View Full Version : New items please

11-29-10, 11:28 PM
I enjoy this game. I play it all day everyday however after playing it for a while I have unlocked all the foods. I really think you need to add different foods soon. I am sure that other people are having this same problem. Also you should think about adding other ways to cook food. I understand the stove oven and grill but Maybe u could add things like a slowcooker or something. Really new foods would be great I just want something different. Thanks sazzyone1

11-30-10, 10:07 PM
Totally agree. In particular for the grill. There aren't nearly the number of options there, and the cooking times need to be more staggered. As it is 1 hr, 3 hrs and 12 hrs make them difficult to manage.

12-02-10, 01:39 AM
Totally agree. In particular for the grill. There aren't nearly the number of options there, and the cooking times need to be more staggered. As it is 1 hr, 3 hrs and 12 hrs make them difficult to manage.

Strongly agree. Is time for TL to add more new food into the game. I'm cooking the same food day in, day out, can even remember all the food's cooking time already.......

12-02-10, 01:48 AM
Yes I totally agree new food items are needed. I loved this game when I first started playing and I still like it but it is getting a little boring cooking the same things over and over. I thought we were promised new items every week and it has been over a month since we have seen anything new. I also am now on level 43 and maxed out on stoves so I feel at this point I have nothing to work for- Thanks!!