View Full Version : Boxes grrr

08-04-12, 03:47 PM
I bought gems today because there was a gem sale and thought... "meh I'll give my fave box a try again for first prize." .... NOPE! I've opened this box a lovely 50 times! With earned gems and bought gems here and there. And I'll be honest .. My birthday is coming so I'll try again one last time. If i dnt get 1st prize TL you are losing a gem buyer. Super cereal! Srry I had to rant about the box here because I rant to friends/daughter and they look at me like I'm nuts lol and feel free to leave comments such as "that's what you get for spending money" it doesn't bother me. I Have 2 kids with no life what else would I wan to spend 6.99$ on. Lol

1% is just too low at least make it 5%. Since you give out 1st prizes anyways. (not trying to bring up the past intending android/iPhone or anything. Just asking for a 5% chance.

08-04-12, 04:17 PM
lol mposey i was just going to share the same frustration as you, right now! :rolleyes:

with the gem sale i had today i tried AGAIN with the Picnic Basket to get the Duck Fountain, and again i got every single piece in the box except first prize
this is my count so far:

Lemon Try (4th) 24
Butterfly Can (4th) 28
Butterfly Basket (4th) 19
Apple Pyramid (4th) 27
Bird House (3rd) 31
Heart Bush (3rd) 28
Macaw Cage (2nd) 8
Cherry Cabinet (2nd) 14
Duck Fountain (1st) .... zero!

that makes 179 tries for a grand total of 4296 gems spent.
im scared to calculate how much real money is this (well i used also earned gems and saved ones ofc)....

i agree that 5% should be a bit more fair for the cost of the boxes; also i think they should reduce the price of very old boxes (if im not mistaken Picnic Basket is more than one year old)


08-04-12, 06:09 PM
Goodness ipaddolo I really have no room to complain with only 50 tries with you doing twice as much as I did. But I am as like you so frustrated...you have to be way past frustrated and just completely upset. I agree that they need to reduce the prize of the old boxes or at least give a better percent rate for first prize. I love this game and I've had it with this box, I keep trying. So I sat and thought to myself after my birthday I'm done with buying gems. The only way is if they bring back some limited time offers or come out with an amazing new limited time offer. Good luck if you keep trying. :/ when my birthday comes I'm going to have my daughter push the button. Maybe she will be the luck I need. Lol

08-05-12, 12:54 AM
i think your way to deal with it is the best way: setting a limit for this crazy research of luck is very healthy :)
You inspired me so i decided that i'll stop at 200 tries, it's more than one year im doing it and i really should stop! So ill wait for next 30% offer and ill do my last 21 tries, "que sera, sera"!

08-05-12, 04:16 AM
that makes 179 tries for a grand total of 4296 gems spent.


Omg that's insane! Even if it's 1% you should've gotten one after buying a hundred. I was thinking of trying to get the eiffle tower because I've heard of poeple getting it on like their 5th time, but this really cringing!

08-05-12, 04:24 AM
Wow, you two just reinforced my feelings against buying gems. Especially with all the gem traps. It's no wonder they are so greedy. They know people will keep spending money on their stupid gems no matter what. As long as people keep buying things will never get any better.

08-05-12, 05:11 AM
Omg that's insane! Even if it's 1% you should've gotten one after buying a hundred. I was thinking of trying to get the eiffle tower because I've heard of poeple getting it on like their 5th time, but this really cringing!

It doesn't work like that. Each and every try is a new gamble, so even if you purchased a box 1,000 times, you still may not get the first prize.

08-05-12, 06:21 AM
Wow, you two just reinforced my feelings against buying gems. Especially with all the gem traps. It's no wonder they are so greedy. They know people will keep spending money on their stupid gems no matter what. As long as people keep buying things will never get any better.

I think if ppl stopped buying gems we wouldn't even get a weekly update. I'm 90% certain TL makes most of there money on BS,RS,FArm, fashion and DS. Ppl whom buy gems support the very games we play and the ....new games they keep coming out with. If ppl were to stop buying "gems" and I say in quotations cus othe games it's different. Then they wouldn't be able to do the things they do now.

08-05-12, 06:33 AM
I think if ppl stopped buying gems we wouldn't even get a weekly update. I'm 90% certain TL makes most of there money on BS,RS,FArm, fashion and DS. Ppl whom buy gems support the very games we play and the ....new games they keep coming out with. If ppl were to stop buying "gems" and I say in quotations cus othe games it's different. Then they wouldn't be able to do the things they do now.

More people would buy gems if they actually listened to the players and fixed the bugs in the games, as well as gave a confirmation button when purchasing in-game items. Until TL sees the affect of NOT listening to us in their pockets, things aren't going to change. Why fix what isn't broken? In TLs mind, this isn't broken because they are making a ton of money off of people buying packages to MAYBE get that 1st place prize. Why raise the percentage from 1% to 5% when you continue to purchase gems and try the box?

Stop doing it, and maybe, just maybe, TL will get the hint and make the changes people want. Until that happens though, things won't change. :(

08-05-12, 08:36 AM
I just want the dainty piano, so I tried the tea and cake box four times with my hard-earned gems. The first time is 3rd prize. The second is 2rd prize, not the dainty piano, but the other 2rd prize. Then again 3rd prize, at last comes the 1rd prize! All these prizes are very cute, however, I still want that dainty piano... Now I don't have enough gems and have to give up.

08-05-12, 08:46 AM
Omg that's insane! Even if it's 1% you should've gotten one after buying a hundred. I was thinking of trying to get the eiffle tower because I've heard of poeple getting it on like their 5th time, but this really cringing!
179 tries wow

08-05-12, 08:51 AM
moon331, i know your feeling also in this strange thing :) it happened very often to me that one of the two second prizes drops a LOT more than the other. For example i dont have ANY Snow Cone Machine (2nd prize in the Candy Jar) while i have 6 Cotton Candy Machines (the other 2nd prize), and it's the same for most of my boxes. What i can say, probability laws are all about randomness, but sometimes it seems they are not!!!

08-05-12, 09:15 AM
I just want the dainty piano, so I tried the tea and cake box four times with my hard-earned gems. The first time is 3rd prize. The second is 2rd prize, not the dainty piano, but the other 2rd prize. Then again 3rd prize, at last comes the 1rd prize! All these prizes are very cute, however, I still want that dainty piano... Now I don't have enough gems and have to give up.

I was the same way but with the Magic Box in RS. I REALLY wanted the Fireplace, which is a 4th prize item, and ended up with EVERYTHING else but that! LOL I even ended up with 2 Grand Piano's, 2nd prize, but no 4th prize Fireplace. :(
In a way I was thankful to NOT get the Jazz set, also 2nd place, as I don't like that all that much, but after soooo many tries I couldn't even get a measly 4th place prize! HAHAHAHA
So, all in all I didn't get the Jazz set, Mighty Appliance (1st place) or the Fireplace. I gave up and just hope that one day TL will release it via a purchase for gems or a freebie one day. :p

08-05-12, 09:40 AM
It doesn't work like that. Each and every try is a new gamble, so even if you purchased a box 1,000 times, you still may not get the first prize.

I know it doesn't work like that - but people seemed to get lucky with them