon in it, taking up a whole habitat slot, but without enough Dragons to fill it, or any income from the empty spaces.
Please increase those two habitats to hold 4 Dragons each! That would help tremendously!
Thanks again!

This idea has been suggested by a lot of players. I also think it will solve most of our space problems. Please TL implement this idea.

07-24-13, 02:43 PM
I remember seeing a pretty detailed listing awhile back, but we've had soooo many increases with dragons and different habitants that it needs to be re-worked anyways. What they should do is make the first post of this thread a list of how to fit the dragons most effectively to get the most amount of dragons in the highest earning habitants ( aside from diamond habitants though since those would have to get in non-diamond habitants ), and make sure there is a " Current as of [ Date ] and then we could just re-tweek the list when a new habitant type / dragons come out.

Yeah, considering the constant additions... My list, for now, is diamond-less. Lol. :p and i got 3 gemstone habitats, could not resist xD

07-24-13, 02:45 PM
Oh, I forgot I do have duplicate Stone and Dino Dragons, so I don't have a 3 Dragon habitat with only one lonely Dragon in it, taking up a whole habitat slot, but without enough Dragons to fill it, or any income from the empty spaces.
Please increase those two habitats to hold 4 Dragons each! That would help tremendously!
Thanks again!
That would be a great idea! Unless they plan to release 2 more stones, having two 3-dragon habitats sucks.

07-24-13, 02:50 PM
You forgetting about Helios? He needs or appart diamond habitat or one more mythic habitat for himself as well.

07-24-13, 03:18 PM
You forgetting about Helios? He needs or appart diamond habitat or one more mythic habitat for himself as well.

Oops. I tend to forget diamond hybrids seeing as tough I don't have a diamond. Lolx. :p

07-24-13, 05:36 PM
You forgetting about Helios? He needs or appart diamond habitat or one more mythic habitat for himself as well.

Medusa can go in purple or green if you want to put Helios in Mythic habitat. Since he is a Diamond Hybrid, I would rather keep Medusa in Mythic, & have diamond field for Helios. Although that does require another habitat.

07-24-13, 05:47 PM
Be patient guys, on Kooky's advice, friends and I are working on a thread that will give you a list of habitats and the best way to place the dragons for the maximum amount of coins. :)

07-24-13, 05:51 PM
I didnt care about selling off some diamond habitats and putting colored diamonds in another home. The thrill went away after I had them on display for a while. Since I need some original dragons again for breeding, my focus is there. Since I have some space now I may focus on getting some rares I Never wanted. To have a complete collection of dragons.

In the end I still have about 12 diamond habitats. Ill start to worry when I go through with trading infinities, since TL unfairly nutured them. Shouldnt be too hard to figure out how to fit your dragons. For me, having gold habitats helped. For those without them.....good luck!

07-24-13, 07:07 PM
So? Has anybody considered that the reason for the 4 dragon elements, is because they are going to release 4 spot habitats for them, for gold?

07-24-13, 07:13 PM
So? Has anybody considered that the reason for the 4 dragon elements, is because they are going to release 4 spot habitats for them, for gold?
I certainly hope that isn't the reason why. Entirely possible though.

07-24-13, 07:31 PM
Be patient guys, on Kooky's advice, friends and I are working on a thread that will give you a list of habitats and the best way to place the dragons for the maximum amount of coins. :)

Sweet!! :)

07-25-13, 12:06 PM
Are we getting another habitat increase for these zodiacs?????????? Jake????

07-25-13, 12:49 PM
Please give us more habitats. All my habitats are full and I can't buy the new ones like Gemstone and Zodiac. I had to put my beautiful Epic Rainbow dragon in the Stables and sell her habitat. I have 23-25 dragons in the Stable at any one time -- all waiting for a home. I have a Gemstone waiting as an egg. My Diamond hybrid dragons are waiting in coloured habitats -- we need 10 habitats for Diamonds alone (since I'd like two of each dragon, I would appreciate is these 10 Diamond habitats hold 2 dragons each). Also, please release 4-dragon habitats for Pink, White and Black 4-dragon habitats.

07-25-13, 01:18 PM
Oh, thanks to whoever corrected the title. Lol. :D

Indeed i wonder when they'll have the multiple diamond habs. They ought to cost cash, not gold. Or at least MUCH LESS gold than the other extra large habitats.

07-25-13, 02:10 PM
So? Has anybody considered that the reason for the 4 dragon elements, is because they are going to release 4 spot habitats for them, for gold?

I did consider this!! Then cringed at the thought, lol. It seems possible since it doesn't look like any more of those elements are in the works

07-25-13, 04:06 PM
YES or create 2 more stone or dinosaur dragons! Why have 4? 3 or 6 people!!

07-25-13, 05:57 PM
Please increase habitat to 52.
You have 2 new habitats out this week but only 1 increase...
It's quite unfair because these last 2 dragons need its own habitat, it can't be place in other habitats.

07-26-13, 12:01 AM
Please increase habitat to 52.
You have 2 new habitats out this week but only 1 increase...
It's quite unfair because these last 2 dragons need its own habitat, it can't be place in other habitats.

Habitat increases have been happening the day after Dragon releases. Check back tomorrow after 10:30am West Coast time. Hopefully we will get at least one more for Zodiac.

07-26-13, 08:54 AM
I would like 4-dragon habitats because I would like to keep two of each dragon type (i.e. each dragon has a mate). Also for the Dino series, there are 4 dragons -- I'd actually forgoe my pairs on this one and at least get the 4th Dino out of the stables and into a habitat.

07-26-13, 02:22 PM
At least change the dino and stone habitat capacity to 4. I'm trying to figure out the motivation there was to release 4 dragons of a particular kind and a habitat with capacity 3. I can't quite figure that one out.....Whooooooaaa

07-26-13, 07:17 PM
At least change the dino and stone habitat capacity to 4. I'm trying to figure out the motivation there was to release 4 dragons of a particular kind and a habitat with capacity 3. I can't quite figure that one out.....Whooooooaaa
There you go making sense again. What has TL told you about that!?

07-26-13, 07:38 PM
There you go making sense again. What has TL told you about that!?

Of course it make sence. If habital capacity change to 4 ( get real) if it is, it properly sell for 500 gold.

07-26-13, 07:58 PM
Now we have 52 habitats!!!

07-31-13, 02:41 PM
I can't figure out why TL is so stingy with the habitat maximum. Will someone please tell me? I will gladly pay 500 gold for 4-dragon habitats -- Pink, White, Black, Dino, Stone, Mythic, Cosmic, Fairytale and Zodiac. I will gladly pay 500 gold for 2-dragon Diamond habitats AND please let us have more habitats!! Those who don't want them don't have to buy them.

07-31-13, 02:45 PM
At least change the dino and stone habitat capacity to 4. I'm trying to figure out the motivation there was to release 4 dragons of a particular kind and a habitat with capacity 3. I can't quite figure that one out.....Whooooooaaa

I agree and Mythic to accomodate Helios until we get a habitat increase.

07-31-13, 02:55 PM
I can't figure out why TL is so stingy with the habitat maximum. Will someone please tell me? I will gladly pay 500 gold for 4-dragon habitats -- Pink, White, Black, Dino, Stone, Mythic, Cosmic, Fairytale and Zodiac. I will gladly pay 500 gold for 2-dragon Diamond habitats AND please let us have more habitats!! Those who don't want them don't have to buy them.

That's crazy talk! You are willing to pay basically $20 a pop for each of these habitats for a game?!? You would need 5000 gold to buy them all which is just under 200$ total. Wow!

08-01-13, 08:36 AM
That's crazy talk! You are willing to pay basically $20 a pop for each of these habitats for a game?!? You would need 5000 gold to buy them all which is just under 200$ total. Wow!

If I wait for gold to go on sale and save money from my gold-giving dragons, I can easily buy 6 habitats for $69. I already have all the Red, Green, Purple, Blue and Yellow 4-dragon habitats that I need. I have been buying those since I started this game one at a time.

I need the habitat maximums to be increased by 2 for Black (I only have 2), 1 for Pink (I only have 3), 3 for White (I only have 1), 1 for Rainbow and 9 for Diamond -- I think that amounts to 15 more habitats. 10 of those are for Diamonds basically. So am only asking for another 5 habitats and that would be less than $69.

08-01-13, 08:37 AM
Whoa you have this all planned out

08-01-13, 08:41 AM
and for dragon series with only 4-dragons, I think TL should just make them 4-dragon habitats. These would be Mythic, Dino and Stone.

08-01-13, 08:44 AM
Whoa you have this all planned out

It's hard not to make a plan. I had to put Rainbow in the Stable and sell her habitat. After waiting a week on the nest, I finally sold my Gemstone egg because I couldn't buy another habitat for any amount of money. Plus I have 23 dragons in my Stable waiting for a home.

08-01-13, 08:45 AM
That's crazy talk! You are willing to pay basically $20 a pop for each of these habitats for a game?!? You would need 5000 gold to buy them all which is just under 200$ total. Wow!

Each habitat doesn't cost $20. With a decent gold sale they are obtainable. They aren't for the faint of heart who only buys a little gold here and there. I haven't gotten the blue and yellow ones yet. But have the purple, red and green ones. Instead of rushing to buy them, I just went ahead and sold my diamond habitats. I don't even have Midas yet. I'd only spend money again IF they wow me in the coming weeks with new content. Otherwise, I'm happy putting diamonds I'm colored trailer parks and trading my super rares I once loved.

08-01-13, 08:47 AM
It's hard not to make a plan. I had to put Rainbow in the Stable and sell her habitat. After waiting a week on the nest, I finally sold my Gemstone egg because I couldn't buy another habitat for any amount of money. Plus I have 23 dragons in my Stable waiting for a home.

23?! Gosh. I just have space for four. I'm too cheap to do more than that. I have a rainbow in storage, along with two diamonds and a planet. I've no idea why. For social dragon ill need to trade a gold or easter dragon. It hurts so bad....

08-01-13, 11:53 AM
23?! Gosh. I just have space for four. I'm too cheap to do more than that. I have a rainbow in storage, along with two diamonds and a planet. I've no idea why. For social dragon ill need to trade a gold or easter dragon. It hurts so bad....

Thanks for your comments. In the past, I have sold dragons I didn't want to sell and found myself breeding to get them back. So instead of selling anymore dragons, I upgraded to the 25-stall Stable. All the while hoping that TL would come to the rescue and let us have more habitats.

08-13-13, 06:33 PM
Habitats now 53, I can't believe my eyes. I hesitate to use it. It might be for Thursday! Thanks TL (I hope)

08-13-13, 06:50 PM
I used it too! I hope they give us another one on Thursday. Please!

08-13-13, 07:57 PM
I used it too! I hope they give us another one on Thursday. Please!

Hey dreaming is free

08-13-13, 08:16 PM
As much as I need another purple habitat I won't because I know I need it for what's coming tomorrow. Might be I need to sell or trade a gold dragon or, or, or, or, sniff an infinity. I finally for my parakeet back after months of whining after trading it last December. He won't be parted with me again. I'm also trying to build up my dragon album and space is running low. Oh why are they so stingy with the habitats! Wait, what am I saying, as of right now I have about 293,000 left. Yep, that low and with all the diamonds and epics I have. Down from 23 whatever million not even a week ago.

This is sad. All I can do is breed! This new habitat better be cheap like the Dino home.

kooky panda
08-15-13, 04:21 PM
Now 53!!!!

08-15-13, 04:59 PM
come on Kook, we both know thats only cuz they added the tropic strand.. that wasnt a " free upgrade " just because.. That's one thing people have been crying for.

08-15-13, 05:02 PM
Yeah update!

08-15-13, 05:46 PM
Oh how I wish this thread would say: More habitats, 60 now!

kooky panda
08-15-13, 05:47 PM
Oh how I wish this thread would say: More habitats, 60 now!
Maybe one day it will! ;)

08-15-13, 06:43 PM
Lol I'm sure it will. One day!
But I want it now so I can hatch my 2 poor Diamond eggs :/
They're soooooooo over done!

08-15-13, 10:23 PM
Lol I'm sure it will. One day!
But I want it now so I can hatch my 2 poor Diamond eggs :/
They're soooooooo over done!

Hatch them and put them in your dragon stable, I have 3 diamonds & 3 infinity in there already Yay!

08-16-13, 12:59 AM
I already got 10 ultra babies in my Stable :/

08-16-13, 05:05 AM
I already got 10 ultra babies in my Stable :/

I can't even come up with a witty comment for that. XD

08-16-13, 06:20 AM
I just can't bring myself to selling or trading my babies :/

08-18-13, 04:17 AM
Okay, we need to have another efficient habitat breakdown thread, like the one tonguelashing started out way back when...
I miss that guy.

Anyway, I'm in a dilemma.
Now that my baby diamond Luxie has successfully produced diamond offspring (crusader's still in the cookie oven though), i'm beginning to worry about :
a) my habitat cap
b) room in general - i don't wanna delete my decorations... :(

But if i have to, i will. So far I have 110 out of 149 dragons. (Missed out on witch and eclipse, oh and Yin Yang.)
And I have 50 out of 53 habitats.

Listing them:
6 light (with 2 extras being a baby tusker and baby griffin - am missing leopard)
6 magic (an extra baby familiar & 2 free slots)
5 forest (will probably only keep 4, i have 3 extra baby dragons to sell and a free slot i believe)
5 air (i have 2 fireworks and don't wanna get rid of them lol, plus an extra baby scorpion & baby honeybee - but i may just keep 4 air habs, & get rid of some dragons)
1 fire (for my fire dragon & babies Hearts)
2 black sands (well, i only have 5 black dragons so far, but 5 is better than 2! Lol)
4 pink (i have extra virtues and a bubble but am still missing naga, kitsune, quartz, mask, kite)
1 of each: mythic, stone, dino, fairytale, rainbow (WTF useless dragon) , zodiac, tropical (empty,lulz), passion pit, cosmic expanse
5 water habitats ( i have 2 slots occupied by an extra mindvolt & extra seabreeze)
3 gemstones (with a free slot and an extra baby topaz, because it's fricking adorable)
2 diamond habitats.

And that's that.
Thing is, i feel i am running out of habitats AND room. Plus, if they release new dragons so often, it's really hard to know which habitats must go and which ones will be needed!! :(
For example i don't have summer, or social, only have 2stones, 1 dino, etc.... Baaaaaahhhh.

08-22-13, 12:13 PM
Okay, we need to have another efficient habitat breakdown thread, like the one tonguelashing started out way back when...
I miss that guy.

Anyway, I'm in a dilemma.
Now that my baby diamond Luxie has successfully produced diamond offspring (crusader's still in the cookie oven though), i'm beginning to worry about :
a) my habitat cap
b) room in general - i don't wanna delete my decorations... :(

But if i have to, i will. So far I have 110 out of 149 dragons. (Missed out on witch and eclipse, oh and Yin Yang.)
And I have 50 out of 53 habitats.

Listing them:
6 light (with 2 extras being a baby tusker and baby griffin - am missing leopard)
6 magic (an extra baby familiar & 2 free slots)
5 forest (will probably only keep 4, i have 3 extra baby dragons to sell and a free slot i believe)
5 air (i have 2 fireworks and don't wanna get rid of them lol, plus an extra baby scorpion & baby honeybee - but i may just keep 4 air habs, & get rid of some dragons)
1 fire (for my fire dragon & babies Hearts)
2 black sands (well, i only have 5 black dragons so far, but 5 is better than 2! Lol)
4 pink (i have extra virtues and a bubble but am still missing naga, kitsune, quartz, mask, kite)
1 of each: mythic, stone, dino, fairytale, rainbow (WTF useless dragon) , zodiac, tropical (empty,lulz), passion pit, cosmic expanse
5 water habitats ( i have 2 slots occupied by an extra mindvolt & extra seabreeze)
3 gemstones (with a free slot and an extra baby topaz, because it's fricking adorable)
2 diamond habitats.

And that's that.
Thing is, i feel i am running out of habitats AND room. Plus, if they release new dragons so often, it's really hard to know which habitats must go and which ones will be needed!! :(
For example i don't have summer, or social, only have 2stones, 1 dino, etc.... Baaaaaahhhh.

I agree. We need more habitats sooner rather than later!! I have 124 of 138 unique dragons available in my Album. I had to sell the Rainbow and Zodiac habitats to squeeze in a few more dragons. Many dragons are waiting in the stables for a REAL habitat increase. A habitat max of 60 would not be unreasonable at ALL!! Plus give us 3 or 4 dragon habitats for our Diamond dragons too.

08-22-13, 04:05 PM
It goes up to 53 at levels below 75. But again, it's not enough.

08-22-13, 04:25 PM
Totally agree. Need many more habitats. For the time & cost of some of these dragons, ESP the new ones, it's a waste of both!

08-23-13, 06:47 AM
It goes up to 53 at levels below 75. But again, it's not enough.

What?? :confused: I am at Level 120 and my habitat maximum is 53. My neighbours with Levels as high as 180 also have a habitat maximum of 53. The game design in this regard makes me think that TL doesn't want us to stick around. Could anyone (including TL staff) weigh in on this? I for one want to keep playing this game and be able to collect and display ALL my dragons.

08-23-13, 07:07 PM
Okay, we need to have another efficient habitat breakdown thread, like the one tonguelashing started out way back when...
I miss that guy.

Anyway, I'm in a dilemma.
Now that my baby diamond Luxie has successfully produced diamond offspring (crusader's still in the cookie oven though), i'm beginning to worry about :
a) my habitat cap
b) room in general - i don't wanna delete my decorations... :(

But if i have to, i will. So far I have 110 out of 149 dragons. (Missed out on witch and eclipse, oh and Yin Yang.)
And I have 50 out of 53 habitats.

Listing them:
6 light (with 2 extras being a baby tusker and baby griffin - am missing leopard)
6 magic (an extra baby familiar & 2 free slots)
5 forest (will probably only keep 4, i have 3 extra baby dragons to sell and a free slot i believe)
5 air (i have 2 fireworks and don't wanna get rid of them lol, plus an extra baby scorpion & baby honeybee - but i may just keep 4 air habs, & get rid of some dragons)
1 fire (for my fire dragon & babies Hearts)
2 black sands (well, i only have 5 black dragons so far, but 5 is better than 2! Lol)
4 pink (i have extra virtues and a bubble but am still missing naga, kitsune, quartz, mask, kite)
1 of each: mythic, stone, dino, fairytale, rainbow (WTF useless dragon) , zodiac, tropical (empty,lulz), passion pit, cosmic expanse
5 water habitats ( i have 2 slots occupied by an extra mindvolt & extra seabreeze)
3 gemstones (with a free slot and an extra baby topaz, because it's fricking adorable)
2 diamond habitats.

And that's that.
Thing is, i feel i am running out of habitats AND room. Plus, if they release new dragons so often, it's really hard to know which habitats must go and which ones will be needed!! :(
For example i don't have summer, or social, only have 2stones, 1 dino, etc.... Baaaaaahhhh.

I've been working on an efficient habitat breakdown - one with all dragons including buy onlys, one without buy onlys and one for android/kindle but work has been busy but I'm almost done with it.

08-24-13, 10:57 AM
Yes yes yes totally agreed with you guys. So please TL can u just stop introducing new dragons and do a review of the dragons available to all (ios & andriod) and the habitats that are allowed. Or at least show us how can we place all the dragons( supposed we had ALL) . Not forget those crafted and won from tournament are not given an increase in habitats! Your introduction of new dragons doesnt make the game interesting! It only makes breeding of desired dragons more & more difficult. Many of us are still lacking way behind the dragon chart! Many of us are reluctant to sell/trade in dragon especially those are seasonal/removed. Please give our dragons a home or else they will be "put to sleep". DON'T BE SO CRUEL :(. We don't want to be murderer. We are the CARETAKER for those dragon.

08-24-13, 11:21 AM
I've been working on an efficient habitat breakdown - one with all dragons including buy onlys, one without buy onlys and one for android/kindle but work has been busy but I'm almost done with it.

Oh, coolness. Thanks! If you need any help just PM. I've been thinking of finding the perfect way to rearrange my dragons for maximum coin intake, but haven't really gotten to it. I at least wanna organize my foret and light habitats better.

08-24-13, 10:55 PM
Yes yes yes totally agreed with you guys. So please TL can u just stop introducing new dragons and do a review of the dragons available to all (ios & andriod) and the habitats that are allowed. Or at least show us how can we place all the dragons( supposed we had ALL) . Not forget those crafted and won from tournament are not given an increase in habitats! Your introduction of new dragons doesnt make the game interesting! It only makes breeding of desired dragons more & more difficult. Many of us are still lacking way behind the dragon chart! Many of us are reluctant to sell/trade in dragon especially those are seasonal/removed. Please give our dragons a home or else they will be "put to sleep". DON'T BE SO CRUEL :(. We don't want to be murderer. We are the CARETAKER for those dragon.

I really have to agree won the tournament yesterday but won't able to hatch the ethereal due to no more habitat. Now just have to keep in the storage while waiting for the habitat increase. By the way this is not included tropic habitat which i don't have as well. I just have only 1 duplicate dragon (anubis) which is make me hard for me to sale and the rest only 1 each.

08-27-13, 08:42 AM
I believe we have about 158 dragons in the main island so far. And the current habitat count is maxed at 53.
And 3 of the dragons (Diamond, Infinity & Rainbow) need single habitats and you need 2 more habitats for the 3 Gold type dragons, leaving 48 habitats for the rest 152 dragons.
With 3 dragons per habitat, you can only place 144 dragons. Else, you need to upgrade 8 of your habitats by paying 500 gold a piece (i.e $20 x 8).
The other option is the dragon stable and that is a joke - you need 1200 gold to store 10 dragons.

TL, lot of your players speed up and pay tons through gold already. Do you need to make them also pay for the habitats?

08-28-13, 12:28 PM
I believe we have about 158 dragons in the main island so far. And the current habitat count is maxed at 53.
And 3 of the dragons (Diamond, Infinity & Rainbow) need single habitats and you need 2 more habitats for the 3 Gold type dragons, leaving 48 habitats for the rest 152 dragons.
With 3 dragons per habitat, you can only place 144 dragons. Else, you need to upgrade 8 of your habitats by paying 500 gold a piece (i.e $20 x 8).
The other option is the dragon stable and that is a joke - you need 1200 gold to store 10 dragons.

TL, lot of your players speed up and pay tons through gold already. Do you need to make them also pay for the habitats?

I've given this a lot of thought and I don't think TL is trying to corner us into buying 4-dragon habitats, I think they want to control how much silver we make. I have the following 4-dragon habitats 8 Green, 8 Red, 8 purple, 6 yellow and 6 blue. I wish I had another 6 of Black, White and Pink BUT TL has NOT yet released 4-dragon habitats in these colours. Why do you think we don't have enough habitats to house all our Diamond dragons? I think it's because they hold 20,000 in silver. Without enough silver many will turn to gold to feed & evolve their dragons to Epic for the battles.

So I say give us more habitats TL even if you need to lower the silver caps on habitats. I don't want my dragons in the Stables and I want to buy new habitats for the new dragon types.

08-28-13, 07:29 PM
Why does teamlava set how many habitats & dragons we can have. We can expand the island to accommodate way more than they will allow us to have. Can teamlava check into seeing if we can have more dragons & habitats? Thank you.

Yes at lvl 118, I am still stuck at 53 Habitats excluding the hopeless Artic Habitats which cannot be used for normal colorful dragons. I cant even buy a Diamond Habitat for my Gold Dragon.
Alternatively we could have some Diamond Habitats that can accomode 3 Dragons.

08-28-13, 08:58 PM
I believe we have about 158 dragons in the main island so far. And the current habitat count is maxed at 53.
And 3 of the dragons (Diamond, Infinity & Rainbow) need single habitats and you need 2 more habitats for the 3 Gold type dragons, leaving 48 habitats for the rest 152 dragons.
With 3 dragons per habitat, you can only place 144 dragons. Else, you need to upgrade 8 of your habitats by paying 500 gold a piece (i.e $20 x 8).
The other option is the dragon stable and that is a joke - you need 1200 gold to store 10 dragons.

TL, lot of your players speed up and pay tons through gold already. Do you need to make them also pay for the habitats?

Thats why it is not a good idea to get all the dragons. It is like going to restaurant you don't eat all the food in the menu (I hope not) same with DS you choose which dragon you like and then go for it. :)

08-29-13, 09:40 AM
Yes at lvl 118, I am still stuck at 53 Habitats excluding the hopeless Artic Habitats which cannot be used for normal colorful dragons. I cant even buy a Diamond Habitat for my Gold Dragon.
Alternatively we could have some Diamond Habitats that can accomode 3 Dragons.

I'm at Level 122 and at maximum habitats too. I only have 2 Diamond habitats -- one for Infinity and one for Diamond. The rest of my Diamond dragons (I have 6 out of 11) reside in colour habitats. I can't buy a Gemstone, Rainbow, Tropical or Zodiac habitat so have none of these dragons. I am praying for a habitat increase and the introduction of 3 or 4 dragon Diamond habitats!!

08-29-13, 01:37 PM
Please increase habitat or release a gold habitat for white, pink or black.
There's no more room for new dragons like gladiator, phoenix,comet etc.
Too many dragons being released within the last 4weeks like Tournament dragons, new element dragons, craftable dragons, quest dragons... It's insane. How are we suppose to fit the new dragons?

So say.. If more than 10dragons are being released every month, at least increase the habitat +1.

08-29-13, 07:34 PM
Please increase habitat or release a gold habitat for white, pink or black.
There's no more room for new dragons like gladiator, phoenix,comet etc.
Too many dragons being released within the last 4weeks like Tournament dragons, new element dragons, craftable dragons, quest dragons... It's insane. How are we suppose to fit the new dragons?

So say.. If more than 10dragons are being released every month, at least increase the habitat +1.

I think cuz teamlava don't want us to have all dragons that's why they don't give more habitats? I am nowhere near that problem and never will be cuz I only have a few dragons that I like! All the others will get sold or traded when I have to make room

08-29-13, 08:22 PM
There needs to be a reason for the 500 gold 4 Dragon habitats or who would buy them? Dragon space is a commodity in this game, I doubt that will change any time soon. TL needs to make money for continued development somehow.

08-29-13, 08:26 PM
We need more habitats TL.. 53 is NOT enough.

08-29-13, 11:11 PM
There needs to be a reason for the 500 gold 4 Dragon habitats or who would buy them? Dragon space is a commodity in this game, I doubt that will change any time soon. TL needs to make money for continued development somehow.

Yeah,but not by forcing people into tossing their dragons out the window. The habitat commodity can be viewed as an extra way to display duplicates or whatever, as a luxury, but not as a necessity to keep all of our dragons (not counting duplicates)!

08-30-13, 06:14 AM
Please increase habitat or release a gold habitat for white, pink or black.
There's no more room for new dragons like gladiator, phoenix,comet etc.
Too many dragons being released within the last 4weeks like Tournament dragons, new element dragons, craftable dragons, quest dragons... It's insane. How are we suppose to fit the new dragons?

So say.. If more than 10dragons are being released every month, at least increase the habitat +1.

I would add ... if 10 dragons are released in a month then give us 4 new habitats. The habitat maximum could also be increased according the player's Level in the game.:cool:

09-01-13, 05:37 AM
I'm in real need of a habitat increase.. Would Really love it if the 'limit' was removed so we could all have as many habitats as each person wishes for their island.. Being fully expanded n maxed out on the habitats isn't very fun.. I know I'd be more inclined to play more n buy gold if I was having fun with the island instead of selling pretty much every egg I hatch. Over it .. you people at TL need to fix this problem ASAP. Thank you

09-01-13, 09:03 AM

YES, we REALLY need more habitats!!!! Please TL, don't just increase habitats when u introduce a new dragon that requires new habitat. How about these basic coloured dragons eg social(blue/yellow),craftables eg comet (red/yellow) reward from tournament eg ethereal (white/blue)----all these requires us to buy old habitats to home them( yellow, green, blue,white etc.) I don't think u really take this aspect into account. Please HURRY and do a review on this. Our dragons are going to be homeless soon����������

09-01-13, 09:22 AM

YES, we REALLY need more habitats!!!! Please TL, don't just increase habitats when u introduce a new dragon that requires new habitat. How about these basic coloured dragons eg social(blue/yellow),craftables eg comet (red/yellow) reward from tournament eg ethereal (white/blue)----all these requires us to buy old habitats to home them( yellow, green, blue,white etc.) I don't think u really take this aspect into account. Please HURRY and do a review on this. Our dragons are going to be homeless soon����������

That's true!! Teamlava don't increase habitats when they release a normal dragon like summer and social!!! But I don't care cuz I don't try for every dragon only the ones I like but it's not fair to people who do!

09-01-13, 09:28 AM
Nobody wants a hobo dragon. It's pitying. :(

09-01-13, 09:50 AM
Nobody wants a hobo dragon. It's pitying. :(

Hobo Dragon.. now that's an idea..

09-01-13, 09:51 AM
Yes.. Please I have a mercury dragon with no home just sitting on the nest .. Waiting waiting for a home..

09-01-13, 03:09 PM
Hobo Dragon.. now that's an idea..

It could roam around between the habitats, moving though the islands, asking for leftover fruit :p

09-01-13, 07:01 PM
While they should increase the max number of habitats, it doesn't make sense for them to make it unlimited because there would be no point in buying the big air, big magic and big water habitats. The only reason anyone would ever buy those 3 would be because of the habitat constraint and that's what makes them worth the money. If you had unlimited habitats, no one in their right mind would buy a big magic habitat (5 times the cost, 5000 coin cap, 3 dragons vs 15000 coin cap, 5 dragons for 5 small magic habitats).
I dunno about you but I would still buy the 'gold'habitats.. One of mine has 4 Tigerseye in it.. I see what you mean but I doubt having it unlimited would stop people buying gold habitats.. Everyone wants more habitats for more dragons on their island n it makes sense to buy bigger habitats that hold more dragons & coins..

09-01-13, 07:06 PM
Nobody wants a hobo dragon. It's pitying. :(

Hahaha hobo dragon :) don't worry about extra habitats he doesn't need one :D

09-01-13, 08:57 PM
Hobo dragon can live by the nests and eat unwanted eggs! Removing them and we don't have to wait for it to hatch xD

09-02-13, 12:14 AM
please make android version like ios version, examples: tade, battle arena, and much more :/

09-02-13, 02:17 AM
Hobo dragon can live by the nests and eat unwanted eggs! Removing them and we don't have to wait for it to hatch xD

Awesome! He can eat all the Virtue & Island eggs :D :D :D

09-03-13, 03:19 AM
We need one more habitat so increase more.

09-03-13, 03:20 AM
I am the dragon master and i demand more habitats

09-03-13, 01:09 PM
Not only habitat increase, but also an extra Isle would be appropriate.

09-03-13, 02:15 PM
I am the dragon master and i demand more habitats

YES! you do! Really hope we get some soon!

09-04-13, 05:27 AM
with all these new dragons we need more space and lower cost for habitats MAYBE a new island lol:rolleyes:

09-04-13, 12:44 PM
Is TL planning to provide more habitats on both islands? I have 2 Icecrowns and a ****er whale who are homeless and sitting on the nest in the arctic isle while my Comet and Kaleido are in storage with a Unicorn, Anubis and Dark Angel still on their nests because there are no spaces to put them. Not including the habitat for the Royal dragon coming out probably tomorrow, when are we getting a habitat increase?

09-04-13, 10:39 PM
hi, everybody! Where habitat for Treasure and Midas disappeared? ? in shop dragons are, and lodges for them aren't present ((

09-04-13, 10:54 PM
hi, everybody! Where habitat for Treasure and Midas disappeared? ? in shop dragons are, and lodges for them aren't present ((

See this thread about the missing Treasure Trove (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?58086-Treasure-Trove-removed-while-my-Midas-eggs-were-on-my-nests-Dragon-Story)

09-04-13, 11:00 PM
Is TL planning to provide more habitats on both islands? I have 2 Icecrowns and a ****er whale who are homeless and sitting on the nest in the arctic isle while my Comet and Kaleido are in storage with a Unicorn, Anubis and Dark Angel still on their nests because there are no spaces to put them. Not including the habitat for the Royal dragon coming out probably tomorrow, when are we getting a habitat increase?

Wowzah. How far apart did you breed the three diamonds?

09-05-13, 03:21 PM
They've been there for a couple of weeks now, waiting for habitats.

Wowzah. How far apart did you breed the three diamonds?

09-06-13, 02:40 PM
We all need MORE habitats!!! Please!!

09-06-13, 04:03 PM
We need more habitats. Not one but TWO.
It is impossible to continue breeding if there is no place for any new dragons.
Maybe if more habitats players would spend more gold chasing other dragons.

09-06-13, 04:29 PM
We need more habitats. Not one but TWO.
It is impossible to continue breeding if there is no place for any new dragons.
Maybe if more habitats players would spend more gold chasing other dragons.

We need more than two IMO, someone suggested 5 more which I think is acceptable but highly unlikely that we will get two never mind five.

09-06-13, 05:40 PM
Oh I don't know! Isn't it part of the excitement and challenge of the game to try to get all the dragons AND fit them in too few spaces? Lol!
But seriously, isn't it only a few elite players who really have a habitat issue? Most of us will never have ALL the dragons so we only really have a habitat problem if we choose to keep multiples of a bunch of dragons ( for example my diamond habitats). So if I don't have room it's my own fault.
I do think there should always be just enough spaces available for one of each dragon, for those who have mastered the game!

09-06-13, 05:49 PM
Lol I wouldn't say I've "mastered" the game, but I am lucky enough to have all the dragons, with the royal, I have absolutely no space to put him. Even if he was a "normal" colour, I still wouldn't have any space but His Royal Highness needs his own habitat. Guess he will stay as egg form for now!

09-06-13, 05:56 PM
Lol I wouldn't say I've "mastered" the game, but I am lucky enough to have all the dragons, with the royal, I have absolutely no space to put him. Even if he was a "normal" colour, I still wouldn't have any space but His Royal Highness needs his own habitat. Guess he will stay as egg form for now!

Hehe! You are exactly the kind of player that made me add that last line! I once aspired to the whole album, too! Then the naughty Mermaid foiled my plans! So now I don't feel any guilt about keeping what I want and not worrying about the ones I don't get!( or so I try to convince myself!)
But I really do admire anyone who " caught them all!" And you should be able to house and display every one!
( Congrats! Btw!)

09-06-13, 06:07 PM
Oh I don't know! Isn't it part of the excitement and challenge of the game to try to get all the dragons AND fit them in too few spaces? Lol!
But seriously, isn't it only a few elite players who really have a habitat issue? Most of us will never have ALL the dragons so we only really have a habitat problem if we choose to keep multiples of a bunch of dragons ( for example my diamond habitats). So if I don't have room it's my own fault.
I do think there should always be just enough spaces available for one of each dragon, for those who have mastered the game!

That makes perfect sense! Please work for TL and fix this habitat situation for us. They definitely need your brain, it seems you know how things should be done.

09-06-13, 06:41 PM
That makes perfect sense! Please work for TL and fix this habitat situation for us. They definitely need your brain, it seems you know how things should be done.

Oh if only you knew!.....no, they really wouldn't like that!
It isn't my brain that I'm known for around here! I just say what everyone is thinking....and that is yes we( well the top players) need more habitats.....AND TLava will always make it so we are just scraping by to house all the dragons!

09-06-13, 07:25 PM
Hehe! You are exactly the kind of player that made me add that last line! I once aspired to the whole album, too! Then the naughty Mermaid foiled my plans! So now I don't feel any guilt about keeping what I want and not worrying about the ones I don't get!( or so I try to convince myself!)
But I really do admire anyone who " caught them all!" And you should be able to house and display every one!
( Congrats! Btw!)

Aw, hun! Thankyou!! It's players like you that make me smile, and I am so grateful :)

And thankyou for the congrats, hope you get the rest of the dragons you want

As for the space/habitat issue, from your mouth(post) to TL's ear! Not sure if the mods have all dragons (promise I'm not discussing mods on here!) but if they did have all the dragons, they would see there is no more room! Increase habitats, please (5 would be good, but I'll settle for 1 right now!) so I can give PrettyBoy his home :)

09-06-13, 07:43 PM
I've had to temporarily put infinity in the stables to house royal, but I would like to display infinity too, even if I can't breed with him! He deserves it for being so awesome looking!

Sorry for whining

09-06-13, 08:17 PM
I've had to temporarily put infinity in the stables to house royal, but I would like to display infinity too, even if I can't breed with him! He deserves it for being so awesome looking!

Sorry for whining

They increased habitats to 54! Not much but at least I can hatch Royal soon... 24 hours. That's how long it takes to build, but only 8 hours for the dragon.. *sigh

09-07-13, 02:17 AM
What I would like most for my island is enough habitats house all my dragons . Ok we got a habitat increase of one for the royal dragon, thank you, what about the dragons we are battling for kaleido, leviathan & gladiator. Plus if we ever get the parts from the quest portal comet & knight will have to be housed . At present all my haditats are full & dragons imprisoned in stables . My game is coming to a grinding halt. Please release more habitats....... If we get a load of seasonal & horoscope dragons soon stale mate nothing to do , no where to go , game ends

09-07-13, 03:31 AM
I have managed to house all my dragons, but I had to buy the upgrades for the blue, yellow, red and purple habitats (500 gold each, ouch!) and have comet, gladiator, kaleido etc housed, probably not where they really want to be but no one is homeless :)

If more zodiac dragons come out I'll be able to house one (with Virgo and Leo) but we will need another increase for those that come after ( this is assuming TL will finish the "set") although stone needs another dragon too!

I can almost hear the groans! I know, I know, I'm encouraging the whole "add dragons" thing, but I'm missing one!

09-07-13, 03:33 AM
I meant out of the set! I have all the dragons available (except ninja, but it was available for a nanosecond, and I missed out!) but stone has 5 (prism, stone, turquoise, golem, mossrock) and I was wondering if another was going to complete it!

09-07-13, 12:59 PM
I meant out of the set! I have all the dragons available (except ninja, but it was available for a nanosecond, and I missed out!) but stone has 5 (prism, stone, turquoise, golem, mossrock) and I was wondering if another was going to complete it!

Even if you did buy Ninja, TL would have took it back because some people bought it for coins and it couldn't be hatched.

09-07-13, 02:25 PM
Even if you did buy Ninja, TL would have took it back because some people bought it for coins and it couldn't be hatched.

Oh :( that's.......disappointing

Maybe they'll bring it back again? *hopeful face* a ninja dragon would be AWESOME

09-07-13, 05:09 PM
Oh :( that's.......disappointing

Maybe they'll bring it back again? *hopeful face* a ninja dragon would be AWESOME

Yes but it sounds like a quest dragon :p Samurai and Knight were quest dragons and Ninja sounds like one of them. That's probably why it was removed so they could add Ninja.

09-07-13, 05:29 PM
Yes but it sounds like a quest dragon :p Samurai and Knight were quest dragons and Ninja sounds like one of them. That's probably why it was removed so they could add Ninja.

Just think! Another dragon with no home! :(

09-07-13, 05:34 PM
Just think! Another dragon with no home! :(

I never thought of that :(

09-07-13, 05:39 PM
Oh it will be ok! It wouldn't be any fun if there was no challenge.....

09-07-13, 05:50 PM
Oh it will be ok! It wouldn't be any fun if there was no challenge.....

That's one funny challenge lol

09-08-13, 02:13 AM
One big Diamond habitat would fix million problems, psychologically and physiologically. Thanks.

09-08-13, 05:19 AM
I don't buy gold habitats ($20 for each and then you need more as you continue...not everyone can afford having all the gold habitats) I had to sell an epic anibus yesterday to make room for my new kaleido :( now I am maxed out on space. The only other double I have is mercury and he's in a colored habitat :( one habitat increase is pathetic �� pls pls pls add more!

09-08-13, 05:27 AM
One habitat increase isn't enough.. Pathetic really.. Disappointed

09-08-13, 05:57 AM
TL need to increase habitats! Why are you not increasing habitats for quest and tournament dragons?

You only increase it for new types.. New types that most of us don't even want, and quite a few don't look like dragons and are pretty ridiculous looking.. *cough Royal, Tropic * cough..

You did a good job with Stone types though lol I'll give you that xD

09-08-13, 09:49 AM
No way! Epic Anubis sold to make habitat space...! Gosh, that would hurt me bad not to mention I haven't had luck w Anubis on top of that Epic! This is kinda pathetic, shame on you TL. Here I am crying not to sale a baby Mistmoth ;(

Diamond hybrids look nothing but the best on their Diamond habitat, I had Helios with Mythic but nothing replaces how alive he looks on the Diamond Field.

I dont have a 500 gold habitat, I do plan buying the Raging Rocks sometime but not anytime soon. As in now, I am a starving student!!! ;/

I don't buy gold habitats ($20 for each and then you need more as you continue...not everyone can afford having all the gold habitats) I had to sell an epic anibus yesterday to make room for my new kaleido :( now I am maxed out on space. The only other double I have is mercury and he's in a colored habitat :( one habitat increase is pathetic �� pls pls pls add more!

09-08-13, 12:22 PM
I currently have 4 (500 gold habitats) and still no room :( I'm at 53 of 54 habitats and I still need the royal and zodiac habitats. I love dragon story and want to collect all the dragons but I just have no room. I know I can buy a stable but I worked hard to get each and every dragon and want them to be on display.

09-08-13, 12:43 PM
I currently have 4 (500 gold habitats) and still no room :( I'm at 53 of 54 habitats and I still need the royal and zodiac habitats. I love dragon story and want to collect all the dragons but I just have no room. I know I can buy a stable but I worked hard to get each and every dragon and want them to be on display.

Only dragons I have that are in stable is Dino and other same dragons waiting to get traded! I refuse to store a dragon that SHOULD be on display.

09-10-13, 01:21 PM
It would help if the Diamond habitats were excluded from the habitat count. Easy fix, Team Lava??

09-13-13, 12:48 AM
It would help if the Diamond habitats were excluded from the habitat count. Easy fix, Team Lava??
This would be AMAZING!!!!!

09-17-13, 04:54 PM
One habitat increase (really need like 20 more:eek:) .. Now we're at 55 ;)

09-17-13, 05:10 PM
One habitat increase (really need like 20 more:eek:) .. Now we're at 55 ;)

Didn't you say you had plenty of diamond habitats? How many exactly?

Although the diamond habitats are small they shouldn't count for 1 full habitat... Maybe half? So for every 2 diamond habitats, it counts as 1 habitat! That should be fair... Do it TL

09-17-13, 05:50 PM
Didn't you say you had plenty of diamond habitats? How many exactly?

Although the diamond habitats are small they shouldn't count for 1 full habitat... Maybe half? So for every 2 diamond habitats, it counts as 1 habitat! That should be fair... Do it TL

Yep 27 I think (11which are diamond/infinity n need their own habitat) & just bought 2 more diamond habitats on my main isle.. not bothering with the Royals n Ninja on there.
Those habitats are tiny it would be ideal to increase the limit on them :D
I don't get why we can breed so many diamond/breeds/infinity but then have a habitat limit so we can't even keep them all.. it should of been like Treasure we could only have one of him.. or they should increase habitat each time your island breeds the diamond/breeds/infinity dragons

09-17-13, 06:04 PM
Yep 27 I think (11which are diamond/infinity n need their own habitat) & just bought 2 more diamond habitats on my main isle.. not bothering with the Royals n Ninja on there.
Those habitats are tiny it would be ideal to increase the limit on them :D
I don't get why we can breed so many diamond/breeds/infinity but then have a habitat limit so we can't even keep them all.. it should of been like Treasure we could only have one of him.. or they should increase habitat each time your island breeds the diamond/breeds/infinity dragons

The 2 habitats I'm building are to get 2 infinity out of stables**

09-18-13, 01:52 AM
HI, I need some suggestion pls, I am at level 127 and have 55 limit of Habitats. I have 141 different dragons and have used 53 rest 2 kept for Throne and Champion. all my 53 habitats are full, I dont have any double dragons, I dont know what to do if I tried to breed other dragons, can some one tell me how people are managing?Ancient Tarpit and Stone Quarry have taken 2 habitats each.

09-18-13, 06:55 AM
HI, I need some suggestion pls, I am at level 127 and have 55 limit of Habitats. I have 141 different dragons and have used 53 rest 2 kept for Throne and Champion. all my 53 habitats are full, I dont have any double dragons, I dont know what to do if I tried to breed other dragons, can some one tell me how people are managing?Ancient Tarpit and Stone Quarry have taken 2 habitats each.

If you have the Stable put the 'extra' 4th Dino dragon in there until they bring out the rest, who knows when it will be..

Part of the reason why I gave up keeping all the dragons (n only keeping ones I like) is there's no room in all habitats n it's hard to decorate n just way too frustrating keeping up n selling hundreds n hundreds of dragons trying to get that one u want to keep its ridiculous.

10-04-13, 02:54 PM
Need.... More..... Habitats!! :)

10-04-13, 02:55 PM
Need.... More..... Habitats!! :)

Oh, forgot to say PLEASE. :)

10-04-13, 03:06 PM
I need more habitats please. thanks.

10-04-13, 09:50 PM
Yep 27 I think (11which are diamond/infinity n need their own habitat) & just bought 2 more diamond habitats on my main isle.. not bothering with the Royals n Ninja on there.
Those habitats are tiny it would be ideal to increase the limit on them :D
I don't get why we can breed so many diamond/breeds/infinity but then have a habitat limit so we can't even keep them all.. it should of been like Treasure we could only have one of him.. or they should increase habitat each time your island breeds the diamond/breeds/infinity dragons

AND Helios cause you don't need to buy another Mythic Maze for 6M Coins and put just one dragon (except if you like having duplicates) :P

10-05-13, 03:31 AM
Why is there no habitat increase?? If you don't want to increase habitats, then STOP releasing so many dragons!

10-05-13, 09:03 AM
Within the last 2 or 3 weeks 3 new dragons were released (falling leaf, equinox and owl). All 3 go into regular habitats, but we did not get an increase to make room for them. Also lets not forget social and summer that were released not too long ago as well with no increase in habitats.

Honestly TL should give us 1 habitat for every 3 normal color dragons or each special type that is released. With taking into account the last real habitat increase we received (not counting royal's), we need 2 more.

What is the point of giving us new dragons if there is no room to breed them for older players? What does that leave older Android players to do that don't have quests or the Artic?

10-05-13, 09:10 AM
but guys, TL is not giving us new habitats because they wanna tortue us or something xD

it's just the fact that as more habitats filled with dragons there are, the laggier our islands become. TL has to release habitats really slowly cause when a regular island's got too many habitats our games will automatically crash as soon as we visit our or other people's islands and that would be... well, not cool xD

i'm not quite sure but i once heard ponyroar saying this i think... correct me if i'm wrong :)

10-05-13, 09:21 AM
Within the last 2 or 3 weeks 3 new dragons were released (falling leaf, equinox and owl). All 3 go into regular habitats, but we did not get an increase to make room for them. Also lets not forget social and summer that were released not too long ago as well with no increase in habitats.

Honestly TL should give us 1 habitat for every 3 normal color dragons or each special type that is released. With taking into account the last real habitat increase we received (not counting royal's), we need 2 more.

What is the point of giving us new dragons if there is no room to breed them for older players? What does that leave older Android players to do that don't have quests or the Artic?

Exactly, and the crafted and arena dragons, except for Ninja did not get an increase. TL just want us to buy gold habitats, but even those that have a lot of gold habitats can no longer try for new dragons....

but guys, TL is not giving us new habitats because they wanna tortue us or something xD

it's just the fact that as more habitats filled with dragons there are, the laggier our islands become. TL has to release habitats really slowly cause when a regular island's got too many habitats our games will automatically crash as soon as we visit our or other people's islands and that would be... well, not cool xD

i'm not quite sure but i once heard ponyroar saying this i think... correct me if i'm wrong :)

DS doesn't lag on iPad 4. If you want the best out of DS, then that is the best device to play it on :p
Not saying go out and buy an iPad lol

10-05-13, 09:51 AM
Exactly, and the crafted and arena dragons, except for Ninja did not get an increase. TL just want us to buy gold habitats, but even those that have a lot of gold habitats can no longer try for new dragons....

DS doesn't lag on iPad 4. If you want the best out of DS, then that is the best device to play it on :p
Not saying go out and buy an iPad lol
You know what would be awesome?
If Team Lava would tell us what the game goal is now! Know what I mean?
It used to be " collect all the dragons, including the ultra rare diamond!"
But what is it now? "Collect some dragons but choose wisely....'cause you can't keep them all!"
Maybe it would help us to enjoy the game more if we knew what we were shooting for now!?

And @ Eye_whatever! Of coarse you aren't telling people to buy an iPad 4! Nobody would say that! But for the record, I think mines a 2, and my phone is a 4, and both work great! :)

10-05-13, 09:59 AM
You know what would be awesome?
If Team Lava would tell us what the game goal is now! Know what I mean?
It used to be " collect all the dragons, including the ultra rare diamond!"
But what is it now? "Collect some dragons but choose wisely....'cause you can't keep them all!"
Maybe it would help us to enjoy the game more if we knew what we were shooting for now!?

And @ Eye_whatever! Of coarse you aren't telling people to buy an iPad 4! Nobody would say that! But for the record, I think mines a 2, and my phone is a 4, and both work great! :)

Lol yes! The goal has changed now, because you can't get all dragons and I know a lot of neighbours that used to but can't now... And I'm not talking because of Goldwing lol TL needs to think about increasing habitats... It's common sense but lets not go there :rolleyes:

And that's good to know, moosteryours! That DS also works great on other devices :p

....but seriously TL, what are you waiting for?!

10-05-13, 11:28 PM
I'm sure TL would say: "The new goal to achieve a wonderful magical dragon kingdom in one easy step":p lol

#1. You're going to need to upgrade your habitats cuz dragons like to have more space. To do this you'll have to rack up your credit card...lol or if you don't have credit cards.... ask your friends and/or family to borrow theirs. In the off chance your friends already used their cards to upgrade their own habitats, then you can go to the store and purchase as many iTunes gift cards as you can...lol Your dragons will love you for it! ;)

10-06-13, 10:54 AM
Still no habitat increase..... Where is owl suppose to go? Shall I just let it rot in the nest?!

10-06-13, 11:07 AM
Still no habitat increase..... Where is owl suppose to go? Shall I just let it rot in the nest?!

Maybe he can go in the slot you are saving for Goldwing, when the price for it goes down? Since it will be empty for a long, long time!

10-06-13, 11:12 AM
Maybe he can go in the slot you are saving for Goldwing, when the price for it goes down? Since it will be empty for a long, long time!

Lmao! If only it could go in there

10-06-13, 11:34 AM
Am I the only person level 100+ That doesn't have a habitat problem? I Have 34/55..

10-06-13, 11:55 AM
Am I the only person level 100+ That doesn't have a habitat problem? I Have 34/55..

No, I don't have a huge problem yet, either. But I'm only 103 and have 118 "unique" dragons. I have all 55 habitats filled, but luckily a few duplicates to spare when I get a new one. Lately things are getting a little more crowded for me though, and I have to get rid of duplicates that I love.

10-06-13, 12:14 PM
Am I the only person level 100+ That doesn't have a habitat problem? I Have 34/55..

No, I don't have a huge problem yet, either. But I'm only 103 and have 118 "unique" dragons. I have all 55 habitats filled, but luckily a few duplicates to spare when I get a new one. Lately things are getting a little more crowded for me though, and I have to get rid of duplicates that I love.

You must have your Diamond hybrids in coloured habitats?

10-06-13, 12:52 PM
You must have your Diamond hybrids in coloured habitats?

All my diamonds are in diamond habitats except my red habitat of baby crusaders, because I can't bear to get rid of them. Granted, I only have 6 diamond habitats right now. I'm sure when/if I get more diamond hybrids I'll have to clear out a lot more duplicates.

10-11-13, 11:14 AM
Yes yes we having been posting our request for more habitat here BUT we are not any answers from TL!!!! HELLO TL are u here? Are u listening to our complaint? If yes Please wake up and do something!!!

10-11-13, 11:19 AM
TL have a heart ❤ save our homeless dragon please!!!!!
With so many new basic-coloured dragon, why are not having increase habitats to house our dragons?!! Please do a review on the total number of dragon that available from day 1 til date excluding diamond habitat and others that only hold 1 dragon and the habitat we could have. If u think that enough to house all dragons, please post us a housing plan to place our dragons! Thanks so much.

10-11-13, 11:25 AM
3 new dragons today: skeleton spider and spirit. My habitats r just full now and i have a lot of gems habitats. Where do u suppose i can put new 3 dragons? Im breeding now skeleton, and i dont have room For him. HELP!!!!!

10-11-13, 11:35 AM
We know everyone wants an increase in habitats. Unfortunately, it would create issues for some players as their device would have to load all the additional Dragon animations. This is why we have the wonderful Dragon Stable! Keep all your older Dragons in there that you can't bare to sell. This let's you keep all the fun, new Dragons flying around in your habitats.

We usually reserve habitat increases for a new color/type of Dragon (though, not always). Best of luck in the Breeding Den! :D

10-11-13, 11:40 AM
I've just reverted to my original way of doing things. Don't keep commons or rares. Ugly dragons or bad fighters. I've sold some infinities. Considering trading a couple crusaders. I have my boosts so all the dragons I got to epic ill toss soon. I can't get the food back so I won't worry about it. I'd rather have dragons I like, as opposed to ones That are good for nothing. My album will never be full so I don't worry about it any longer.

10-11-13, 11:52 AM
I've just reverted to my original way of doing things. Don't keep commons or rares. Ugly dragons or bad fighters. I've sold some infinities. Considering trading a couple crusaders. I have my boosts so all the dragons I got to epic ill toss soon. I can't get the food back so I won't worry about it. I'd rather have dragons I like, as opposed to ones That are good for nothing. My album will never be full so I don't worry about it any longer.

Yes! lets eliminate the old friends that you used to love or put them away in the stable that cost a whooping 5000 gold to upgrade to hold 25 dragons. And start to make new friends and play with them, but get really to eliminate them in another two weeks too. Yay! Way to go TL.

10-11-13, 12:03 PM
We know everyone wants an increase in habitats. Unfortunately, it would create issues for some players as their device would have to load all the additional Dragon animations. This is why we have the wonderful Dragon Stable! Keep all your older Dragons in there that you can't bare to sell. This let's you keep all the fun, new Dragons flying around in your habitats.

We usually reserve habitat increases for a new color/type of Dragon (though, not always). Best of luck in the Breeding Den! :D

It doesnt make sense!!! Then why new habitat not create issue for players regarding the animation. If all our habitats are full, those dragon we keep in stable will never be let out again.they will forever be kept in darkness never see daylight again!! That stable is actually quite useless isn't it. To hold more dragon we have to upgrade capacity with gold but is too expensive to do so! You are telling us to keep older dragons there and they will ever be let out again in this case make sure future activities are not going to involve them in quest or breeding or whatsoever!! Like now dragon summoning for instance is using forest the most most basic one. If we really get rid of older dragon like this one and habitat are full how are we going to buy back and use it for quest. Can u advice???

10-11-13, 12:15 PM
By the way TL are you trying to get us players to support you further or are u pushing us away deeper into quitting this game??!! Just don't be offended... A game needs players therefore you should be more player-oriented!! Just like business need customer that how customer service come about if not why not called it self-centered service! At times TL's doing really irritates players... And most of us are getting more and more frustrated. Maybe you should do a review on how many people are buying gold lately as compared to before. And how many are spending gold on game genuinely not accidentally or fell into yr gold spending trap? No more email asking to refund accidentally spend gold??????

10-11-13, 12:15 PM
We know everyone wants an increase in habitats. Unfortunately, it would create issues for some players as their device would have to load all the additional Dragon animations. This is why we have the wonderful Dragon Stable! Keep all your older Dragons in there that you can't bare to sell. This let's you keep all the fun, new Dragons flying around in your habitats.

We usually reserve habitat increases for a new color/type of Dragon (though, not always). Best of luck in the Breeding Den! :D
Well they are not going to increase the habitats. I guess the only way I can express my dislike of this is to not sending them any more money. with these new dragons I will have to put dragons in storage that are the only one that I have. Infinity is already there. I can see it's the end of the game if there are no more habitats.

10-11-13, 12:24 PM
Well they are not going to increase the habitats. I guess the only way I can express my dislike of this is to not sending them any more money. with these new dragons I will have to put dragons in storage that are the only one that I have. Infinity is already there. I can see it's the end of the game if there are no more habitats.

Yes! it's the end for the old time players. GAME OVER! Thank you for playing. Hope you enjoy it.

10-11-13, 12:32 PM
We know everyone wants an increase in habitats. Unfortunately, it would create issues for some players as their device would have to load all the additional Dragon animations. This is why we have the wonderful Dragon Stable! Keep all your older Dragons in there that you can't bare to sell. This let's you keep all the fun, new Dragons flying around in your habitats.

We usually reserve habitat increases for a new color/type of Dragon (though, not always). Best of luck in the Breeding Den! :D

Myte if you decreased the price for the stables it might be a viable option for people. But this ends up forcing us to sell dragons. :( even for those of us without duplicates, it's near impossible to keep all the dragons in the habitats and the stables shouold be an alternative, not an obligation if we want to keep pur dragons!
Do you know what I mean?
I mean, it should not be NECESSARY for us to buy/upgrade the stables to have extra room to accomodate our dragons, i mean, people who want to spend gold in order to keep duplicates or whatever that's fine, but HAVING to do so in order to be able to maintain the game... That sucks... I hope I'm hetting my point through. >.<

10-11-13, 12:33 PM
TL do you get it now??

10-11-13, 12:34 PM
Myte if you decreased the price for the stables it might be a viable option for people. But this ends up forcing us to sell dragons. :( even for those of us without duplicates, it's near impossible to keep all the dragons in the habitats and the stables shouold be an alternative, not an obligation if we want to keep pur dragons!
Do you know what I mean?
I mean, it should not be NECESSARY for us to buy/upgrade the stables to have extra room to accomodate our dragons, i mean, people who want to spend gold in order to keep duplicates or whatever that's fine, but HAVING to do so in order to be able to maintain the game... That sucks... I hope I'm hetting my point through. >.<

Lol so many bad typos. Sorry. All in all: the factor gold in this game should be present to provide us with improvements and advantages. We should not be NEEDING gold in order to maintain our game progress... I think i'm not expressing myself correctly but yeah.
Gold is a deluxe item. It's an extra special thing. It should not be considered a basic commodity without which we become stuck in the game.

10-11-13, 12:37 PM
TL do you get it now??

Of course they get it. The only issue here is they intended to do it.

10-11-13, 12:38 PM
Myte if you decreased the price for the stables it might be a viable option for people. But this ends up forcing us to sell dragons. :( even for those of us without duplicates, it's near impossible to keep all the dragons in the habitats and the stables shouold be an alternative, not an obligation if we want to keep pur dragons!
Do you know what I mean?
I mean, it should not be NECESSARY for us to buy/upgrade the stables to have extra room to accomodate our dragons, i mean, people who want to spend gold in order to keep duplicates or whatever that's fine, but HAVING to do so in order to be able to maintain the game... That sucks... I hope I'm hetting my point through. >.<

Rofl! Yup! Loud and clear luv!
True and agreed!
If people have put in the time and effort to breed dragons they should not be forced to sell them in order to get new ones!
If they choose to keep multiples of certain ones( guilty!) that's a choice! But if others want to keep all their hard earned babies there should be a spot for every single one, without spending money!

10-11-13, 12:38 PM
Well they are not going to increase the habitats. I guess the only way I can express my dislike of this is to not sending them any more money. with these new dragons I will have to put dragons in storage that are the only one that I have. Infinity is already there. I can see it's the end of the game if there are no more habitats.

That's really sad, I hope that they increase the habitats soon.

10-11-13, 12:54 PM
If u can't increase habitats just because new dragons are of old colour or type in this case leave the old colors alone, don't introduce this type of dragon like falling leaf series or Halloween series should they be a new breed or type?? OHhhhhhhh COME ON TL don't give excuses just to make players cough up money to buy gold to spend on the game!!! Think from this very moment onwards no player would ever spend a cent to buy gold. U said to get rid of older dragon then why are u giving old dragons in your gold package purchase again are u saying to keep them in stable and be ashamed to show their faces. Then how many u think players are going to buy yr value pack.

10-11-13, 01:05 PM
Hey everyone, I know you're frustrated, but the limit is in place to ensure everyone's devices can handle the required resources and that gameplay is as smooth as possible. Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest devices out there. :)

10-11-13, 01:30 PM
Hey everyone, I know you're frustrated, but the limit is in place to ensure everyone's devices can handle the required resources and that gameplay is as smooth as possible. Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest devices out there. :)

I understand your problem. You have to choose between the older devices (I had one and it was bad) and the older players. The people who have older devices probably are not your best gold users (money). The people who have upgraded are the ones with a little more cash to send to you. I see you have chosen. I will play till my gold is gone and maybe play in free mode (2 accounts). My daughters are going to be mad at me as I will not give them money to send to you (3 accounts).

10-11-13, 02:36 PM
I understand your problem. You have to choose between the older devices (I had one and it was bad) and the older players. The people who have older devices probably are not your best gold users (money). The people who have upgraded are the ones with a little more cash to send to you. I see you have chosen. I will play till my gold is gone and maybe play in free mode (2 accounts). My daughters are going to be mad at me as I will not give them money to send to you (3 accounts).
Wow, and you're one of their big spenders. Looks like they anjoy losing money!
I understand the logic of somehow "catering" to the users of old devices, HOWEVER people do get upgrades eventually. Besides, the people who are CURRENTLY spending their money become demotivated, hence income plummets.
TL's not really playing their cards right...

10-11-13, 06:53 PM
Hey everyone, I know you're frustrated, but the limit is in place to ensure everyone's devices can handle the required resources and that gameplay is as smooth as possible. Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest devices out there. :)

Spoken like a true politician :p

Now we have four new Halloween dragons and no new habitats. :mad:

10-11-13, 07:20 PM
Spoken like a true politician :p

Now we have four new Halloween dragons and no new habitats. :mad:

I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D

10-11-13, 07:23 PM
I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D

Is pumpkin Juice even a thing?
I prefer Jack O' Lantern Delight or Scarecrow Deluxe! ;)

10-11-13, 07:25 PM
I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D
Thank You!

10-11-13, 07:34 PM
I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D
That should be the way!!! Thank you. At least u show us u appreciate our support. Once again thanks for acting to our complain��

10-11-13, 07:41 PM
I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D

Much needed & much appreciated! Thank you!

10-11-13, 08:21 PM
Now maybe I'll buy some gold cuz now I some more room --> Happy customers = Happy company

10-12-13, 10:29 AM
I think I would be a horrible politician. I fight for the people too much! ;)

I talked to our game team and we have just increased the habitat limit to 56! The next round of pumpkin juice is on me! :D

Thank You Very Much ! ! ! ! ! !

10-12-13, 12:38 PM
Hey everyone, I know you're frustrated, but the limit is in place to ensure everyone's devices can handle the required resources and that gameplay is as smooth as possible. Remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest devices out there. :)

I understand that but are we going to get more island pretty soon our islands are going to be full with no decorations. Or are there plans for a dragon story 2

10-18-13, 10:43 AM
We're back to square one!!!! TL increase just ONE habitat but u are introducing more dragons using the OLD colour. So what are we supposed to do now?? Your number of new dragons of OLD colour are way too much for ONE habitat to hold!!! [SIZE=5]Reminder each of your normal habitat only hold 3 dragon not 10 dragons ok!!!! Are u trying to frustrated us further...

10-18-13, 11:35 AM
Absolutely an amazing game, don't care about how long it takes to evolve or breed, don't care that you need to ask friends for expansion help, don't care that expansions are so expensive, don't care that even the rarest of dragons only sell for ?100 even in epic form (this includes the elusive diamond dragon) don't care that it can take weeks of breeding to get a rare dragon. The only thing that lets this game down for me is the fact you are only allowed 25 habitats. The game currently offers a range of 31 dragons but only 25 habitats. I like to keep my dragons separated which means I can not have a habitat per dragon breed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS!!!! Even it it is only to the max number of dragons as agree that noone would buy the bigger habitats if they were unlimited. Just want enough for one per breed!!!

Well I do care that the expansions take so long, first of all to get help from friends, then have to wait two more days for the expansion to complete, only to have more brush revealed to clear. This is the only draw-back for me. Other than that, I love the game.

10-18-13, 12:41 PM
We need more houses for our babies! :(
Last year I didn't get Witch, Pumkin or Boo, have recently got the Witch and Pumpkin though. I changed over to iOS on my main game only about 2 months ago so have missed out on a couple there as well, yet I'm still struggling big time now for space! How can there be a habitat increase of only one with all of these new releases??? What are we supposed to do with them?

10-18-13, 07:12 PM
Two words.....HABITAT INCREASE!!!!!!!!


10-18-13, 07:48 PM
We need more houses for our babies! :(
Last year I didn't get Witch, Pumkin or Boo, have recently got the Witch and Pumpkin though. I changed over to iOS on my main game only about 2 months ago so have missed out on a couple there as well, yet I'm still struggling big time now for space! How can there be a habitat increase of only one with all of these new releases??? What are we supposed to do with them?

You can upgrade your stables :) or you can sell the dragons you don't want lol that's the only solution cuz I read a mod say somewhere on this thread that you can't display all dragons and they won't increase habitats cuz it will cause crashes and stuff on older devices. But if they cared for crashes and that stuff then how come android is what it is today?

10-18-13, 09:08 PM
How is it that give us only 1 habitat but just released 7 new dragons where are we suppose to put them we need at least two habitat increases to fit these new dragons on our island

10-19-13, 08:51 AM
3 dragons have been added since the last habitat increase. Black, pink, and white are especially bad additions because there are no 4 dragon habitats for these. How about some more pumpkin juice ( habitat/s). Please, Pony talk to the habitat gods & plead for us. 4 dragon habitats for black, pink, or white would also be good for all of us!

10-19-13, 01:00 PM
3 dragons have been added since the last habitat increase. Black, pink, and white are especially bad additions because there are no 4 dragon habitats for these. How about some more pumpkin juice ( habitat/s). Please, Pony talk to the habitat gods & plead for us. 4 dragon habitats for black, pink, or white would also be good for all of us!

I second this.

10-19-13, 01:28 PM
Please increase habitat so some of us could buy a gold habitat..
All my gold habitats are full & my dragons are suffocated in the storage..

10-19-13, 01:41 PM
Please increase the habitat limit

10-19-13, 03:05 PM
If TL decreased the stables upgrade prices by a lot! Most of us will upgrade them and stop complaining about the habitat problem. I don't have this problem yet but some neighbours do

10-20-13, 12:26 PM
I have put Helios in the stables for the first time, and I gotta say, the complaining and whinging is incredible o.O
I can house spirit/spider/raven in my black habitat, but Helios needs a new home and (when I eventually get them) wraith and headless will need a place to stay too.

Please TL, can you increase habitats or upgrade pink/black/white habitats to hold 4 dragons? I would really like to display all dragons

10-21-13, 09:51 AM
Increase the habitat please! Thanks!

10-26-13, 02:51 AM
We are in desperate need of more island space and more habitats and yet TL does not do anything to resolve these issues instead they keep on releasing new dragons which we've nowhere to house them. When is TL going to add another island and increase the habitat?

10-26-13, 05:26 AM
Habitats are not an issue for me but space it. If you think I am going to cram things on top of each other like I see on some islands, you're wrong. I cannot add one more habitat without destroying my decoration and that is not going to happen. So...cough up another island so we can keep playing this game.

10-26-13, 06:00 PM
More than 10 dragons are released or relisted for us to breed before this Halloween. But there is only one more habitat for us to purchase. When Will TL do something fix it?

10-26-13, 08:08 PM
Why there isn't any habitat increased yet? I keep selling my forest and re-buy it again just to make room and trading duplicate. My Kaleido is still in the storage hasn't hatch yet. I want to hatch it but there is no place.

10-29-13, 01:09 AM
Can we have a habitat update or new habitats (hold 4 dragons) for white, black & pink dragons at least?

My dragons are suffocated in storage. I cannot move any dragons around, my nests are full with decorated eggs.
Don't know when I am able to breed vampire etc.

SOS! TL please come to the rescue

10-29-13, 03:43 PM
Well finally reached the point where I now have to pay to continue to play. I have no room to put my new spider dragon or any new dragon unless I upgrade any of the current upgradable habitats which cost money. Please an habitat increase is really needed at this point or I can't even play the game anymore :/ and I still have 29 dragons that I'm missing!!

10-29-13, 04:06 PM
Where are we supposed to put Scorpio ?!
Most of us are all maxed out
I upgraded all my red, purple, green, blue and yellow habitats at 500 gold each
I also upgraded my Stable for 2900 gold to hold 10 Ultra rare babies that I refuse to sell

I transferred all my poor Diamond hybrids to coloured habitats and sold their Diamond Fields
What else am I supposed to do ?!!

This is getting boring and extremely frustrating
Either give us more habitats or give us upgrades on black, white and pink habitats

Ugh!!! ��

10-29-13, 05:04 PM
Where are we supposed to put Scorpio ?!
Most of us are all maxed out
I upgraded all my red, purple, green, blue and yellow habitats at 500 gold each
I also upgraded my Stable for 2900 gold to hold 10 Ultra rare babies that I refuse to sell

I transferred all my poor Diamond hybrids to coloured habitats and sold their Diamond Fields
What else am I supposed to do ?!!

This is getting boring and extremely frustrating
Either give us more habitats or give us upgrades on black, white and pink habitats

Ugh!!! ��

I've done the same thing :(

The only diamonds left in diamond habitats are infinity and diamond because they won't go anywhere else, I've had to put Helios in stables cos he won't fit in stone habitat and I've got no more room!

I'll repeat that, in case TL didn't get it!


Where am I to put Scorpio, considering he will only go into a zodiac habitat, and it's full with Leo, Virgo and Libra?

Please, please, please TL, give us more habitats! *hopeful face*

10-30-13, 09:48 AM
We need more habitats!!!

10-30-13, 04:48 PM
I've done the same thing :(

The only diamonds left in diamond habitats are infinity and diamond because they won't go anywhere else, I've had to put Helios in stables cos he won't fit in stone habitat and I've got no more room!

I'll repeat that, in case TL didn't get it!


Where am I to put Scorpio, considering he will only go into a zodiac habitat, and it's full with Leo, Virgo and Libra?

Please, please, please TL, give us more habitats! *hopeful face*
I to am at an end of game if more habitats are not given to us, Please!

10-30-13, 10:19 PM
Where are we supposed to put Scorpio ?!
Most of us are all maxed out
I upgraded all my red, purple, green, blue and yellow habitats at 500 gold each
I also upgraded my Stable for 2900 gold to hold 10 Ultra rare babies that I refuse to sell

I transferred all my poor Diamond hybrids to coloured habitats and sold their Diamond Fields
What else am I supposed to do ?!!

This is getting boring and extremely frustrating
Either give us more habitats or give us upgrades on black, white and pink habitats

Ugh!!! ��

VERY AGREED, i personally support this coz i have the same experience sold the diamond habitats to make some room for other dragons.

10-30-13, 10:36 PM
Please can a mod let us know if the habitat issue is going to be fixed in the near future? I have Scorpio :) and would like to display him, but due to the fact the only habitat that will house him is a 3 dragon habitat and it's full with Leo, Virgo and Libra, he's still in egg form (and the goal will not be filled) :(

Can TL give us an upgrade on the zodiac habitat? Make it a 4 dragon habitat, and maybe while you're at it, tweak the mythic one too? To hold Helios as well as the other 3?

I'm really sorry if it seems like I'm asking for too much, I just want to display all my dragons!

Can TL either let me buy another habitat or upgrade the ones we have? Please? :) I love this game and want to continue playing but my nests are full with dragons I want but can't house :(

10-30-13, 10:55 PM
Android has to have 53 habitats if they have all possible dragons in gold ones. That is 20 gold habitats or 10,000 gold spent. I know for a fact that iOS has more than 9 dragons Android doesn't. TL are you really willing to let your most engaged players (players with the most goodies) stop playing because they can no longer do the basics of the game aka breeding dragons?

If needed I will be more than happy to post my habitat spreadsheet (yes I have to have one to make everything fit). It will show that me as an Android player will only have room for 9 extra dragons after having all diamonds in diamond habitats. I will agree that in the end game, the players should be paying some money to keep going. TL, you just have to provide them the means to do so.

Give us 2 more habitats and if you say older devices can't support it then oh well. You have been telling Android "we are working on it" for over a year now on bringing us to par with iOS. Let the order devices go and allow players to keep breeding new dragons while also devoting freed up developer time to helping Android.

Thank you for listening.

10-31-13, 03:05 AM
It's getting beyond just a problem now :(
Just got the new Scorpio and can't get a house for it. And that's after selling off my last diamond habitat that DA was happily residing in until last night. So my Halloween dragons now have somewhere to live, but what about Scorpio? And then the next one? There needs to be a habitat raise urgently!

And then what? We get one more. As it is, there's not much deco to be seen anymore. Everything is just getting soooo squished in, and there's not much room left for new habitats anyway. A major update is needed soon TL. There are actually long time players here, with most or all of the dragons and nowhere to keep the new ones. Not good enough.

10-31-13, 06:20 AM
Please Please give us more habitats!!! Had to sell off my diamond fields just so I would have room for all of my babies!!!! You have released so many Halloween Dragons but only one more habitat, us
higher level players need more space to put our dragons. Why should we have to put all our hard work into storage?

10-31-13, 06:20 AM
It's getting beyond just a problem now :(
Just got the new Scorpio and can't get a house for it. And that's after selling off my last diamond habitat that DA was happily residing in until last night. So my Halloween dragons now have somewhere to live, but what about Scorpio? And then the next one? There needs to be a habitat raise urgently!

And then what? We get one more. As it is, there's not much deco to be seen anymore. Everything is just getting soooo squished in, and there's not much room left for new habitats anyway. A major update is needed soon TL. There are actually long time players here, with most or all of the dragons and nowhere to keep the new ones. Not good enough.

Lucky me I don't have new dragons lately lol
Agree with you! Definitely we need habitat increase! You guys just keep on releasing new dragons but not a habitat increase?
It's not fair to people who can't buy Gold like me :p

10-31-13, 09:55 AM
I bread the Scorpio dragon knowing that I do not have a habitat for it. I was trusting TL to give us a habitat increase for it. They have not done so. I do not want to put Leo in storage permanently to make room for Scorpio. I will stop buying gold and quit when what I have is gone (5 accounts, Daughters). This game has become dysfunctional because of the lack of habitats. Yea, I know some old devices can't handle much more. But they are not the ones paying the bill (Gold buyers). Maybe TL wants us elite players to quit. I have had my Infinity in storage for months now and I don't like it at all! The game is now all about the habitats not the dragons.

10-31-13, 01:26 PM
I bread the Scorpio dragon knowing that I do not have a habitat for it. I was trusting TL to give us a habitat increase for it. They have not done so. I do not want to put Leo in storage permanently to make room for Scorpio. I will stop buying gold and quit when what I have is gone (5 accounts, Daughters). This game has become dysfunctional because of the lack of habitats. Yea, I know some old devices can't handle much more. But they are not the ones paying the bill (Gold buyers). Maybe TL wants us elite players to quit. I have had my Infinity in storage for months now and I don't like it at all! The game is now all about the habitats not the dragons.

I too bred Scorpio knowing that the ONLY habitat the dragon can go into (zodiac) was/is full with Leo, Virgo and Libra.

Correct me if I'm wrong (and in this case, I KNOW I'm right) the zodiac has 12 star signs, right? I figured TL would let us house all zodiac dragons, either 3 dragons each in 4 habitats or upgrade the habitats so we can put 4 dragons over 3 habitats! Makes sense, right?

TL don't even have to increase habitat capacity, all they have to do is make the black, pink and white habitats upgradable to hold 4 dragons each :) same as the red, yellow, blue and purple ones.

I started playing in July/August 2012 and I'm loving the game (let's take a minute here, and thank TL for the wonderful job they have done)

But not being able to show off my efforts and lucky breeding is sad and a little frustrating :( ALL my dragons deserve to be showcased, not just the ones TL are limiting me to.

Please TL, upgrade the habitats to hold 4 dragons each.

10-31-13, 02:51 PM
This is becoming a problem for more and more players. Let's face it these are the players spending considerable amounts of money and need to be rewarded.

10-31-13, 10:15 PM
please tl give us more habitat to put our beutiful dragons or at least make a diamond habitat that can hold 3 dragons, pleasssssssssse and thanks :)

11-01-13, 01:43 AM
please tl give us more habitat to put our beutiful dragons or at least make a diamond habitat that can hold 3 dragons, pleasssssssssse and thanks :)

big diamond habitats would actually be the solution for everything but TL stays stubborn..

11-01-13, 02:56 AM
big diamond habitats would actually be the solution for everything but TL stays stubborn..

Apparently an increase in habitats will cause older devices to crash :(

I propose a solution :)

Keep the habitats at 56

Upgrade the black, pink, white to hold 4 dragons each, or diamond habitat to hold more than 1

Then we can house all dragons, yay!!

Everyone's happy :D (and we can stop nagging TL, sorry TL!)

11-01-13, 03:00 AM
Apparently an increase in habitats will cause older devices to crash :(

I propose a solution :)

Keep the habitats at 56

Upgrade the black, pink, white to hold 4 dragons each, or diamond habitat to hold more than 1

Then we can house all dragons, yay!!

Everyone's happy :D (and we can stop nagging TL, sorry TL!)

upgradable black white and pink habitats wouldn't be a solution for non-gold buyers :(

11-01-13, 03:40 AM
Apparently an increase in habitats will cause older devices to crash :(
I propose a solution :)
Keep the habitats at 56
Upgrade the black, pink, white to hold 4 dragons each, or diamond habitat to hold more than 1
Then we can house all dragons, yay!!
Everyone's happy :D (and we can stop nagging TL, sorry TL!)

I'm not a Gold-buyer so I won't agree with your option (Sorry awsumum :p)

upgradable black white and pink habitats wouldn't be a solution for non-gold buyers :(

Agreed :p

11-01-13, 04:45 AM
Please TL find a solution i dont know Where i can place my scorpion and next coming comet and spirit!!!!!! HELP!!!!!

11-01-13, 07:26 AM
Please TL increase couple more Habitats... I need for my Wraith & Headless dragons........Thank you...we need at least 2 more Habitats......Thank you....

11-01-13, 08:26 AM
big diamond habitats would actually be the solution for everything but TL stays stubborn..

I just sold I diamond habitat again, now I have only 3 diamonds habitat (2 diamonds and 1 infinity) , I sold 9 habitat before, I think is so sad, that Tl dont do nothing to help us, I think soon most players wont BE able to have All dragons cause they dont have place, I think 500 gold is to high for habitat that only HOLD one more dragon if it was 50 gold would BE more fair, since would BE the same as putting it in storage!!!

11-01-13, 09:44 AM
I just sold I diamond habitat again, now I have only 3 diamonds habitat (2 diamonds and 1 infinity) , I sold 9 habitat before, I think is so sad, that Tl dont do nothing to help us, I think soon most players wont BE able to have All dragons cause they dont have place, I think 500 gold is to high for habitat that only HOLD one more dragon if it was 50 gold would BE more fair, since would BE the same as putting it in storage!!!

the case is, i just really don't get why they just don't give out big diamond habitats. everything would be better.

people would stop complaining and they'd have their silence.

11-01-13, 10:52 AM
Anybody else having trouble with the habitat limit? It's not enough for my dragons, and they've came out with a bunch more for halloween and now they have a whole new breed with the "metal" dragons, yet still they only allow 56 habitats, what the heck? It doesn't make sense theres no way that you can fit them all. I've had to sell all of my diamond habitats because they only allow one dragon to be in it at once, the only two diamond habitats I have left are for Diamond and Infinity and that's only because those dragons can only stay in the Diamond Habitats, yet still, I've run out of room...

11-01-13, 10:57 AM
We've been asking, begging and threatening to leave the game..
But nobody is listening!
I got Wraith and Headless eggs in Storage and my 4 nests are full
I wish TL would just come visit my island and tell me what to do!

11-01-13, 11:02 AM
the case is, i just really don't get why they just don't give out big diamond habitats. everything would be better.

people would stop complaining and they'd have their silence.

Totally agree!
We've been asking for upgrades on Diamonds Fields since the begining but for some reason TL guys are not listening!
I would think someone like Jack, who plays the game just like us, could have done something about this by now :/

11-01-13, 11:03 AM
That doesn't make any sense, why would they not listen? They want you to keep playing and keep going for dragons right? If you can no longer put them anywhere, you can't get any new dragons and that basically defeats the purpose of the game.. Why is there even a limit on habitats to begin with?

[S8] Elsa
11-01-13, 11:38 AM
This is insane. Stop releasing new dragons if TL can't upgrade or increase habitats.
It'd be unfair if TL would just increase by 1 habitat only. We all need more than one

Soon, queenofunicorns!

11-01-13, 11:57 AM
Thank you PonyRoar, otherwise I'm sure a lot of us can't even try to get new dragons anymore.

[S8] Elsa
11-01-13, 01:03 PM
Eye spy with my little eye, a habitat increase!

11-01-13, 01:05 PM
Eye spy with my little eye, a habitat increase!
3!!! You little beauty!! :D

11-01-13, 01:07 PM
Eye spy with my little eye, a habitat increase!

OMG, Pony, you rock :D

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, (and in case you don't get how grateful/happy I am, THANKYOU)


11-01-13, 01:41 PM
the case is, i just really don't get why they just don't give out big diamond habitats. everything would be better.

people would stop complaining and they'd have their silence.

1000% agree

11-01-13, 01:41 PM
Eye spy with my little eye, a habitat increase!

OMG thankkkkkkkkkkks ;)

11-01-13, 02:15 PM
Thank you!!!!!

11-01-13, 02:38 PM
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-01-13, 03:26 PM
Soon, queenofunicorns!

Thank you

11-01-13, 03:32 PM
Yep that is great. An increase in Habitats !3 that is just what I needed!

11-01-13, 04:27 PM
Yep that is great. An increase in Habitats !3 that is just what I needed!

agreed...very satisfied and pleased seeing this...thanks TL

11-02-13, 05:06 PM
I was finally able to bring Wraith and Headlesss out of Storage :)
Thank you TL :*

Now can we talk about those pink, black and white upgrades ?! :|

11-02-13, 05:56 PM
Please TL increase couple more Habitats... I need for my Wraith & Headless dragons........Thank you...we need at least 2 more Habitats......Thank you....

Thank you so much TL increased Habitat to 3,.,wow!!

11-02-13, 06:06 PM
I was finally able to bring Wraith and Headlesss out of Storage :)
Thank you TL :*

Now can we talk about those pink, black and white upgrades ?! :|

I'm not a Gold-buyer Nora :(

11-03-13, 04:00 AM
I'm not a Gold-buyer Nora :(

Yes but you can always save some, right ?! :)

11-20-13, 07:12 AM
It's time again. You have added a 4th champion. We need at least 1 more habitat. Why do we constantly have to beg for a place to put all these dragons you keep making? It should be part of adding dragons. This thread should be stickied. I don't want to put Infinity or Rainbow in storage.

11-20-13, 12:28 PM
It's time again. You have added a 4th champion. We need at least 1 more habitat. Why do we constantly have to beg for a place to put all these dragons you keep making? It should be part of adding dragons. This thread should be stickied. I don't want to put Infinity or Rainbow in storage.

I already have :( I promise I'm not discussing mod actions (promise) but I got told that they have to make sure an extra habitat (or two) wont stuff up the older devices, with the extra animation (or something along those lines)

I put rainbow in cos she is only 1 dragon in a 1 dragon habitat, and bought a second champion habitat, which will fit 3 dragons.

Now if TL stops at 4 champions I won't be a happy camper, there will be 2 spare spots, which will remind me how much I dislike having 5 stone, need to complete set, but TL have to bring out a new stone dragon first :)

So I guess we wait (semi patiently) for a habitat increase!

kooky panda
11-20-13, 12:33 PM
I already have :( I promise I'm not discussing mod actions (promise) but I got told that they have to make sure an extra habitat (or two) wont stuff up the older devices, with the extra animation (or something along those lines)

I put rainbow in cos she is only 1 dragon in a 1 dragon habitat, and bought a second champion habitat, which will fit 3 dragons.

Now if TL stops at 4 champions I won't be a happy camper, there will be 2 spare spots, which will remind me how much I dislike having 5 stone, need to complete set, but TL have to bring out a new stone dragon first :)

So I guess we wait (semi patiently) for a habitat increase!

Thanks for passing this information ( this is not discussing a Mod action). Here is Ponyroar's post

You can buy more than one Champion Ruins to display your Champion Dragons.

I'll pass on the request for a habitat increase. Keep in mind it may take some time. When we allow more habitats, we also allow more images and animations. We like to test it out first to make sure it doesn't make people's games flip tables and force close if they're on older devices.

11-20-13, 02:08 PM
Thankyou Kooky! I knew it was something along "extra animation" issues but you put up the original post!