View Full Version : Wake up

10-19-12, 09:34 PM
Hello teamlava

I am kind of getting bored with dragon story. I really liked the game when I first played it, but then it got boring. The reason is you have nothing to do with your dragons, no races, no trading, no dragon contests. I mean these have been suggested, you guys are pretty fortunate to have people,playing your games and I'm sure a lot of,companies would like to be in your place... I'm talking out of experience, I have a youtube video with over 900,000 hits I made a long time a go. People kept asking me to make more videos I didn't (I was young) and no one watches my channel anymore, I was forgotten, you guys are far from being forgotten, but please,listen to suggestions, give your customers more to do,with their time

Yours truly, Dot