View Full Version : Best time or way to buy boxes??

08-22-12, 03:02 PM
I have never buy boxes, im scared to spend my gems on something i dont like. But ik theres people that do buy lots. I want to know if theres a trick or if anyone has advice on buying boxes :o anything related helps me decide on buying one, so thanks in advence! :D

08-22-12, 03:19 PM

I would suggest looking through the boxes on this thread first. If any of the contents of the box would make you happy, you could purchase it.

Personally, I don't buy many boxes either. But I always splurge on the Halloween boxes ;)

08-22-12, 03:20 PM
There is a thread which lists out most of the box items


So far no tricks were found. My word to you is before you buy a box, make sure you are ok on getting most of the 3rd and 4th prizes. You have very high chances to receive them. Good luck!

08-22-12, 03:28 PM
Thanks, i will check the list

08-26-12, 07:41 AM
I noticed mostly the same neighbors get all the first prizes. I ave many second place but no first. Have spent loads. : (