View Full Version : Diamond success breeding with mistmoth?

09-19-12, 05:16 PM
So I am finally getting a mistmoth after 36 levels lol. I have no luck when it comes to magic hybrids. Anyway, I have seen lots of people having success with wizard getting diamond or infinity but has anyone had success with mistmoth getting these two dragons? Like maybe mistmoth/fairy?

09-19-12, 05:17 PM
So I am finally getting a mistmoth after 36 levels lol. I have no luck when it comes to magic hybrids. Anyway, I have seen lots of people having success with wizard getting diamond or infinity but has anyone had success with mistmoth getting these two dragons? Like maybe mistmoth/fairy?

Well, what names would you think? I just got a Mistmoth this week.

09-19-12, 05:26 PM
I imagine my first attempt in a couple days will be my mistmoth/fruitful(cruise). Mistmoth is still in the nest So I don't know it's name and I'll have to evolve so it'll be a while.

09-19-12, 06:32 PM
I did mismoth and fairy and got 20 boring hours

09-19-12, 06:55 PM
I did mismoth and fairy and got 20 boring hoursAh yes, the dreaded island wait. Not looking forward to that.

09-20-12, 09:35 AM
With all the new gold I was able to speed up the process. So far I paired my mistmoth with cruise my fruitful and got a fairy and now paired him with indigo my coral and got aether. It's working out well so far.

10-13-12, 07:11 PM
Yes, I had been trying every combo I could think of and I was at level 54 with no diamond. I thought I would never get one! I paired by Mistmoth and Fairy and on my 3rd breeding attempt 2 days (44 gold) - I finally have my Diamond!!