View Full Version : Everything gone

09-22-12, 03:34 AM
Even clothes that took 2 days are gone! Every thing gone! The shop was closed with a chair! Also the game gets stuck... I am starting to hate this app...

09-22-12, 03:57 AM
The exact thing happened to me also. It?s the second time now. Had my shop closed for almost 3 days and when I opened it today, everything disappeared in less than an hour. I had many thousands items, fully stored. I am really getting tired of this.

09-22-12, 04:49 AM
Game is not designed to keep your doors closed... Most of the time when you re open ... All your clothes wit quick sell ... You get you coins and your clothes is gone

09-22-12, 05:01 AM
Instead of blocking your door while you make stock to sell, just block off a section of your boutique with a mirror, dressing room, a few racks/counters to sell, and the cashier. Use the rest of your boutique to stock clothes. If the clones can't get to the clothes, they can't buy them, so by doing this you're able to stock up without having to block your door and end up with a quick-sell situation.

09-22-12, 05:31 AM
To bad... I am going to put a chair mirror and something else infrond of the door see what happens

10-01-12, 05:46 PM
I think it empties out automatically?

10-01-12, 05:48 PM
If you closed your door and instant sell could happen teamlava does not recommend closing your door

10-02-12, 07:11 AM
I have the same prob. Is there a way for me to get back all those clothes?

10-03-12, 01:17 AM
hi if you block your door your stuff will still sell

10-03-12, 05:28 AM
TL has said many times that the door blocking is a player-developed work around, not something they created to stop sales. If you block your door you run the risk of everything instantly selling out, so you can't be mad at TL about it.

10-13-12, 05:40 AM
And again everything gone. My store was so full with fashion and in a minut everything gone... I waited so long for some things to be done nooooo its done i am true!!!. I am done with this game...and something else.... The popups " awsome and gems" come out of my troat!!! My stormid is sanball and misssan delete me.... Bye

10-13-12, 06:41 AM
@sweetstuff525 i didn't lock my store so what is your comment now?