View Full Version : other races

10-13-12, 06:27 PM
Not trying to start anything but why is it that it took Bakerystory Halloween to finally add ppl of other races & i have been playing 4 2years now & always wondered about that, but it took this version to put some on here & when this version is gone so are they...just doesn't seem right.

10-13-12, 09:13 PM
what do you mean? there is a darker colored guy in the original bakery story. he's the one with his mouth somewhat open

10-13-12, 10:07 PM
If u consider him as a darker race then my thread was right, u have to be of another creed to understand my point...PERIOD!!!

10-14-12, 07:57 AM
There has always been a little bit of ethnic variety in the customers. It's usually the lack of options to choose the race of your chef that people complain about.

10-14-12, 08:18 AM
But you still shouldn't see something so lighthearted as a game in terms of race...I'm Native American but I don't question why there are no people that look like me in the game..