View Full Version : I have HAD IT it with this misleading popup

10-02-12, 10:49 AM

I love how the 160,000 coins is in bold the the 10 gems isn't.
I was always careful after I got caught out the first time. But then because everything is so expensive my money keeps going down and I dont even notice it. Then you bombard us with a ridiculous amount of popups that I hate seeing so I attempt to get through them as quickly as possible. Twice I've been caught out in the past few days with this. The 20 gems I lost were a gift from my boyfriend, but because of your pathetic attempt at making money they weren't even spent on anything of worth.

You know what this actually looks like to a new user? Either you pay the money or you can get the item for the gems. I'm sick of this game because you NEVER listen to your users. I'm done with this game and done with being ripped off.

Worst customer service ever. If you can call a copy and pasted email customer service.
(Not that I emailed about this, since that would have been pointless)

10-02-12, 11:03 AM
Wow... That is a VERY misleading gem trap! It says "You don't have enough coins". So, some people (including me) might be tricked into thinking that by clicking "okay", you are just saying "okay, then I can't buy that".

Like catrint said, the 10 gems is tiny and almost hidden, you don't notice it.

Just another way to take people's gems away :(. Sorry you lost your gems catrint :(

10-02-12, 11:08 AM
Wow... That is a VERY misleading gem trap! It says "You don't have enough coins". So, some people (including me) might be tricked into thinking that by clicking "okay", you are just saying "okay, then I can't buy that".

Like catrint said, the 10 gems is tiny and almost hidden, you don't notice it.

Just another way to take people's gems away :(. Sorry you lost your gems catrint :(

i wouldnt understand how anyone could assume what it really means, so probably a lot of people have been tricked by it.
thanks. hopefully this will make others aware since TL will NEVER do anything about it

10-02-12, 11:18 AM
I hope you don't mind, I referenced your thread in another thread (Bakery Discussion, Advise for New Players). People in that thread have been talking about gem traps. I wanted to warn other people, if possible.

It's post 15...

I've lost gems too (I think pretty much everyone has). When I lost gems it helped me to make a decision to never spend real money in a game with no gem confirmation button.

10-02-12, 12:13 PM
My very first gem "purchase" was coins. :mad:

10-02-12, 12:43 PM
I always click the 'x' since you really have to be careful with the way TL words the pop ups.

10-02-12, 02:39 PM
I have lost so many gems to stupid pop ups, around 120. 100 was when my puppy knocked my phone out of my hand and then stepped on it, she purchased coins. teamlava told me too bad be more carefull. I would rather pay to download the game and get a better quality game.

10-02-12, 03:00 PM
When Does this message come up? What are you doing when it appears?

The only time I have seen something similar is when I have been in design mode and tapped a gem item I don't own by mistake and I don't have enough gems! Can't honestly say I have seen it yet but don't suppose it will be long though!

I lost gems the other day when changing my floor tiles I found that when i place a gem tile (that I already owned few of) I was expecting to go back to the design tab to place another one when it had already put another one where I didn't want it so I tapped somewhere else and it placed another one I didn't know how to stop it! Then i noticed my gems started disappearing as I tapped in my panic I was actually buying more tiles agggggggh!!!!

10-04-12, 12:13 PM
yep, I'm among the ones who got into that trap and lost gems. It stinks. I did it twice before I realized my gems were being eaten up by tl. They have raised prices too, I can't even get clothes/food/ etc because it costs so many coins, and you don't get them back when you sell stuff. Did they raise the prices of how much it costs to expand? ARGH

10-04-12, 12:15 PM
If there is a popup on any of the TL games, just click the X button (slowly and carefully) to avoid making a purchase. i almost got tricked into buying a box.

10-04-12, 01:23 PM
That's really shady!

10-06-12, 07:54 PM
Yep, I just fell into this gem trap yesterday. I didnt even realize what had happened at first until i saw my $ total go way up and knowing that i surely didnt get the money for nothing. This one is really bad and should be made a lot clearer.

10-06-12, 08:54 PM

I love how the 160,000 coins is in bold the the 10 gems isn't.
I was always careful after I got caught out the first time. But then because everything is so expensive my money keeps going down and I dont even notice it. Then you bombard us with a ridiculous amount of popups that I hate seeing so I attempt to get through them as quickly as possible. Twice I've been caught out in the past few days with this. The 20 gems I lost were a gift from my boyfriend, but because of your pathetic attempt at making money they weren't even spent on anything of worth.

You know what this actually looks like to a new user? Either you pay the money or you can get the item for the gems. I'm sick of this game because you NEVER listen to your users. I'm done with this game and done with being ripped off.

Worst customer service ever. If you can call a copy and pasted email customer service.
(Not that I emailed about this, since that would have been pointless)

i got trapped once recently.. with 100 GEMS!! >.< now i am VERY cautious

kooky panda
10-07-12, 07:20 AM
Closing thread due to off topic posts, violation of forum rules.

There has been a sufficient amount of feedback and discussion on this topic on the
Bakery Increase Prices thread. (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?35223-Bakery-Increase-in-Prices&p=409210&viewfull=1#post409210)

These changes will not be reverted at this time and TL believes this is the right decision to improve the game for a long term. If there are changes in the future, TL will visit this topic again and review more feedback.

If you would like to discuss this further, please post a new thread under the
Forum disputes (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?75-Forum-Disputes)forum and the community managers will address any of your concerns.
