View Full Version : Alternate Breeding Chart

08-08-12, 05:37 PM
Hello, I am fairly new in playing this game. I have read many posts here and also studied the excellent shared resource for breeding. I also read the breeding information on another web site ( GAMETEEP (http://www.gameteep.net/dragon-story/wiki/) ).

It occurred to me there might be another way to "chart" the breeding combinations that could be helpful. If you create a grid of all the possible color combinations, and the degrees of rarity, you can fill in all the dragon types into this chart. On the GAMETEEP site, it seems to indicate that "order does not matter" so I only filled in the lower left part of the grid. In other words, RED+GREEN = GREEN+RED so I just "grayed out" one side.

Here is the result :


There are a couple of observations I noticed:

1) In the breeding chart which the "sticky post" takes you to, MAGIC and ATHLETIC, which are RED+BLUE combinations, are both listed as RARE. It would seem to "fit the grid better" if MAGIC were COMMON.

2) The game has assigned PURPLE (RED+BLUE) as a color capable of yielding offspring that are "PURPLE+_____". However it looks like using PURPLE as a parent might also yield an offspring that is comprised of only RED or BLUE (plus the color of the other parent). This would explain why MAGIC shows up as a parent of so many different hybrids. In other words, a PURPLE parent might yield a PURPLE, RED or BLUE offspring. This is a guess but it seems to make sense.

3) The game is loosely following the subtractive color model where RYB then create R+Y=O, R+B=P and Y+B=G. Except that there are 4 "basic dragons" not 3, which are R, Y, B and G. As mentioned above, R+Y=P is also used as a main color component. So, have you noticed - - we are missing ORANGE ! There are combinations of R+Y of course, but these are not orange they remain as red+yellow.

4) We also now have Diamond (R+G+Y+B) being used a main component for breeding (for example, Crusader and Gold).

5) There are some "missing dragons"... blank cells in the grid. For example, we do not (yet?) have a "super-rare" Red+Blue. We also are missing super-rare P+G and P+Y. It is possible these could be bred but they haven't been discovered yet? We are also missing a number of ultra-rare combinations.

Comments on Diamond
If a Diamond is bred having all 4 colors present in the parents, then the grid can be used to figure out the following parents should work:


I am not saying they DO work, but I notice that the breeding chart in the sticky post does have some of these combinations listed. And the one 'everyone' seems to use, ISLAND + FIRESTORM, is listed. Well, if the guess about Purple "acting" like Red & Blue, then you should also be able to get a Diamond from:

d) {P/G} + {Y or anything comprised of Y} ... for example, POISON or FAMILIAR + AIR
e) {P/Y} + {G or anything comprised of G} ... for example, GENIE or TRICKSTER + FOREST

And then finally, you should be able to breed a Diamond, which represents all 4 colors RGBY, with anything and, as one of the possible outcomes, get another Diamond:

f) {Diamond} + {anything}

Again, please do not read this post and come away thinking that I am saying the above combinations work, in yielding a diamond. For the record I don't even have one yet. We should not assume that the game designers are following the above "logic" strictly, or at all. It could be random, or appear to be partially logical and then be partially random, just to make everyone pull their hair out !

I hope this grid helps everyone out.

Storm 8 ID = rionkimchi

08-08-12, 06:20 PM
Impressive. Nice job

08-09-12, 02:40 PM

08-09-12, 02:57 PM
Since you're putting some effort into this list, breeding Diamond and Fire (or Air respectively) will most often result in Fire (or Air respectively).

Also, two Diamonds will apparently reward you with any of the basic elements, never another Diamond though.

08-09-12, 03:47 PM
Just curious, how do you know two diamonds "NEVER" yield another diamond? It would be great to have the "rules" and probabilities for breeding given to us. But I suppose that's part of the fun - - collect the information and try to sort it out.

08-09-12, 04:13 PM
I don't have a guarantee for that "rule". However, it makes logical sense. TL doesn't want users to have something like a Diamonds-only Island. Several users with two or more diamonds have tried and come to the conclusion that it really is like this because TL wants it so. XD Just don't ask me to sift through all the old threads to prove it, you can do that just as well XD

09-04-12, 08:28 AM
Just to let you know I have several neighbors who have reported getting a Diamond Dragon by breeding Diamond with Diamond, breeding Diamond with Infinity, and breeding Infinity with Infinity :)