View Full Version : Is there a difference between never evolved and lvl7 and epic dragon ?

09-15-12, 10:39 AM
Apart from form and coin capacity does evolution affect breeding? Does a epic dragon's colour overpower the colour of a never evolved dragon during breeding ? Does an epic dragon have a stronger colour . If u breed two dragons - one epic and one lvl 6 does the result stay more in sync with the colours of the epic ? I invite comments.

09-15-12, 11:15 AM
Yes I think so. It's similar to Mendelian traits IMO. I think the epic/more evolved dragon in a pair will probably hold more dominant traits and the lower level dragon's traits are more likely to be recessive

09-15-12, 11:36 AM
No my acct produces diamonds with lvl 4 dragons. Levels have no bearing in breeding.

09-15-12, 12:15 PM
You would think so, but that would be logical.TL dont do logical.

09-15-12, 01:24 PM
I would say no because I currently have a diamond breeding from a level 4 Firestorm and a level 7 Island.

09-15-12, 01:38 PM
I would say level has no factor, and that is from a developer in the Monster Story thread saying so.

09-15-12, 04:07 PM
and evolution shouldn't play a factor since the game has since been udpated where you HAVE to evolve your dragon at level 3 in order to even be able to breed it. So all dragons in my game that I've bred have been evolved at least once.

09-16-12, 10:58 AM
I evolve monsters at level 3 but dragons ? I am not to sure coz my mermaid evolved at 6 not at three. And my version up to date.