View Full Version : Food disappearing

11-17-10, 12:26 PM
plated a stack of grilled cheese, got a syn error, logged me out then when I came back in, the stack was gone and my stove was empty lost the new stack of grilled cheese and the money i would of made from it

11-17-10, 08:49 PM
I have alot of friends that send me gifts and when the plate count reaches over 1000 i place several stacks it and switch over to another game and 5 minutes later when i come back all stacks are gone. i am certain this is an error and they can't expect us to sit and wait until 4000 plates of food are eaten. i feel *****ed like i am wasting my time.

11-17-10, 09:00 PM
Same thing is happening to me. I noticed it earlier. I finished putting out my mac & cheese and grilled salmon, logged out for about an hour and came back to no food. I thought it was odd so I made some grilled cheese and hamburger. Served it, logged out and logged right back in and all the food are gone. It seems I'm getting money for all those servings but it's no fun to just serve something and have it gone within seconds. My game was fine yesterday, the food consumed was at a reasonable rate, what changed today??!

11-18-10, 12:32 PM
Same here...had 2 dishes of mac&cheese and my connection broke down for seconds and then all of a sudden they disappear! What on earth am i gonna feed those customers while the other dishes are being cooked? So disappointing:-( 1800 servings gone in just 2 seconds.... :-'(