View Full Version : What happens if I delete one of the stories?

08-03-12, 09:05 PM
I love playing bakery story but I also play restaurant story & the night club one and slots but they have been messing up & when I go to change the design or something the game closes out. I have tries restarting my device (iPhone 4s) but what happens if I delete them & then re download them, will I lose everything? Please help!! Thank you in advance!!

08-03-12, 09:07 PM
No u won't all your data is saved on teamlava servers

08-03-12, 09:13 PM
Thank you. I just didn't want to lose everything. Someone in another thread said that they deleted theirs & lost all data & couldn't access their account again. I just don't want that to happen to me!! Thank you again!!

08-03-12, 09:14 PM
Your welcome :)

08-16-12, 08:24 AM
If I put in my user name and password, it says,-its already in use

kooky panda
08-16-12, 10:17 AM
If I put in my user name and password, it says,-its already in use

Your games are saved on the TL servers under your storm ID. So if you delete a game you can also go get it back by redownloading.

To play your games on a new device, you will need to transfer your games to your new Device.

You can email support@teamlava.com (support@teamlava.com) and they can transfer your games. Give them you storm ID, the level of one of the games that you play and the number of gems you have in one of your games.

If you are on a Iphone, Ipad, Touch, or Ipad and you know the UDID numbers for both devices , give support that information

You can also try and transfer yourself. If you are going from Idevice to Idevice and you know the UDID numbers for both:
http://forums.teamlava.com/showthrea...ll=1#post66787 (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11887-PLEASE-READ-How-to-Transfer-to-a-New-Device&p=66787&viewfull=1#post66787)

If you do not have UDID number for your old device or if you are transfering from or to an android device you can transfer by Storm 8

http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?t=14674 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?t=14674)

Make sure you download all the games you are playing to you new device, but do not set up a new storm ID.
If you have a kindle fire or had one, you cannot transfer yourself, support will need to do the transfer.

08-18-12, 11:41 PM
Great help