View Full Version : BAT AIR FRESHENERS and VAMPIRE CAPE requests????

09-26-12, 05:06 PM
I just got a request for a vampire cape in my materials requests - - hello - - i see no halloween stuff on my bakery? - WTF?:mad:

09-26-12, 05:08 PM
Some people have the goals and it seems others don't. I guess the update is rolling out slowly a day early.

09-26-12, 05:08 PM
Bat Air Freshners
Vampire Capes?
What goes on Team Lava? I never complain about anything but since Halloween is my favorite holiday I will complain about this!!!

kooky panda
09-26-12, 05:08 PM
new goals for http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?36424-Bakery-Halloween-Goals-2012

09-26-12, 05:13 PM
I never complain about anything about this game - but I am going to complain about this! Why am I getting materials requests from people about things that are not available to me? Halloween is my favorite holiday so now I'm sad - I didn't complain about the increases, or no longer getting goals, or the fact that I'm still playing on a World Games version when the Olympics was over so long ago - but now other players are getting spooky Halloween Stuff before me!!! I'm very sad LoLzzzzz:mad:

kooky panda
09-26-12, 05:14 PM
Restart your world games version to see if they show up. They may be rolling out.

Merging your two threads together since they are discussing the same topic.

09-26-12, 05:24 PM
restart how? shutting off and turning back on? I'm using an iPod Touch

kooky panda
09-26-12, 05:36 PM
restart how? shutting off and turning back on? I'm using an iPod Touch
Yes turn off your device then turn it back on.

09-26-12, 05:37 PM
didn't work - - guess no SpOOky Stuff for me today - - oh well - - I guess I'll have to be let down once again by Team Lava and just wait to get my Halloween Goodies - - I got excited for a minute but now I'm sad - Boo Hiss LoLoLoLoLzzzz Guess I'll have to put on my big girl pants and be patient and wait ((stomps feet and storms out of room)) I guess I got tricked instead of treated Hee Hee Hee!!!

kooky panda
09-26-12, 05:38 PM
Goals/updates are probably rolling out.

09-26-12, 05:38 PM
It didn't work Kooky Panda . . . any other bright ideas Watson?

09-26-12, 05:41 PM
ok - yes - patience is a virtue
good things come to those who wait
find something better to do in the mean time and get off your case LoLzzzz
sorry - I just love Halloween so all adult mannerisms went out the window

09-26-12, 05:44 PM
We have just released Bakery Story: Halloween in the iOS App Store!

The new items will be available on iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire devices. If you are on an iOS device, you will need to download the Bakery Story: Halloween App. If you are on an Android or Kindle Fire device, the new items should be readily available to you (you may need to force-close your App). Unfortunately, Kindle Fire will not have the Halloween-themed Goals available to them at this time.

09-26-12, 06:01 PM
We have just released Bakery Story: Halloween in the iOS App Store!

The new items will be available on iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire devices. If you are on an iOS device, you will need to download the Bakery Story: Halloween App. If you are on an Android or Kindle Fire device, the new items should be readily available to you (you may need to force-close your App). Unfortunately, Kindle Fire will not have the Halloween-themed Goals available to them at this time.

Interesting... this new version is NOT in itunes for me, on my computer, iphone or ipad. Even if I follow your link on my computer, it takes me to the itunes store, but just to the main page. There is no Halloween version in my app store.

09-26-12, 06:05 PM
Not available on iPhones yet according to my friends who have both devices... love the new goals but wish they could fix Helpful Loretta before starting new goals ...

09-26-12, 06:13 PM
Interesting... this new version is NOT in itunes for me, on my computer, iphone or ipad. Even if I follow your link on my computer, it takes me to the itunes store, but just to the main page. There is no Halloween version in my app store.

Same w me

09-26-12, 06:19 PM
I got it!

09-26-12, 06:20 PM
Certainly not available on my iPod Touch either! Boo Hoo

09-26-12, 06:23 PM
it's available for me. i'm not downloading it yet because my ipod is about to die.

09-26-12, 06:23 PM
What the heck... I started the DL then it just stops almost finished. I just the App Store now it's gone.... TL you tease!

09-26-12, 06:24 PM
wait - what is this with the green guy on it says "bake for costumed guests"

09-26-12, 06:26 PM
I'm holding my breath - almost there - oh boy! I'm so excited!!!!

09-26-12, 06:27 PM
my customers are wearing costumes!!! LoLLoLoLzzz - - - Too cute!!!

09-26-12, 06:35 PM
I was able to download it to my iPhone just fine using the link Frozen Turtle provided. It meant downloading on the computer which I hate but the app doesn't show up in the app store for me on my device.

09-26-12, 06:38 PM
I don't think turning of your device will work. You have to close your app which means you double click the home screen and on the bottom you will see the apps you are running. Then touch one of the apps until you see a red line on top of Bakery Story touch that and that will force close your app. Then touch the home screen which will bring you out of the menu. Touch your Bakery Story app and you should have the new goals.

Just by shutting your device off doesn't stop your app from running.

09-26-12, 06:51 PM
and of course most of the good stuff is available through gem purchases - oh well - - you get what you get and you don't get upset!
ok - going to play with my new version - if anyone can send logs and black irons to juicyjeni so I can build my Witches Couldren I'd be your life long friend and send you daily cappuccinos LoLzzz!!! I guess I'll have to wait a few days to splurge on gems to get my Black Cat Decor!!!

10-05-12, 09:21 AM
Interesting... this new version is NOT in itunes for me, on my computer, iphone or ipad. Even if I follow your link on my computer, it takes me to the itunes store, but just to the main page. There is no Halloween version in my app store.

I'm STILL unable to find it in the app store and I've tried force closing apps as well as restarting my device. Any suggestions? I've tried following links as well but all they do is take me to the normal bakery app in the store.

10-05-12, 09:48 AM
I'm STILL unable to find it in the app store and I've tried force closing apps as well as restarting my device. Any suggestions? I've tried following links as well but all they do is take me to the normal bakery app in the store.

Tha appe was pulled off the appsto for improvements.

More info here: http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?36585-Now-Introducing-Bakery-Story-Halloween!

08-29-13, 02:44 AM
what do I do with bat air fresheners and vampire capes .please help thankyou

08-29-13, 02:47 AM
you can build coffin drink machine with them. serves blood). it's in halloween 2012 edition, android only

08-30-13, 02:22 PM
go to Amazon apps :-)

09-01-13, 10:48 AM
the bat air freshener as a vampire cape was from last year's Halloween edition you can get the old app at Amazon mobile. com -apps, I don't know if you had to do the goals to get them. :-)

10-27-13, 07:57 PM
the bat air freshener as a vampire cape was from last year's Halloween edition you can get the old app at Amazon mobile. com -apps, I don't know if you had to do the goals to get them. :-)

I downloaded the app and it won't open, anybody else have this problem?

10-28-13, 02:59 AM
the bat air freshener as a vampire cape was from last year's Halloween edition you can get the old app at Amazon mobile. com -apps, I don't know if you had to do the goals to get them. :-)

I got it on blackmart and it slow loading ..but yeah they have all older bakery story version (android only)