View Full Version : Tile Problem!!!

11-24-10, 01:06 AM
After the latest update to fix the wallpaper, the multi-colored classic tiles I had purchased for gems were converted to an ugly brown and white pattern that does not go with my decor! What is up with, this? Does every update bring more problems? Can I get a refund for gems that I spent for a product that now doesn't remotely resemble what was originally offered? Please reply Norman!

11-24-10, 01:42 AM
Hey u stupid team lava! Why must u always mess things up with new updates?!
WTF! Give me back my colorful classy tiles!! U know how many of us actually bought them
with gems with our real $$$!!! and now because of this stupid update and they are now changed to pink and brown! You obviously know and able to anticipate that you gonna get bombarded for this stupid change and you still go ahead with the update.
Good luck, you gonna get whole lot of players bombarding you soon!!

Give us back the tiles!!! Dont rob our $$ for no reasons!!


11-24-10, 01:51 AM
Please use more brains before you start making any changes!!!
Your stupid actions simply shows you didn't think of any consequences
to come with this stupid act of replacing one tile for another.
If you want to add a new tile please ADD not REPLACE not OVERWRITE!!
Is there something wrong with with your programming or something wrong inside
your head?
There is absolutely no professionism in TL in all aspects, poor communications,
poor judgement, everything.
Don't give us updates that create more mess in this game, it's already bad enough!!!

11-24-10, 06:13 AM
Please use more brains before you start making any changes!!!
Your stupid actions simply shows you didn't think of any consequences
to come with this stupid act of replacing one tile for another.
If you want to add a new tile please ADD not REPLACE not OVERWRITE!!
Is there something wrong with with your programming or something wrong inside
your head?
There is absolutely no professionism in TL in all aspects, poor communications,
poor judgement, everything.
Don't give us updates that create more mess in this game, it's already bad enough!!!

You, my friend, are a hot headed ass!

If a new issue was created, I doubt they knew. You are such a wad who really needs to Take anger management classes. A more productive thread would've been to identify the problem, not go off like a jackass with a firecracker up it's butt. Grow up

Thanks team for fixing the big. Awesome!