View Full Version : Cannot go to social tab from home with new update (Android)

09-02-12, 01:30 AM
Thanks for the goals... yay! Was about to leave the game, but this has me hooked again.

One bug that has crept up is that I cannot hit the social icon when I am in my own restaurant. The customer satisfaction icon covers it, and no amount of tapping frees it up... have to go into the main menu in order to go in to visiting neighbors or community. Major pain.

Also think it was an oversight to leave out the automatic flip to bringing up the last item you cooked when opening. Should be a pretty simple code fix.

09-02-12, 10:40 AM
What device and it's version are you on? I can press the social tab on my Razr without issue, but it may be different for others.

The cookbook reset has been flagged over.