View Full Version : News Feed: Gift Received vs Materials Requested

08-18-12, 11:40 AM
I highly recommend not sending material parts when gift giving. Players don't realize that when they go thru the appliance box and ask, for example, 5 neighbors for a specific part and a random neighbor they didn't ask just happens to gift them that same part, once they accept that part as a gift, they will end up with 6 of that part because they will still get the parts from those 5 neighbors they requested from and all those 5 neighbors only need to click on the icon saying Materials Requested in the News Feed and you're now stuck with one extra material part if you do it often to other parts as well will turn into many parts just sitting in your gift box until you use them. Your gift box only holds 20 food gifts so if you have 15 neighbors trying to give you food gift daily and you have 10 parts sitting in your gift box, guess what, your only getting 5 food gifts a day. I'm pretty sure someone in this forum mentions this issue with screen shots of what I mean. I get food gifts from all my 20 neighbors because I follow this rule. Just pay attention next time you look in the News Feed. You will see that there are two separate messages you about gifts. One says "Gifts Recieved" and the other says "Materials Requested". "Materials Requested" is coming from the specific neighbor you selected to send you that part so that is where you want to accept the part not from "Gifts Recieved". Once you follow this rule you will notice more food gifts being Recieved by your neighbors. I'm pretty sure a lot of you get messages from your neighbor's saying something like " tried to gift but your full". Am I right? Hopefully this info was helpful.

08-18-12, 12:30 PM
What? Didnt understand :(

08-18-12, 12:32 PM
Oh ok I got it, it did happen to me, but I finished my appliances faster ;)

08-21-12, 04:36 AM
i'm pretty sure "materials requested" are parts that your neighbors request from you...not parts you requested from them....hence two seperate categories

08-26-12, 09:04 PM
To be honest, I had trouble figuring out what the OP is asking people to do. Some players, out of politeness and kindness to their neighbors, decide to respond to all Material Requests by a) accepting the request and b) "gifting" that same neighbor the same material they requested. The result? The neighbor receives two of the same part they have requested, which enables them to build their appliances faster.

The OP seems to be asking people to NOT do this. Why? The message was not easy to understand, but I think she means to say that she prefers food gifts to part gifts (which is really a personal choice and shouldn't be imposed upon the rest of us) and that it is somehow a huge problem to have loads of unused parts stored in the Gifts section (it isn't - it's actually a huge future benefit because no one can predict which parts future appliances will require and having a stockpile never hurts).

Now, going through the post slowly to try unpack some meaning out of all of this...

"I highly recommend not sending material parts when gift giving."

This is a personal choice, as I stated before. You, OP, should make this choice known to your neighbors, so that they gift you only what you wish to receive. Posting it here might not produce the results you expected.

"[...] once they accept that part as a gift [...]"

No one has to accept gifts they do not want. Once you decline a gift you don't want, that gift is replaced on the list with other gifts you have been sent recently until you hit your 20-daily-gift limit. That limit is reset daily, so the next day you will receive another 20 gifts to decline or accept at will.

"[...] they will end up with 6 of that part [...]" and

"[...] and you're now stuck with one extra material part [...]" and

"[...] will turn into many parts just sitting in your gift box until you use them [...]"

I still don't see how having too many parts is a bad thing. Please explain?

"[...] because they will still get the parts from those 5 neighbors they requested [...]"

Not always. Some neighbors don't reply to Material Requests. Not everyone playing the game is willing to help out their neighbors. I recently received a Brownie gift from a +60 level player. (!!!)

"Your gift box only holds 20 food gifts [...]"

You can only receive 20 gifts per day, but the amount of gifts - either foods or parts - you can have stored in your "My Gifts" section of the game is likely to be infinite. I haven't tested how infinite this can be, but at the moment I have 30 red motors, 38 screws, and 100 cappuccinos, among many other items I have stored over time and haven't used yet. Players at higher levels are likely to have even more items stored. So, either you do not fully understand how gifting works in the game or you misspoke when you said that the "gift box" only holds 20 gifts. Which is it?

"[...] so if you have 15 neighbors trying to give you food gift daily and you have 10 parts sitting in your gift box, guess what, your only getting 5 food gifts a day."

The 20-daily-gift limit has NOTHING to do with how many gifts you have stored in the "My Gifts" section of the game. This entire bit about only getting "5 gifts a day" is complete nonsense. All it does is spread misinformation.

"I'm pretty sure someone in this forum mentions this issue with screen shots of what I mean."

Please provide a link to the forum thread where you found this information. I would pay to see a screenshot of a "My Gifts" section with a 20-gift-limit or how the "My Gifts" section interferes in any way with the daily gift limit. I am awaiting your screenshot.

"I get food gifts from all my 20 neighbors because I follow this rule."

Good for you! That means you have found neighbors that play exactly like you play, which means you should be happy with your gifting situation. This begs the question - if you're happy with your gifting situation, then why come here to ask players to stop gifting parts?

"One says "Gifts Recieved" and the other says "Materials Requested". "Materials Requested" is coming from the specific neighbor you selected to send you that part so that is where you want to accept the part not from "Gifts Recieved"."

This is incorrect.

The ?Materials Requested? section is a list of materials your neighbors have requested from you. When you hit ?Accept?, what you are doing is sending your neighbors the part they have requested from you. When you hit ?Decline? you reject their request and no material is sent to them. The materials you have requested from your neighbors will appear in their ?Materials Requested? section. You can accept up to 20 Material Requests per day. Each of your neighbors can receive up to 20 materials sent via Material Requests per day.

The ?Gifts Received? section is a list of items (food OR parts) that your neighbors have sent to you recently. When you hit ?Accept?, that item (food OR parts) is added to your ?My Gifts? section and stays there until you ?use? it in your bakery (foods only) or build an appliance with it (parts only). When you hit ?Decline? you are declining that item and it eventually disappears from the list completely.

You can accept up to 20 items (food OR parts) per day. If you happen to have more than 20 neighbors, you will likely have more than 20 items (food OR parts) sent to you each day, but you will only see the more recent 20 in your News Feed. The rest will be stored in an unseen queue until they are able to be accepted or declined. If you see a list of 20 items (food OR parts) waiting to be accepted or declined and you decline 5 of them, these 5 spots will be replaced with the next 5 items (food OR parts) in the unseen queue.

The ?My Gifts? section has an unlimited capacity, as far as I know, and it is COMPLETELY independent from your 20-daily-gift limit.

?Am I right??

No, I?m sorry to say, you are not.

?Hopefully this info was helpful.?

No, I?m also sorry to say, it was not. If anything, you?ve managed to misinform lower-level players who might not understand how the system works and will be now wondering why the materials they?ve ?accepted? from the ?Materials Requested? section are ?disappearing? from their stocks.

The Bottom Line

Gifting is a very personal preference that should be discussed and agreed upon between neighbors and not imposed on everyone, as the OP is trying to do here. In games where both parts and food items are available to be gifted, each player develops a particular preference over time about which kind of items they prefer to receive. There is no right or wrong answer about this as there is no objective way to determine which kind of gifted item is "always" better or "always" worse between parts or food. (Although I do have to say that, in my experience, most experienced players prefer to receive parts over food.)

However, there are gifts that are objectively worse than others within those two categories (parts or food). For instance, Brownies are always the worst food gifts to give and Cappuccinos are always the best. Why? Because Cappuccinos sell for $8 while Brownies sell for $1. No one wants huge stockpiles of inexpensive food that takes forever to sell when they can have less amounts of food that sells quickly and nets a better profit. It?s simple math.

As for parts, the situation is not nearly as black and white. In my experience I have found that standard items such as Gears, Paint, Fuses, and Motors tend to be better gifts than specialty parts such as Floaty Tubes and Separators. Why? At least one of the standard parts is required in nearly all constructible appliances, so chances are most of the gifts I send will be used at some point, whereas specialty parts might not be needed after everyone has built the specialty appliances that require them. Others might have different opinions about this than me, and I welcome their thoughts.

I personally prefer to receive parts instead of food, but I completely understand the rationale used by those players who prefer to send and receive food. What I don?t understand is why the OP feels the need to order everyone else to follow her gifting method.


08-26-12, 10:13 PM
OMG LP you are so smart.

You should join the UN.

08-26-12, 11:34 PM
Lol good thing you corrected that...I was getting confused

08-27-12, 12:06 AM
excellent reply, lilacpear! I love it when I go to build an appliance and some of the components are complete! I don't have to request them.i ask for more than needed in case some do not respond or so they may arrive faster.

I am one who notices requests and will gift the same part. I figure they need 10 of each and some people may not have responded yet.

today on one of my games, I already had everything. I needed before I had to ask. it was awesome! I could get it eorking right awy.


08-27-12, 03:30 AM
OMG LP you are so smart.

You should join the UN.

Smart and funny! I can't stop laughing. You certainly don't beat around the bush!

To concur with what you said, materials requested are what Nbr's want from you. You are nt receiving them, you are giving them!

08-29-12, 09:00 PM
OMG LP you are so smart.

You should join the UN.

excellent reply, lilacpear!

Smart and funny! I can't stop laughing. You certainly don't beat around the bush!

Thanks, all. :)

(The smiley face is supposed to be blushing, so imagine the blush.)


08-29-12, 09:37 PM
Thanks, all. :)

(The smiley face is supposed to be blushing, so imagine the blush.)


I just got a red crayon and coloured it in on my computer screen.

08-30-12, 12:17 AM
Food gifts are a total waste IMO. I have enough food on my counters to last a year without having to bake anything new. I decline any food I get gifted since it would just sit in my inventory for months. I think many users, if not most, would agree that they'd rather have parts to build up their inventory so they can complete appliances without having to wait for their parts requests to be answered.

08-30-12, 12:55 AM
In Bakery, I have too much food but am still accepting cappuccino because I don't have that many neighbors and its better than nothing. With yesterday's Android update, I am able to see how many parts I have and I have too many parts also. Most of the Bakery constructable require special parts so the classic parts build up.

In Restaurant, I think I have a lot of parts there also. I accept stew and roast chicken because I don't have as much food on my counters as I do in my bakery.

08-30-12, 10:02 AM
I prefer cappuchino as a gift because I can sell them and I also make them on a daily basis!
I don't need parts I have over a 100 of each of the standard parts and I can't sell them!
if I need parts for new appliances then I request the parts required up to 20 a day!
I never make more than 5 or 6 new appliances as any more further cuts into my profits

It really all depends on if you play for profit or play for gems or play for xp to reach higher levels

08-30-12, 10:20 AM
In Bakery, I have too much food but am still accepting cappuccino because I don't have that many neighbors and its better than nothing. With yesterday's Android update, I am able to see how many parts I have and I have too many parts also. Most of the Bakery constructable require special parts so the classic parts build up.

In Restaurant, I think I have a lot of parts there also. I accept stew and roast chicken because I don't have as much food on my counters as I do in my bakery.

Lol...you'd be amazed at how fast you blow through those parts when building appliances that require them! I prefer parts even though i will accept both stew in restaurant & cap in bakery. Especially in restaurant, since i don't have that many neighbours any more. I really hate requesting parts from neighbours too so that stash of parts really does come in handy.

08-30-12, 02:47 PM
When I get material requests, I try to gift it to the person as well. For the most part gifting annoys me and is very time consuming so I usually decline most of them. lol (unless it's a week during construct-able parts like now)