View Full Version : Boxes worth 24 gems

08-23-12, 12:31 PM
Are the boxes worth purchasing? I've never opened one. I have 24 gems and I'd like to open the candy box but I don't know if its going to be worth it. The boxes claim to give you items you can't get any where else. Can someone please tell me their experience with the boxes. Thanks !

08-23-12, 12:47 PM
It's a personal choice. To me... no electronic picture will ever be worth $5.00.

08-23-12, 12:51 PM
If you chose to open a box you won't know what item you will get. It's a form of gambling (that a lot of people seem to get addicted to). Here is a thread that shows what is in each box and your odds of getting each item....http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?26550-Bakery-Master-Box-List

I have used earned gems to open the Madiline Tin, and I like the stuff in the Cake and Tea box.

08-23-12, 12:59 PM
Sorry... Last post, I promise....

If you open a box, and you're goal is to get a first place item... Plan on spending several hundred dollars. I'm not joking, hundreds of dollars, and even then... There is no guarantee that you will get the little picture.

I'm sorry, I just find the boxes disgusting. I could never spend actually money on gambling to get a picture. How could I tell my kids, sorry, you can't have that dress, toy, special event, swimming lessons, etc. because mommy spent $200 trying to get a picture of a candy castle for her fake bakery. I'd rather give money to my kids or charity than Team Lava.

08-23-12, 01:40 PM
Sorry... Last post, I promise....

If you open a box, and you're goal is to get a first place item... Plan on spending several hundred dollars. I'm not joking, hundreds of dollars, and even then... There is no guarantee that you will get the little picture.

I'm sorry, I just find the boxes disgusting. I could never spend actually money on gambling to get a picture. How could I tell my kids, sorry, you can't have that dress, toy, special event, swimming lessons, etc. because mommy spent $200 trying to get a picture of a candy castle for her fake bakery. I'd rather give money to my kids or charity than Team Lava.

I find your comment funny and silly. Yes everyone has their opinion. So here's mine. I purchase gems from time to time. I have 2 girls and let me add girls are more $$$ then boys. My daughters get and have everything they need without being spoiled. One is a newborn and yes they both have that so called pretty dress and or toy they want. Maybe I'm lucky that my husband has a great job and I have my decent paying job as well. If I'd rather spend my money on a little picture then endless amount of clothes and shoes (like most of my female friends) then that's what I do. I'm not trying to be rude but why assume and bring in comments such as kids not gettig clothes because someone buys gems? Just silly to me.

08-23-12, 01:43 PM
To add to my comment.. If you're talking about boxes specifically then yes I completely agree with you. It's nt worth spending 200$ to try for a candy castle.

08-23-12, 02:09 PM
I once bought a donut box when I was a new player I had tought if I bought a box then I would be able to pick what I wanted (duh) but I got a little donut thing and I was so disappointed Bc it looks like it would be an item that u got 4 24 gems! I had also bought gems for 3.99 when they had a sale just to get the donut box. I will never buy a box Bc your basically taking a chance for all that I could go buy a scratch off ticket or lotto and take my chances there! :):)

08-23-12, 02:27 PM
I find your comment funny and silly. Yes everyone has their opinion. So here's mine. I purchase gems from time to time. I have 2 girls and let me add girls are more $$$ then boys. My daughters get and have everything they need without being spoiled. One is a newborn and yes they both have that so called pretty dress and or toy they want. Maybe I'm lucky that my husband has a great job and I have my decent paying job as well. If I'd rather spend my money on a little picture then endless amount of clothes and shoes (like most of my female friends) then that's what I do. I'm not trying to be rude but why assume and bring in comments such as kids not gettig clothes because someone buys gems? Just silly to me.

All of my comments start with or include the word "I". Meaning this is what I chose for myself. None of my comments say anything about other players.

08-23-12, 02:39 PM
The boxed only give you ONE item out of the ones shown on that thread so if you want to get ONE item for 24 gems than go ahead but I think it's a waste unless you enjoy getting all the features in games. :) best of luck deciding!

08-23-12, 02:39 PM
Anna, you know what's funny to me? I never find the 1st place items to be very appealing. The pastry hub thing looks like a UFO food truck. I'm always crossing my fingers that I don't get them! Lol

08-23-12, 02:41 PM
It depends on the theme and whats inside the box. I also check if I like most of the 4th prized items to see which are more appealing, since I have a higher chance of getting it.

08-23-12, 02:48 PM
Anna, you know what's funny to me? I never find the 1st place items to be very appealing. The pastry hub thing looks like a UFO food truck. I'm always crossing my fingers that I don't get them! Lol

I know! The first place items are HUGE and gaudy. My two favorite items are the French Topiary (Madeline Tin) and the tea stand with the flowers on top (Cake and Tea box), I believe they are both 4th place items.

08-23-12, 02:57 PM
The only first prize i really like from boxes is the Duck Fountain, and of course it's kinda the only one i didnt get. Luck!!!

08-23-12, 06:05 PM
Thanks for responding but I havent spent one dollar on bakery story. I've saved my gems and I have a total of 29 now. I don't know if it's going to be worth spending all of my gems on the box. I wasn't talking about actual money.

08-23-12, 06:24 PM
I spend 24 gems on a box and I'll i got was a dress to wear. To me that is not work 24 gems . I did the fam thing in farm story bought 3 boxes and I did not get my gems worth. Improbably will not buy another box

08-23-12, 06:43 PM
I am guilty of spending money on gems just to get the boxes. I guess I look at it more like, it costs me $20 to go sit in the movie theatre to stare at a screen for 2 hours, because I find that entertaining, and I find opening boxes entertaining (and frustrating!). Sometimes I feel like it was a dumb decision to spend my gems on a box. Sometimes I am really happy I did.

But Anna, you are right - it certainly can become an addiction. And addiction to anything is bad because, by definition, you start to "need" it and lose control. Like anything in life, it's wise only to spend (or gamble) what you can afford.

Here is my opinion..... NOBODY has the right to judge anyone for their priorities. Good for you, MPosey, that you have a husband with a well-paid job. Not everyone is that lucky. Or, they may be, but may decide to spend that wonderful money on other things. That doesn't make their comments "silly". "Silly" (and rude) is comments are offensive and put other people down for their opinions.

08-23-12, 06:52 PM
Anna, you know what's funny to me? I never find the 1st place items to be very appealing. The pastry hub thing looks like a UFO food truck. I'm always crossing my fingers that I don't get them! Lol

I'm with you there! When I was doing the Madeline Tin, I was sooooo hoping not to get the Eiffel tower!

08-23-12, 07:19 PM
I'm with you guys on the first place items! I almost never want them! The only good ones are mighty appliances. I was VERY lucky and got the mighty stove on only my second box ever (in RS). But every other time, I have not wanted them because they are huge and gaudy.

08-24-12, 12:29 AM
Nellygarcia, i think the best way to go is to check the thread they already linked. You can see every box content there, so you can decide which one has the biggest number of items you like, and try the luck with this one. I personally would go for Madeleine Tin, but you can have a different taste, so just check the thread and pick one :)

08-24-12, 07:37 AM
I am guilty of spending money on gems just to get the boxes. I guess I look at it more like, it costs me $20 to go sit in the movie theatre to stare at a screen for 2 hours, because I find that entertaining, and I find opening boxes entertaining (and frustrating!). Sometimes I feel like it was a dumb decision to spend my gems on a box. Sometimes I am really happy I did.

But Anna, you are right - it certainly can become an addiction. And addiction to anything is bad because, by definition, you start to "need" it and lose control. Like anything in life, it's wise only to spend (or gamble) what you can afford.

Here is my opinion..... NOBODY has the right to judge anyone for their priorities. Good for you, MPosey, that you have a husband with a well-paid job. Not everyone is that lucky. Or, they may be, but may decide to spend that wonderful money on other things. That doesn't make their comments "silly". "Silly" (and rude) is comments are offensive and put other people down for their opinions.

If calling her comment "silly" is putting her down I do apologize for that but when I said "rude" ur was towards myself. I said I'm not trying to be rude. I didn't call her rude. And I took offense to her comment. But then she clearly stated her post said "I" which I can understand. When I read her comment I suppose I didn't read it fully. When I read it, I read that she thought buying gems where disgusting when clearly she wrote buying boxes were. Which I can understand and my next reply under the one I wrote said. I agree with her. I did not put her down an was not intending to. Everyone has their own opinion.

08-24-12, 09:22 AM
It's a personal choice. To me... no electronic picture will ever be worth $5.00.

I completely understand what you're saying...I guess I just look at as paying for the entertainment value of the game. I used to only buy them during a sale - didn't get a sale for awhile, didn't buy gems for awhile! lol I thought the LTO was cute this week...didn't have a sale yesterday, but I spent the $5 anyway - and this morning I had a 30% off!! Ugh!

If I factor in the cost of an evening out (or whatever) vs. the time spent playing this game on a regular basis...I dunno, guess I just feel like I should do my part and help support them...those servers don't run on gumdrops and lollipops. 😉

**and for the record, I am fully aware that $5 can make or break you sometimes - been there, done that, so I completely understand those that *can't*, there were many years I wouldn't have been able to spend the $5. Ever. I would have just played and been happy that they allowed me to play without paying - I certainly wouldn't criticize them while doing it. 😏

08-24-12, 09:30 AM
The only first prize i really like from boxes is the Duck Fountain, and of course it's kinda the only one i didnt get. Luck!!!

I have the duck fountain...gem trap!! lol I really did NOT want the fountain because, at the time, my bakery was so small. I was just looking at the boxes (not to buy, just taking a look around) and the game re-set...BAM! Gems gone and a fountain that didn't fit!! Thankfully, after playing for a year I have room. 😄

08-24-12, 12:27 PM
I mostly prefer the 4th, 3rd and 2nd prize items in the boxes too.