View Full Version : Norman - weird problem - help..!

11-22-10, 03:02 PM

My first RS problem....
I saved up 24 cash and selected the jukebox.
When I went to select/position it, It wasn't there...
Instead I seem to have acquired a Purple Fancy Vase. I don't want it.
Please can I have my cash back. Take the vase back by all means..!

City: good mood food
I'd: wedge1

11-25-10, 01:48 PM
Any reply..?

11-28-10, 08:21 AM
I would really appreciate an answer Norman..!

11-28-10, 09:15 AM
Norman doesn't post on the forums on the weekends. Your problem will most likely be answered tommorow.

12-13-10, 12:36 PM

My first RS problem....
I saved up 24 cash and selected the jukebox.
When I went to select/position it, It wasn't there...
Instead I seem to have acquired a Purple Fancy Vase. I don't want it.
Please can I have my cash back. Take the vase back by all means..!

City: good mood food
I'd: wedge1

12-13-10, 02:49 PM
It doesn't work like that..
you get what you get, it's a random item you get out of all the mysteries there can be in the box..
i also got something i didn't want but i took my chance..

am i right or am i wrong?

12-14-10, 12:20 PM
You are right...But I made a typo....I spent 18 not 24 cash...I selected the jukebox, not got it by chance in the surprise box. Still don't understand why it morphed into a vase when i went to select it from my inventory..? Help

12-14-10, 03:27 PM
You are right...But I made a typo....I spent 18 not 24 cash...I selected the jukebox, not got it by chance in the surprise box. Still don't understand why it morphed into a vase when i went to select it from my inventory..? Help

my bad i miss understood you as well.. you selected the jukebox not the magic box(to get rare items)
perhaps you actually did click the vase instead of the jukebox.. who knows you'd have to contact teamlava about that and see what they can do about it but doubt they will.

12-14-10, 05:37 PM
I have looked into this issue for you. It seems that you indeed purchased a Magic Box instead of the Jukebox on 11/22/2010. That was the last in-game purchase you made with Gems.

then nvm i was right (:

12-16-10, 12:33 PM
In that case, I guess I'm stuck with my unwanted vase. Ooh.

Vase for sale....