View Full Version : Norman, Get Rid of Cases = Lava Would Make More $

11-25-10, 07:19 PM
We get why you did the cases. You hope there's some item someone really wants so that they spend $100 trying to get it. BUT, you're losing out on so many sales. Just put ALL the items in the cases for sale for city cash, and people could pay for the ones they want. You'd probably sell waaaay more city cash than you do now.

I like the Italian restaurant, so I paid for it outright. I'd like an ice cream parlor, or a colonial house, and I'd pay for it. But there is no way I'm going to plow through perhaps dozens of cases and $100+ trying to get a couple items I want. If I got four adobe houses (something I don't want at all), three communist cathedrals (yuk), etc, trying to get one ice cream parlor, I'd feel like an idiot. So, I stay away all together.

Same with the colonial houses. We don't have many good houses to choose from, so those would be neat. I'd drop $20 on a few of those. But I'm not going to drop $20 and end up with a Ferris wheel and three carousels I don't want. Maybe others want the roller coaster, but don't want to get stuck with a bunch of colonial houses, same concept.

I see a TON of Eiffel Towers and a TON of Italian restaurants and reflecting ponds and so on when I clean cities. People will obviously pay for what they want. But don't make us feel stupid or ripped off for getting tricked into a 'roll of the dice' for items we don't want. Just put all the case items for sale for city cash, let us choose what we want, and you'll make more money most likely. Also, your customers won't feel taken advantage of.

Others have posted good ideas about letting us sell back items we don't want for a reasonable amount too. A few thousand coins is nothing for getting duped out of $5. Raising the prices on selling unwanted case items would help you sell more city cash too.

Thanks for reading.

11-26-10, 03:24 AM
Simple solution.

Don't buy the cases. You people never stop whining, and it gets you absolutely nowhere. Quite hilarious.

11-26-10, 08:10 AM
Simple solution.

Don't buy the cases. You people never stop whining, and it gets you absolutely nowhere. Quite hilarious.

Simple solution. Work on your reading comprehension. I stated I don't buy the cases. I also laid out something for them to think about that would lead to them making more money, which is the way to motivate them. If many of us write in, it might get us absolutely somewhere.

What's hilarious is someone feeling the need to post something in reply that truly is pointless. Congratulations on being pointless.

11-26-10, 06:58 PM
latent desires perhaps? Your statement obviously lacks class or wit, so perhaps your inner desires manifested themselves by medium of the written word?

lol at all of these big words in here lol. This is 2 much 4 me 2 handle lolol

12-10-10, 11:30 AM
Simple solution. Don't buy the cases. You people never stop whining, and it gets you absolutely nowhere. Quite hilarious.

Why are you offering a "solution" when no problem is presented?

The OP was simply suggesting that the items be made available individually, for people who don't want to waste money on pot luck cases.

If I had to find a problem in there, I would say it was "how can I buy individual items without spending money on buying the cases?"

Your "solution" of "don't buy the cases" is absolutely useless.

12-10-10, 10:58 PM
Why are you offering a "solution" when no problem is presented?

The OP was simply suggesting that the items be made available individually, for people who don't want to waste money on pot luck cases.

If I had to find a problem in there, I would say it was "how can I buy individual items without spending money on buying the cases?"

Your "solution" of "don't buy the cases" is absolutely useless.

No kidding. Op here. That's why I shredded the moron the next couple posts. It's like he didn't understand what I wrote. Oh well, his loss.

12-10-10, 11:49 PM
Your "solution" of "don't buy the cases" is absolutely useless.

Actually, no. The problem is the fact that you people [edit] so **** much.

12-11-10, 04:47 AM
Actually, no. The problem is the fact that you people [edit] so **** much.

And that is indeed the problem! If all these whiners know so much about game apps and running a business, why don't they go make their own app!

Don't like it...don't play it.
Don't want it...don't buy it.

Stop telling them how to design their game. It's their game!
Stop making demands on how they run their business. It's their business!

Yes they have these forums for feedback. Feedback. Not for old housewives who have nothing better to do but yap, natter, and complain.

Don't like what I said....don't read it.

These forums need registration attached to game I.d. Just to weed out the Non productive complainers

12-11-10, 04:49 AM
No kidding. Op here. That's why I shredded the moron the next couple posts. It's like he didn't understand what I wrote. Oh well, his loss.

You called that shredding? I call it impotent wet noodle whining. Lmao

You really do think your all that and more, don't you miss thang?

12-11-10, 09:52 PM
And that is indeed the problem! If all these whiners know so much about game apps and running a business, why don't they go make their own app!

Don't like it...don't play it.
Don't want it...don't buy it.

Stop telling them how to design their game. It's their game!
Stop making demands on how they run their business. It's their business!

Yes they have these forums for feedback. Feedback. Not for old housewives who have nothing better to do but yap, natter, and complain.

Don't like what I said....don't read it.

These forums need registration attached to game I.d. Just to weed out the Non productive complainers

All you did was repeat what I said. You're a little stupid kid like the rest of them.

12-11-10, 10:05 PM
All you did was repeat what I said. You're a little stupid kid like the rest of them.

Ya, but I used more words....lol

12-11-10, 11:23 PM
You called that shredding? I call it impotent wet noodle whining. Lmao

You really do think your all that and more, don't you miss thang?

Not really, but I know you're a damned idiot. If you can't see the merit in the OP, you're just lost. There was nothing whining about it, I merely gave them another way to look at the business of selling city cash. You obviously don't have anything to offer, so if you get off acting tough and posting bs about other people whining, it seems you're the one who is a whiny [edit].

12-11-10, 11:40 PM
Not really, but I know you're a damned idiot. If you can't see the merit in the OP, you're just lost. There was nothing whining about it, I merely gave them another way to look at the business of selling city cash. You obviously don't have anything to offer, so if you get off acting tough and posting bs about other people whining, it seems you're the one who is a whiny [edit].
You again. You just can't get enough of me can you.
[edit]? Oh you are confused aren't you dear. Lmao.
As for what I have to offer , at least I answer other players questions when they are having issues, instead of spending my time hounding the devs, trying to tell them how to run their business. Does sound tho that you need a little of what I got. Maybe then you'd learn to relax and stop attacking other people when their opinions differ than your overly zealous critical ones. Then trying to turn it around playing victim. Women! Bet you're divorced

12-11-10, 11:45 PM
Would you two please just get a room!!!!!

12-12-10, 09:13 AM
Would you two please just get a room!!!!!

They can also do it behind a trash can.... just post a video on YouTube.... wanna see it!!

12-12-10, 03:15 PM
The game may be boring, but this forum sure is fun.

12-12-10, 03:24 PM
This is pretty funny!

12-12-10, 04:55 PM
They can also do it behind a trash can.... just post a video on YouTube.... wanna see it!!

Sorry to disappoint lads, but fat frumpy know it all house mums aren't my type. Johnson would go into serious hiding. Cougars have their entertainment value but that's it. Big mouths, now those are useful  in the short term.

12-12-10, 08:03 PM
You again. You just can't get enough of me can you.
[edit]? Oh you are confused aren't you dear. Lmao.
As for what I have to offer , at least I answer other players questions when they are having issues, instead of spending my time hounding the devs, trying to tell them how to run their business. Does sound tho that you need a little of what I got. Maybe then you'd learn to relax and stop attacking other people when their opinions differ than your overly zealous critical ones. Then trying to turn it around playing victim. Women! Bet you're divorced

I didn't attack anyone when someone's opinion differed. I made a reasonable post, which you attacked by attacking things that weren't even in it. I've been merely calling you on your bs. You are obviously talentless and witless as you can't address things I've actually said, and the best you can do is call me a woman. WHOA!! That stings. Any other heavy ammo in that underdeveloped brain of yours?

12-13-10, 02:12 AM
Don't like what I said....don't read it.

How is that even possible? You have to read it to find out you don't like it.

While I'd like to agree with the topic's title, I can't help but think it cannot be true otherwise they would operate in this way. My problem isn?t that the cases are so expensive, it?s fact that the rest of the game seems to suffer because of TL?s concentration on them.

It?s a shame because I think City Story is pretty good, but my interest is really started to wane.

12-13-10, 08:58 AM
How is that even possible? You have to read it to find out you don't like it.

While I'd like to agree with the topic's title, I can't help but think it cannot be true otherwise they would operate in this way. My problem isn?t that the cases are so expensive, it?s fact that the rest of the game seems to suffer because of TL?s concentration on them.

It?s a shame because I think City Story is pretty good, but my interest is really started to wane.

It might be true if they did a ton of test-marketing with groups or something, but I don't get that impression. The cases debuted at current prices. While many do buy them, it seems as many or more of us on here refrain. I get the impression they just set the prices as they are and are happy enough with how things are going, but I posted what I did as perhaps an alternative way of looking at the cases. We won't get anywhere with 'cases are expensive!' posts. I figured the only way to reach them would be to show them that they might make more money by lowering the prices of the cases since we know it's about them making money.

Not long after I posted, they ran a special of 20 city cash cases (roughly $4 per rather than $5). I would wager they sold many more during this period. Maybe they will realize that lower prices mean more revenue. If so we could all end up happier.

I agree though, I can't understand why there has been no updated free content in months. Cranking out the lame restaurant and bakery games (which are basically the same thing) and the lame empire game (same thing as city, but not as good) took away all their man-power than could have been used to at least make a few more buildings for their main game (along with the farm game).

12-18-10, 08:20 AM
I totally agree with you about this. There are items I want from the cases, and they are common items that I should get, but I so don't want the other stuff in them that I am unwilling to give it a go. I find most of the more uncommon items obnoxious and would be as peeved at getting them as others are getting the common stuff. I want a windmill, and for my Silicone Valley business center, I want the skateboard park, merry go round and couple of other things. I just cannot buy the case knowing I might get an adobe house or Big Ben or any of the others. I think there are way more of us than the gamblers buying the cases, but those gamblers can and will spend a whole bunch of money on the cases.
For the cases that have been around for a while, they should make the common items, at least, available to get individually. But that is asking the company to do something new and we are starting to understand that it will never happen.

12-24-10, 01:26 PM
"Stop trying to sell us heart attacks (Big Macs), you will make a lot more money selling salads if you took the Big Mac off the menu. I'm so pissed off that I'm going to keep complain, whine and moan? about it. While I'm doing that I'll buy a Big Mac."
Thats what you sound like... I hate your products! but I'll still help support it by buying more, even though I hate them.

12-31-10, 08:49 AM
"Stop trying to sell us heart attacks (Big Macs), you will make a lot more money selling salads if you took the Big Mac off the menu. I'm so pissed off that I'm going to keep complain, whine and moan? about it. While I'm doing that I'll buy a Big Mac."
Thats what you sound like... I hate your products! but I'll still help support it by buying more, even though I hate them.

That's not what the OP sounds like at all. Work on your reading comprehension before you post stuff like this that reveals your status as an idiot.