View Full Version : Dang Gem Trap!

09-06-12, 09:25 AM
Knew I should have gone ahead and bought the Rock Chic Display last update. Was paging thru my catalog when I caught the edge of the "Buy a Slot" button and away my gems flew. Now, I'm down to 2 gems and for NOTHING.:mad::mad::mad:

09-06-12, 09:35 AM
Awwww I know how it feels sorry

09-07-12, 05:36 PM
MEE TOO i though u slide to get to the expantions and i tapped the secret bag and got STUPID leggings for 24 GEMZ! i was mad so i contacted team lava and i cant get my gemz back i was mad tht y i dnt buy gemz and i never will but i agree i know how it feels...