View Full Version : How many neighbors???

08-27-12, 07:18 PM
Ok am at level 75 and am trying to level up. It said I needed one more nbr will just got another one and it now says I need more nbr's, so my question is how many more nbr's are necessary because it dies not say how many more is needed. Makes no sense at all to me.

08-27-12, 07:47 PM
You need 55 neighbors and $900,000 to get your last expansion to 24X24.

08-28-12, 07:15 AM
Ok am at level 75 and am trying to level up. It said I needed one more nbr will just got another one and it now says I need more nbr's, so my question is how many more nbr's are necessary because it dies not say how many more is needed. Makes no sense at all to me.

Maybe one of your old nbrs quit and deleted all HIS nbrs, not your fault.


After I get my last expansion, Im deleting all the dead farms.....

08-28-12, 07:58 PM
Thank you both for your answers, sorry for not responding sooner had forgotten that I asked until I went back to expand again. I will be doing the same because I have a lot if neighbors who have nothing but dead grass on their farms. Geez

08-31-12, 08:47 AM
There's a bug where if you click on the arrows to expand it will you tell you you need X more neighbors to expand, when you actually need X+1. If you go to your profile and see the number of neighbors you have and go into the expansion menu itself to see the actual number of neighbors needed you'll see that the message you get when clicking on the expand arrows is wrong.