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View Full Version : witches stove and monster oven

10-02-12, 05:24 PM
does anyone know if the witches stove and monster oven make different recipes or if they are just decorative appliances? i dont want to buy and start building if they are only decorative.

10-02-12, 05:30 PM
Is the Halloween update out? Someone sent me a parts request for Magical Wood. So there's definitely a constructible. Don't have anything new in my app store though.

10-02-12, 05:46 PM
I just gifted my neighbors the new parts ... But still don't see anything new besides 2 parts I can gift

10-02-12, 05:47 PM
does anyone know if the witches stove and monster oven make different recipes or if they are just decorative appliances? i dont want to buy and start building if they are only decorative.

Pretty sure they will have recipes on them... Since they are stove... I still don't have mine .. Are you ans droid or iOS?

10-02-12, 05:52 PM
I'm on android and it already has halloween goals

10-02-12, 05:54 PM
Oh ok do android gets it today and iOS tommorow or Thursday ugh.... Can you guys post pics

10-02-12, 06:07 PM
I just typed in teamlava restaurant story halloween in apps & the halloween update popped up. Its on fios so go get it NBRS! Lol

10-02-12, 06:07 PM
Ios. Not fios

10-02-12, 06:11 PM
OMG! When I try to install it. It says its not available any more. Could it be from last year? All the customers have the same costumes in the appnpics. This is so frustrating

10-02-12, 06:14 PM
OMG! When I try to install it. It says its not available any more. Could it be from last year? All the customers have the same costumes in the appnpics. This is so frustrating

It's not the version from last year because they didn't use that Sushi Chef as a mascot last year. Definitely the new version, but I guess it's just not ready to be downloaded. How disappointing :(

10-02-12, 06:23 PM
Just finished downloading... It's here!!

10-03-12, 04:18 AM
does anyone know if the witches stove and monster oven make different recipes or if they are just decorative appliances? i dont want to buy and start building if they are only decorative.

does anyone know if the witches stove and monster oven make different recipes or if they are just decorative appliances? i dont want to buy and start building if they are only decorative.


Here you are the new recipes.

For Witches stove


For Monster oven

In case you don't know how many of them you should build to master the recipes, I already did the maths, not more than 20 witches stove (it says oven, my mistake) and no more than 16 Monster oven.
You can access the full chart with all the other appliances through Sehana's site (http://supremedynasty.com/tl/rest_applparts_list.html).

I hope this helps!

10-03-12, 05:10 AM
thanks a bunch!