View Full Version : Best use for gold?

08-12-12, 12:43 AM
Hi there :) I've managed to collect 300 gold (from neighbors too, but mostly from the goals with the other TL games), and now I have no idea what i should spend it on... At first, I told myself that I was collecting gold to buy a second nest, but now I wonder, is it really worth it? But, what else can I buy with it?

I'd really appreciate some advice :) (Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm quite new with the forums..)

08-12-12, 01:59 AM
It is possible to buy a nest, and for the rest accelerate evolutions, hatching etc.

08-12-12, 02:36 AM
I've collected the same amount. I've been thinking about the same thing. No real point in using gold to buy dragons. Since the ones that are harder to get cost SOOOO much more than 300 gold anyway, it's rather pointless. There is a cute cottage that can be bought with gold in decorations. But it's just a decoration so it doesn't do anything for you. Which I find pointless.

For now I've decided to not spend my gold since there isn't anything (in my opinion) worth spending it on. I'm hoping they will add more items worthy of spending gold on in the future, but cost within reason. But I suspect if they add anything new it will be hugely expensive to push you to buy more in order to get what you want. But right now there is nothing I want. Sorry I'm not really any help, good luck.

08-12-12, 02:51 AM
If I were you I'd be saving it for the diamond ^^

08-12-12, 03:08 AM
Get more neighbors and a second nest. Once you get enough neighbors you will have a steady flow of gold everyday and can have two eggs in your nests at all times so you produce twice the amount of eggs. Very handy for trying to get diamond

08-12-12, 09:46 AM
Thanks everyone for your advice ~~ I really don't want to spend gold on dragons, since I like breeding them, even if it's random and takes lots of tries. I'm hoping to get Diamond soon enough :D I guess I'll buy a second nest then, if I'll need it.

can have two eggs in your nests at all times so you produce twice the amount of eggs.

:confused: Does this mean that we can have two breeding dens? I was wondering about that too, actually...

08-12-12, 09:55 AM
Nope not two breeding dens but I meant that you can get up to 20 gold a day from neighbors which is enough to keep to eggs in your nests. Having two eggs in your nest doubles your dragon outcome because there will be two timers for your incubating eggs

08-12-12, 10:04 AM
Ohhh I get it now :D thanks for explaining, though I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it, since I'd feel awful for not being able to repay all the 20 neighbors every day :( it'd be really awesome if we could gift as much gold as we receive.. It would be fairer, I think.

08-12-12, 04:21 PM
Yes, the more nests the better! If you have an occupied nest, you can always use gold to speed up the time of breeding and know that you have an extra nest available! And while your second egg is incubating, you have yet ANOTHER chance at breeding the dragon you want.

08-12-12, 04:51 PM
Nope not two breeding dens but I meant that you can get up to 20 gold a day from neighbors which is enough to keep to eggs in your nests. Having two eggs in your nest doubles your dragon outcome because there will be two timers for your incubating eggs

You can't get 20 gold a day. You can only get/send 3 gold per day. If you're sending gold to all your neighbors thinking they are all get gold from you, they are not. The game randomly choose 3 people to get your gold, the rest get nothing.

08-12-12, 05:01 PM
You can send only three but you can receive up to 20 a day. I get around 10 a day...give or take.