View Full Version : ***Please make design Items Stay on last choice!***

11-18-10, 07:05 PM
Please program the design items to stay on the last item chosen. The food [sometimes] does this so I don't see why the design items don't/can't as well?!

Thanks ID:AlphaZeta

11-19-10, 07:43 AM
Its would be nice not to have to cycle all the way through the other items everytime you want to do something like lay down flooring tiles or put out chairs. tables, etc. Its okay to start at the front when you first go into design mode but not when you've already been in there doing other stuff. I wish it stayed on the last item selected like City Story.

11-19-10, 03:11 PM
This is whats odd. In City Story when you click on an object to place...it remembers that object and you place as many as you need before selecting another object. (Something i'd like to see in Restaurant Story). However when you are starting contracts in factories in City Story it always puts you back to the beginning and you have to cycle through on every factory.
This is the complete opposite in Restaurant Story. On cooking devices it saves where you last were for easy cooking. But when it comes to designing you have to always go back in to the object and at the beginning.

So my recommendation is to make the design aspect of Restaurant Story the same as the current design aspect of City Story and make the contract aspect of City Story the same as the current cooking aspect of Restaurant Story... Make sense? ;)
