View Full Version : A Couple Suggestions for TL Staff..

10-09-12, 06:21 AM
This is a repost, I'm still half asleep and accidentally posted the first draft in the Fashion Story forum. Oy vey..

I'm currently a level 97 player, so naturally I have hundreds of neighbors both at higher and lower levels. I tend to buy an average of 10 appliances during the updates, so requesting parts (and receiving them) has always been a long process. Especially since we can't request more than 20/day..... Also, the other day I was talking to a lower level neighbor who had been gifting Brownies because she thought the parts she gifted were deducted from her inventory (yikes). To speed up the process, I configured a list of 20 neighbors that I know gift regularly as well as respond to gift requests, the problem is that it takes forever to search one by one for these neighbors. I dont want to just delete all the others because I still want to gift and tip them, especially lower level neighbors to help them out.

Suggestion 1: Remember Myspace and how you had a top friends list on your page? I think it would be awesome to have something similar.. a "favorites" section in our friends list, that way our fave neighbors can be categorized in an easy to access location.

Suggestion 2: I also think it would be awesome if the main friends list was categorized by rating instead of alphabetically.

Suggestion 3:
The last and suggestion is the most annoying. Sometimes I wonder if certain neighbors are still playing bakery story because a 0 rating isn't an indicator of how often you play. For instance, myself as well as my fave neighbors have 0,1 and 2 ratings simply because we gift more than tip, and when we do tip, its to help lower level players out. I really don't mind lower rated neibors, I'd rather recieve 20 gifts than 20 tips. So even though we have lower ratings, we still play daily. I need to know the players that aren't playing anymore so I can delete them altogether, and spend my time focusing on neighbors still playing the game. So my suggestion is a 'last played' addition in the friends list. For example, my bakery would read as:
Sprinkles Bakery Last Played: 10/9/12 10mins ago Level: 3

Long post, I know..

10-09-12, 06:25 AM
Sprinkles Bakery~ Level 97 ~ Rating: 3 ~ Last Played: 10/8/2012 10mins ago

Again.. too early.

10-09-12, 06:46 AM
Love the idea. I very rarely delete neighbors because I'm afraid of deleting a neighbor that is actually still playing.

And a "select all" button would be very nice as well.

10-09-12, 06:05 PM
Even better, disable interacting with bakeries that haven't been played in -let's say- 3 months.
It would most useful as an option of some sort, since a lot of people tip inactive bakeries...

10-09-12, 08:13 PM
I love your suggestion number 3 for all the games.

10-10-12, 12:05 AM
I love the ideas especially thenlast one about last played. Would make it easier to delete nbrs and not have to worry about deleting one that is still playing.

10-10-12, 06:26 AM
Well, since we're going all out there.....would be nice to also have a "favorite gift" to receive icon next to my neighbors. I prefer cappuccino, but don't get bent out of shape when I receive the infamous "dragon tooth"! I just delete the ones I don't want. However, some neighbors only want parts, or whatever the current fad is for the moment, then will eventually change back to something else after they are done with that.

I don't have an excel spreadsheet or list of who prefers what, so I gift EVERYBODY cappuccino! Neighbors who write on my wall their preference for the week, sort of get overlooked, as my mind does not keep all that information from day to day (sorry). Just delete what you don't want, and hope you get it from some of your more "mindful" neighbors.

So a "favorite gift" icon would also be nice.

10-10-12, 10:02 AM
Awesome suggestions!! That would be really great. I myself have stopped tipping so I'm almost always at 0 stars even though I play every single day.

10-10-12, 01:32 PM
Suggestion 3:
The last and suggestion is the most annoying. Sometimes I wonder if certain neighbors are still playing bakery story because a 0 rating isn't an indicator of how often you play. For instance, myself as well as my fave neighbors have 0,1 and 2 ratings simply because we gift more than tip, and when we do tip, its to help lower level players out. I really don't mind lower rated neibors, I'd rather recieve 20 gifts than 20 tips. So even though we have lower ratings, we still play daily. I need to know the players that aren't playing anymore so I can delete them altogether, and spend my time focusing on neighbors still playing the game. So my suggestion is a 'last played' addition in the friends list. For example, my bakery would read as:
Sprinkles Bakery Last Played: 10/9/12 10mins ago Level: 3

Long post, I know..

I love that idea!!! I actually LOVE ALL OF THEM! but this one definitely speaks to me the most. That is AN AMAZING IDEA!! I really hope TeamLava does that.. :)

10-10-12, 03:29 PM
Thanks, guys! Fingets crossed someone on TL staff sees and passes the message along!

10-10-12, 03:58 PM
Great ideas esp. Keeping track of neighbors. Games on facebbok do this. I would also like to see goals for kindle fire users.

kooky panda
10-10-12, 04:24 PM
Great ideas esp. Keeping track of neighbors. Games on facebbok do this. I would also like to see goals for kindle fire users.

There is a new update for kindle fire in bakery and there are now goals!!!!

10-10-12, 05:07 PM
Yea!!! Thanks for the comment Kooky. I just downloaded the new KF update. Now I need advice on how the goals work. I'd already purchased some of the goal items but it doesn't seem to reflect that. Also, what do you earn for reaching them? I see it noted that you earn a few coins & a few stars. Is that correct?

10-10-12, 05:29 PM
Great ideas!

10-10-12, 05:31 PM
The fave gift is another great idea! I like to gift what people want but don't always remember. I try to check the walls and snoop for appliance boxes etc. but that doesn't always work.

10-10-12, 07:03 PM
Like �� :)

kooky panda
10-10-12, 08:24 PM
Yea!!! Thanks for the comment Kooky. I just downloaded the new KF update. Now I need advice on how the goals work. I'd already purchased some of the goal items but it doesn't seem to reflect that. Also, what do you earn for reaching them? I see it noted that you earn a few coins & a few stars. Is that correct?
I do not think there are any prizes but I think they are similar to these goals


There are a few changes in the goals from what I saw on the first few.

I would suggest trying to do them if you can so you will be able to get any new goals that may come to the game later.

10-10-12, 10:37 PM
Great ideas all around! It is very hard to tell which players are active based on star rating alone. I love the favorite gift idea since it can be easy to lose track, and people's preferences may change over time anyway.

10-10-12, 10:50 PM
All good ideas yes:) but you really hit my biggest dilemma i also forget who needs what gift and i also send cappuccino to all i've let most of my nbrs know if they dont want it to decline the gift then message me what they need...so far this works but i agree a fav. Gift key would save some time. :-)

10-10-12, 11:33 PM
Your ideas are great! I really hope that TL will implement them!

And the 'favorite gift' icon is good too!

10-12-12, 05:03 PM
I never even thought about a favorite gift key! That would be so awesome, and sooo convenient!

10-14-12, 06:05 PM
I would LOVE a "last played" note on all the TL games! I hate trying to figure out if someone has quit!

10-14-12, 06:07 PM
These are small suggestions but would make great improvements

10-21-12, 08:51 AM
Since TL decided w/out notice or forewarning 2DOUBLE prices! They should at least make it possible 2sell back the costly floor&wall tiles. What's the point of buying 150tiles & have them sit when U want a change