View Full Version : Accidental purchases need to be reversable...

11-19-10, 02:46 PM
I ran into a nice little problem yesterday which I think would be a really good project for team lava...
When we go into the tabs and are just "trying on" decorations etc... A button should be added to "undo and refund" an item purchase if one is done accidentally. The only way to check out if an item works with your restaurants decor is to put it in and move it around to get an idea if it will work or not... If you accidentally hit the buy it tab a second time when you're doing this "try on" than you've just purchased something you may or may not have wanted. I did that with the kitchen hutch yesterday and am down in restaurant cash a cool 100,000!! I emailed to ask if it could be put back on my account balance and was told that wasn't possible. So the addition of an "I changed my mind button" would be not only a great addition, but a good customer service move!

Also, how about some more "decoration" options like artwork (paintings) for the walls, framed windows, Christmas trees, menorahs etc. for the coming holidays and so on. The options there now are getting a bit boring.

Thanks from the GreenMouse Cafe