View Full Version : Goals in Oven, Stove and Grill

08-07-12, 07:12 PM
Hi. I've noticed a have a bunch of these when I go to make an item, but there are no goals associated with any of these items. So how do I get them? I'm at level 81, so I must have missed something.

08-08-12, 02:18 AM
I want to add that this isn't the only TL game this has occurred in. I have locked goals in both Pet Shop Story and Zoo Story 2 that there are no ways of me unlocking those goal items.

08-08-12, 03:45 AM
You have to store one of your appliances so you can use the other appliance. Do you have 18 stoves out? If so, store one and then go to your storage so you can buy one.

08-08-12, 05:13 AM
For RS, which recipes are locked as goals? They are most likely old ones from Christmas/New Years or Valentine's Day and they are no longer available to be unlocked. They can't be removed from our recipe books because then the users that DID unlock them, would lose them as well.

08-08-12, 05:59 PM
For RS, which recipes are locked as goals? They are most likely old ones from Christmas/New Years or Valentine's Day and they are no longer available to be unlocked. They can't be removed from our recipe books because then the users that DID unlock them, would lose them as well.

I have a strong feeling this is the correct situation. Ok, thanks!