View Full Version : mummy goal. wont show that i visit neighbours

10-09-12, 06:30 PM
Im at the last step for the mummy goal. u have to visit 20 neighbours. everytime i visit neighbours it wont show. really frustrating because i spend so much money on all those counters and stuff for the goal.i even tried skipping that step with gems. but evertime i do so it resets the game.

kooky panda
10-09-12, 07:59 PM
To complete the goal, you will need to visit 20 different neighbors, I do not think you can visit the same neighbor twice.

Try restarting your device.

10-15-12, 12:09 PM
I know what you mean 1zaraya I too am having the same problem it stops at 15 visits. When the next day comes and I visit again it will not count. I have had it go to 16 but then resest back to 15.

kooky panda
10-15-12, 02:24 PM
I know what you mean 1zaraya I too am having the same problem it stops at 15 visits. When the next day comes and I visit again it will not count. I have had it go to 16 but then resest back to 15.
Are your visiting different nbrs the next day or the same nbrs you visited the day before?

10-20-12, 12:48 PM
Yeah I have it too I'm at 13/20 then when I visit stormy only it goes to 14 for a while then rolls back to 13 its ridiculous someone should really get on this it makes the whole goal pointless especially since its the last part of it. Also in reply to your answer kooky I have tried both community and neighbour but still nothing so I'm afraid the goal will not work on android and is stuffed up big time it also says any bakeries (community/neighbours) so good luck TL

10-31-12, 02:06 AM
YES!!!! I'm having this exact same problem too! Stuck at 15 and can't go further I'm using an Android phone also. like you blueyoshster I have tried both random people in the community and also all my neighbors but it won't advance! This is RIDICULOUS!