View Full Version : Farm story HELP ..

09-01-12, 05:55 PM
I am having trouble for some reason tonight with farm story. I reached level 90, don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But at least you know , I've been playing for awhile. After I collect my crops, and then plowed to get ready for another crop, it won't let me click on any of the crops, trees, flowers , nothing. I already turned off my IPAD and turned back on, still no luck. So , I thought if that doesn't work , I would just put my trees in inventory that way my neighbors can have something to water, well it let me get a few out of inventory , and now that's stuck also... I hope you can help me. I sent team lava an email. But I really need to get my daily "fix" of the farm. LOL . Thank you in advance for your help.

09-01-12, 06:13 PM
Scroll to second page and scroll back, then try

It worked for me

09-01-12, 08:31 PM
You can always try deleting and reinstalling the game :)