View Full Version : Dragonride Shrines?

08-30-12, 04:20 AM
I've noticed a pattern.. i bought a Dragonride Shrine, then tried for a Diamond, but got a Mindvolt. I was just, 'oh, coincidence.'. Then, i tried for a mist and got a Seabreeze. I had two or three dragonrides. Maybe it helps get rarer dragons... so the more you get, the better your chances, maybe? Anyone else notice a pattern?

08-30-12, 04:50 AM
Not me..had shrines for a bit, I am about to breed a planet x island, so I will buy 10 more shrines, and if I get a diamond I will say yes, you have a theory..lol

08-30-12, 05:13 AM
Bought 12, and bread a life..lol Anyways, at least I lvl'd up??

08-30-12, 12:03 PM
I get better results when I have decorations set up. Had great luck when I put up the nether portals.

08-30-12, 12:39 PM
My theory is
Getting The dragons you want has to do with the dragons levels you breed. The levels are different for everyone you have to find the level that works for you. Say you want a eagle or scorpion so you start with air and fire try a few times at a low level and slowly level the up trying to breed the a few times each level soon you will see what the levels should be for yourself.

08-31-12, 07:26 AM
The Nether Portal works. I just bred Fire and Air, thinking it'd fail and i;'d get just another Firestorm...

Nope. Scorpion.

08-31-12, 07:27 AM
Too bad that quest expired weeks ago! XD