View Full Version : feedback for Android

09-02-12, 12:08 AM
I just wanted to add my 2 cents about the new update for Android. It's a bit long, sorry...

The good:

parts are showing up in gifts! Yay! :D
coins & stars can now be collected in groups (though it would be even better if we don't have to collect them at all)
limited time items now have nifty new ribbon in the design tab
goals! finally!

The bad:

'current' recipe is no longer remembered when cooking multiples, so you have to scroll through to find it again
word suggestions/auto-correct are turned off when posting messages on walls
material requests seem to take longer to go through? :confused:
game seems to take longer to reload after I put it in the background, and sometimes pictures don't load properly. I've found that it's actually faster to exit the game completely and load it again after the update
new 'limited time item' popup (because each additional popup is exponentially more annoying than the previous one)
popups appearing after my bakery has loaded. I liked it better when all the popups had to be cleared before entering my bakery. Now I have the annoying things appearing when I'm trying to collect tips & cook. I cooked the wrong recipe the other day because of a popup ambush :mad:

And I think this was actually added in a previous update, but I'll mention it anyway... the messages in the news feed showing who responded to parts requests would be a lot more welcome if they were all grouped together at the bottom of the old 'tips' messages rather than all mixed together. I'd like it even better if they automatically disappear after I visit that neighbour or if I could manually delete them like the messages on my wall.

I don't expect all of these to be fixed, though it would be nice if one or two were. I'm just stating my opinion of the new version.

09-02-12, 12:36 AM
After android update I lost my daily bonus coins. Please fix this problem. I didn't get bonus coins since 4 days ago.:-(:-(:-(:-(

09-02-12, 07:23 AM
can you tell us which are limited items? ios doesnt have the mark on them

09-02-12, 05:46 PM
can you tell us which are limited items? ios doesnt have the mark on them

the current limited item is Candy Dispenser (26 gems)

09-02-12, 05:57 PM
can you tell us which are limited items? ios doesnt have the mark on them

The OP means the weekly limited time item, a single item each week. Android used to get a text box and the item in the design tab looked like any other so it wasn't as easy to see which item was the limited item. Now we get the image that iOS gets and the item in the design tab has a border around it so we know its a limited item. We didn't get anything that wasn't already available to some others.

09-02-12, 06:12 PM
The OP means the weekly limited time item, a single item each week. Android used to get a text box and the item in the design tab looked like any other so it wasn't as easy to see which item was the limited item. Now we get the image that iOS gets and the item in the design tab has a border around it so we know its a limited item. We didn't get anything that wasn't already available to some others.
Oh thanks for clearing that up ... I though op meant items like world games decorations or recipes that were limited

09-06-12, 09:38 AM
great feedback and I agree with everything... I have two andoid devices because IOS is evil (just an oppinion) and am thankful that TL is giving us goals and all the other things that IOS received. However, my goals stopped. Are the goal limited? Meaning do they only show up occasionally or is a constant. The last goal I completed was cooking the bread heart thingy.
And in restaurant story, there are items that I can only recxeive if I complete goals.... but the goals aren't on the android verson on rs yet.... so confusing.

09-06-12, 09:57 AM
Once you finish the "bread heart thingy" goal you should get Jean-Pierre in your decorations tab. That's the end of the goals for now, and the clipboard is removed from the screen.

09-06-12, 10:01 AM
thanks nmishii! =) I have him... just not sure I want him ;) !!

[S8] Elsa
09-06-12, 10:13 AM
Thank you for the feedback on the new Android version. Glad to see everyone enjoying some of the new features!

In response to your constructive criticism (which is very much appreciated, by the way!)

1. The game not remembering the recipe and starting from the beginning of the cookbook has been passed on to the team for investigation.
2. Auto Correct - is anyone else experiencing this being turned off when they write on walls?
4. Bakery Story is currently experiencing some force closes for some users post-update. This has been reported for investigation.
5. The change to the pop ups are intended to improve the performance of the game. Instead of loading at the same time, they load one at a time which makes things run more smoothly.
6. The feedback regarding parts request notifications will be passed on to the team.

09-06-12, 12:18 PM
I truly appreciated the parts inventory. I hadn't thought I wanted it until I got it. I'd had no idea I had so many parts!

09-07-12, 08:54 AM
Most days I can't even access the game and my food spoiled because of force closing or no error message at all, it just closes. I try about 15 times then give up.... I am on android of course..

09-07-12, 04:30 PM
When will new goals be presented?

09-08-12, 06:13 PM
I like having the goals, even if I have to make brownies at lvl 96. However, I am having so many issues with both RS & BS that I would rather go back to pre-update. Before I could only see my food gifts, now I can only see the special parts gifts. I have to scroll every time I want to use the cookbook on multiple ovens & the collectables are not collectable any more.

09-09-12, 07:49 AM
Most days I can't even access the game and my food spoiled because of force closing or no error message at all, it just closes. I try about 15 times then give up.... I am on android of course..

I've experienced this issue with nightclub story. Have you tried uninstalling the game from your device and then reinstalling?

09-09-12, 07:50 AM
I like having the goals, even if I have to make brownies at lvl 96. However, I am having so many issues with both RS & BS that I would rather go back to pre-update. Before I could only see my food gifts, now I can only see the special parts gifts. I have to scroll every time I want to use the cookbook on multiple ovens & the collectables are not collectable any more.

I liked the goals too, I'm at level 97 and I really didn't mind the recent bread oven goals. I hope to see more goal opportunities in the future.

09-10-12, 10:15 AM
2. Auto Correct - is anyone else experiencing this being turned off when they write on walls?
6. The feedback regarding parts request notifications will be passed on to the team.

I think it depends on your keypad. I've downloaded one called GO Keyboard and I'm able to turn auto correct on and off with a button called T9
I've noticed that I'll see a request for my neighbors goal that was sent 3 days ago. But during that time my news would be empty. I'm wondering id maybe when I request parts from my neighbors the same thing is happening to them. It took me about a week to finish 3 bread ovens. not impressed :/
I really like that I can see which parts I have in the gift area. That helps a lot.

09-10-12, 12:04 PM
After android update I lost my daily bonus coins. Please fix this problem. I didn't get bonus coins since 4 days ago.:-(:-(:-(:-(

you are so right! i did not even notice until you brought that up...fix TL!!!

09-16-12, 07:24 AM
Storm8 ID: LorrieLadyofthelakeLady
New upgrade needs to have bugs fixed, after playing for a small amount of time, my items begin to suddenly disappear!! :mad:Then I have to uninstall, then reinstall.
:confused::mad:How do I fix this?? Is it my particular cell phone? LG Vortex or your APP? please let me know what to DO!!!!!

kooky panda
09-16-12, 10:50 AM
Storm8 ID: LorrieLadyofthelakeLady
New upgrade needs to have bugs fixed, after playing for a small amount of time, my items begin to suddenly disappear!! :mad:Then I have to uninstall, then reinstall.
:confused::mad:How do I fix this?? Is it my particular cell phone? LG Vortex or your APP? please let me know what to DO!!!!!
Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
Try moving your game to your SD card to free up some memory.
If you still have issues with items disappearing, send an email to support@teamlava.com so they can look into your game.

09-17-12, 08:17 PM
Thank you for the feedback on the new Android version. Glad to see everyone enjoying some of the new features!

In response to your constructive criticism (which is very much appreciated, by the way!)

1. The game not remembering the recipe and starting from the beginning of the cookbook has been passed on to the team for investigation.
2. Auto Correct - is anyone else experiencing this being turned off when they write on walls?
4. Bakery Story is currently experiencing some force closes for some users post-update. This has been reported for investigation.
5. The change to the pop ups are intended to improve the performance of the game. Instead of loading at the same time, they load one at a time which makes things run more smoothly.
6. The feedback regarding parts request notifications will be passed on to the team.

I have not been able to enjoy any of the new features of the game because my game will not even open.
It automatically force closes.
I hope this immediate force closing issue has been reported for both RS & BS & will be fixed soon.