View Full Version : Halp! My gems! D:

10-11-12, 08:48 PM
I loaded the Bakery Story game, and was tapping the screen rapidly-- I accidentally bought a Candy Box, and spent 24 hard-earned gems!!

Please, is there a way to get my gems back? I might as well uninstall game if not. :(((

10-11-12, 08:54 PM
There's no way to get your gems back. I'm sorry.
I feel your pain. Everyone has done this at least once accidentally. TeamLava won't refund you, I know from experience.
On the bright side, what did you get out of the Candy Box?

10-11-12, 11:03 PM
Wow, that's ridiculous! I'm fed up with this game, especially after the price hike!

I got Molasses Marsh. Ugly, I don't like it at all! I've been saving up for weeks for something I really wanted, and now this-- they really won't refund me? HMPH!

Uninstalling. Cheers, TeamLava.

10-11-12, 11:19 PM
Wow, that's ridiculous! I'm fed up with this game, especially after the price hike!

I got Molasses Marsh. Ugly, I don't like it at all! I've been saving up for weeks for something I really wanted, and now this-- they really won't refund me? HMPH!

Uninstalling. Cheers, TeamLava.

They won't refund you. I understand your anger. I've been there myself many times.
Sorry about that. :( I feel really bad.

10-12-12, 07:14 PM
My puppy knocked my phone out of my hand and accidentally spent 100 gems to buy coins. Teamlava told me I should be more careful. They do not have good customer service.

10-12-12, 07:23 PM
My puppy knocked my phone out of my hand and accidentally spent 100 gems to buy coins. Teamlava told me I should be more careful. They do not have good customer service.

Wow, that is so rude. Private message an admin on here and tell them what happened along with your ticket number so the system may improve. Sorry :(

10-12-12, 07:24 PM
Wow, that is so rude. Private message an admin on here and tell them what happened along with your ticket number so the system may improve. Sorry :(

Is am sorry but no refunds will be given.

10-12-12, 07:25 PM
My puppy knocked my phone out of my hand and accidentally spent 100 gems to buy coins. Teamlava told me I should be more careful. They do not have good customer service.

Bad Puppy! PM an admin like GreyGull or Kooky Panda.

10-12-12, 07:29 PM
Bad Puppy! PM an admin like GreyGull or Kooky Panda.

They are not administrators they are moderators and I am sorry but they are player moderators and do not work for Teamlava and therefore cannot refund gems I am sorry.

10-12-12, 07:34 PM

If you look under "TeamLava Staff", you can contact those users. They *may* be able to help you.

10-13-12, 06:07 AM
You're Out Of Luck For This,
I just Accidently Tap a 24 gems Summer Beach Box and get A
"Cute Little Penguin Wearing Sunglasses And Eating A Raspberry IceCream"

10-13-12, 08:24 PM
I 've done the same thing more than once. They intentionally make that appear when loading the game. That's just one of their many ways to trap you into spending your gems on something stupid that you don't want. What's sad is they apparently think this will make you want to "buy" gems when in fact all it does is make me more determined NOT to buy gems. Why would I spend MY hard earned money to buy gems they continue to take away from me. I have never and will never BUY gems until they take away the traps and add a "confirmation" button.

10-24-12, 01:43 PM
The same thing happened to me today, except I bought from the Halloween themed box. I was devestated, I have been mastering recipes for nearly three months and I will probably never earn those 26 gems back in time to buy the Valentine's Day themed items.

10-25-12, 06:46 PM
I have been playing for bs for about 2 years now, and have accidentally spent my hard earned gems on unwanted purchases on more than one occasion. I know they won't refund my gems, but it would be nice if a little confirmation screen popped up when you do make a purchase with your gems. Like "hey, do you really want to spend 24 gems?" I think it would make the game that much better, and then they wouldn't have players leaving the game because of it.