View Full Version : Halloween not loading

09-27-12, 06:30 PM
installed Halloween story but now cannot load game. have tried uninstalling & reinstalling, but hasn't helped.

kooky panda
09-27-12, 08:03 PM
What device do you play on?
What is your current IOS version?

What is happening when you try to load?

Processing screen or closing back to your home ?

09-27-12, 08:08 PM
iPad1, IOS5, stuck on processing screen but doesn't show loading bar.

kooky panda
09-27-12, 08:20 PM
First, go to setting and turn off your wifi, then turn it back on.
You may want to forget your current network, then choose it again and renter your password.

You can also Try updating to version 5.1(You should be able to just upgrade right from your Ipad.)

Also try clearing under settings-safari-your cookies and data.

Then delete the game and redownload again.