View Full Version : favorite things

09-08-12, 08:49 AM
So, what's your favorite thing on the farm? I'm really partial to the school house and the koi pond. Unfortunately I have neither on my farm yet. I said YET!!!;)

09-09-12, 07:30 PM
I love the pagoda and schoolhouse.

09-10-12, 05:37 AM
Vineyard and the greenhouse - which I want but don't want to pay gems for it.

09-10-12, 06:51 AM
I would say the vineyard too, but still haven't bought it.

09-10-12, 07:10 AM
Vineyard, Greenhouse, and Mansion. I finally saved up enough gems for the Greenhouse a few months ago and did a happy dance for a full day once I purchased it. I know, I need a life. *sighs*

09-10-12, 07:19 AM
Vineyard, Greenhouse, and Mansion. I finally saved up enough gems for the Greenhouse a few months ago and did a happy dance for a full day once I purchased it. I know, I need a life. *sighs*

Wait till 4.00pm for the school to end, and you'll get back to real life lol

I decided not to spend any of my gems since they put the tap to manage feature a few months ago (although I am still on the old version of Farm and don't have to do with this stupid feature), so I'm saving them not usng them...

09-10-12, 07:21 AM
Wait till 4.00pm for the school to end, and you'll get back to real life lol

I decided not to spend any of my gems since they put the tap to manage feature a few months ago (although I am still on the old version of Farm and don't have to do with this stupid feature), so I'm saving them not usng them...

Hahahaha, I was saving them FOR the greenhouse, that is why that Tap-to-Manage freaked me out so much. I swear if I had lost any to that I would have bawled like a baby for days, seriously..................

09-10-12, 07:30 AM
Well, if I had the tap to manage stuff, I wouldn't save my gems, I would be too afraid to lose them stupidly, but since I can still enjoy the old version without the tap to manage, I'm saving them :)