View Full Version : Goal with ping pong wall.

08-20-12, 08:46 AM
My friend place ping pong wallpapers on over of her wall. Then, she reached the goal need buying ping pong wall and it requires to buy 15 ones.
I thought TL'd had a solution to solve this problem since some people lost 3 gems for install RS WG before the quest come out.
I hope my friend doesn't lose a whole goal just 'cause this silly error.

08-20-12, 09:01 AM
The goal doesn't require buying 15 ping-poing wallpapers. I think it said it suggests that but you can get any wallpaper you want. I remember I only bought whatever was cheap.

08-20-12, 09:08 AM
Exactly what Marrrina said, I bought brown/grey wallpaper for both golas that requires buying wallpaper.

08-20-12, 09:47 AM
Yeah any wallpaper will do

08-21-12, 06:01 AM
It worked. Thanks everyone :O

08-22-12, 07:27 AM
I just finishend THE ping pong goal. But where is it? I cannot find it. I thought I would get it for free, but I must pay about 40 or 50 gems?? (I forgot THE amount). That why I think I do not see it. Because if you must unlock THE goal to buy THE goal it is stupid. I really thought it was for free. So please tell me where to look, or am I and is it only to unlock THE item? then I don't GO further.

P.s. My iPad gives those stupid headlines!

08-22-12, 07:30 AM
The word right is gone... It must say, am I right...THE goal is to unlock THE item!?

08-22-12, 08:28 AM
Is a ping pong counter to store food.

08-22-12, 12:26 PM
Found it, I didn't look there... I thought it was an item. Not a counter. Hope to make THE goals in time! Good luck to everyone!!