View Full Version : Keeping Balanced goal

08-27-12, 03:27 AM

I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue (happening in other games also) .

I just received "Keeping Balanced" after completing the previous goal in the line I have 10 hours to complete the goal which is impossible since it takes longer than this to breed a single Chinchilla let alone 2!

I had this happen in Fashion story also so the only way I could complete was with gems,.. I currently have "Head in the Sand" also with only 10 hours to complete and it's not even in a line as such.

Both of these lines orginally had no time associated then suddenly displaying highly unrealistic timeframes.

I purchased gems to get through 1 line but it just continued in the next goal/step I'm certainly not buying any more gems just for this.

Extremely pissed off and annoyed!

12-07-12, 01:02 PM
Yes, I had one goal like this early on playing fashion story, but I think that I just let it expire. Don't remember specifically what it was anymore.