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View Full Version : Pet Hotel Weekly Updates 8-9-12

kooky panda
08-08-12, 02:30 PM
If you see any new items, this week come post.

08-08-12, 07:41 PM
HELP!!!!! Does any one knows if the server is updating now? Cannot access to ALL games at all right now.

08-08-12, 07:42 PM

08-09-12, 03:56 PM
Does it count as an update that there is a limited time room for sale?

Right after I spent a nice sum of gems on other rooms, too :V I'm not purchasing extra gems to get this.

08-09-12, 03:57 PM
Oh also Sauna and racetrack, unless I missed that update XD

08-09-12, 04:34 PM
-Sauna is 4,130,000 coins and collects 35,600 coins every 7 hrs
-Race trackis 440 gems and collects 7,400 coins every 30 min (takes up 2 horizontal squares) - cheetah is the pet
-Moon room is 200 gems (takes up 4 squares in a square shape)

08-09-12, 04:37 PM
The Moon Room is a whole space.

You get:
Animal: Timber Wolf
Coins: 10,800 every seven hours
Experience: 26 experience points every seven hours
Soulmate: ? Gems
Baby: ? Gems
Picture: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g53/cast1532/d0630b39.jpg and http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g53/cast1532/f99b15ae.jpg

Yes, I did spent real money to buy gems but I had to get this limited room. The Sauna Room is so expensive. Good thing I didn't do an expansion. I want to get the Race Track Room.

08-09-12, 07:37 PM
Racetrack seems like a better deal than Vineyard
Racetrack: 440 gems, earns $14800/hr, 160XP/hr
Vineyard: 450gems, earns $8700/hr, 40XP/hr

08-09-12, 08:49 PM
Oh goddess, wolves. Do want... ;_;
However, I must stick to my previous statement. I only they had rekeased this room 3 days sooner. *whine*

08-09-12, 11:01 PM
The Moon Room is limited time only. This might be your only chance to get it.

08-09-12, 11:34 PM
@zoom27 - That's really strange, because my vineyard earns 17,400 coins every 2 hours. And with a Soulmate and Baby it earns 21,750 coins every 2 hours.

08-10-12, 12:13 AM
Omg i want the moon room;(! Just need 6 gems!!

08-10-12, 05:33 AM
I can't even buy new rooms because I'm too poor to expand :( The things in this game are so expensive

08-10-12, 09:02 AM
Racetrack seems like a better deal than Vineyard
Racetrack: 440 gems, earns $14800/hr, 160XP/hr
Vineyard: 450gems, earns $8700/hr, 40XP/hr

@zoom27 - That's really strange, because my vineyard earns 17,400 coins every 2 hours. And with a Soulmate and Baby it earns 21,750 coins every 2 hours.

17,400 coins / 2 hours = 8,700 coins/hour

08-10-12, 04:29 PM
@MiniLaura - OMG! You're right! Oh man...my brain must be fried...lol. Thanks for the clarification :)

08-11-12, 03:40 AM
Why is it every time TL do a cheetah it's a ridiculous amount of gems. cheetahs are my fav animal and would love one on one of the games but refuse to spend money on gems for one when I can send that money to help cheetah conservation in the wild. Will just have to wait until I've collected enough gems to get one. 200 gems I understand but 440 is just ridiculous :/

08-11-12, 09:13 AM
The sauna is small, only one square. The pet is a golden frog.


08-11-12, 01:38 PM
did anyone's LTO disappear from when the game loads up? i don't get the pop up anymore, but i want to get it before it expires...

08-11-12, 02:53 PM
did anyone's LTO disappear from when the game loads up? i don't get the pop up anymore, but i want to get it before it expires...
You don't need the popup to buy the room. Just look for it under pet rooms (and maybe featured, not sure) in the market.

Also, if you want to make the popup show up, you have to force close the game. That usually works for me.

08-11-12, 05:22 PM
You don't need the popup to buy the room. Just look for it under pet rooms (and maybe featured, not sure) in the market.

Also, if you want to make the popup show up, you have to force close the game. That usually works for me.

ok duh i see it now. i kept checking the "featured" in the market. but yea usually in the other games the LTO will never stop popping up. haha :)

08-11-12, 05:58 PM
Every time I go to purchase the moon room the game resets? I've tried about 7 times to purchase this room and the same thing happens. I buy the room place it build it and then the game resets and the room disappears. Any suggestions?

08-11-12, 09:17 PM
Every time I go to purchase the moon room the game resets? I've tried about 7 times to purchase this room and the same thing happens. I buy the room place it build it and then the game resets and the room disappears. Any suggestions?

There's an issue with the display picture.

Cheetah: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g53/cast1532/79429d55.jpg

08-11-12, 09:39 PM
Support told me to uninstall n reinstall so I did and now the moon room is not even available on my iPad. But is still available on mt iPhone. Some something not right. I contact support again but did not receive a response to that issue

08-12-12, 08:04 AM
Same, the moon room is gone for me too. Although the devs apparently took it off because of issues, I'm still slightly worried because it technically has expired. Does anyone know if it'll be coming back?

08-12-12, 02:48 PM
i am having the same issues with the moon room =/

08-13-12, 08:38 AM
Hm i do like the sauna and the frog, but its a bit to expensive if you ask me :/
The sauna is small, only one square. The pet is a golden frog.
