View Full Version : Stormie stole my stuff!!!

07-30-12, 06:05 PM
I used to love Stormie - in fact, I had put him on a pedestal - but now all my stuff in storage has gone.

I think he stole it.

07-30-12, 06:09 PM
How can some "thing" not real steal something from you? It's the servers I'm guessing. Wait... I should check to see if my stuff is stolen!!!

07-30-12, 06:10 PM
And did you close the app and reopen it? Have you tried restarting your device? What about removing and reinstalling the app?

07-30-12, 06:29 PM
Why would stormie want your stuff?

07-30-12, 06:30 PM
Oh Stormie, I'm so sorry I doubted you.

Bigbux3, you are right. I should never have blamed Stormie.

My stuff is all back now.

I heard somebody was trying to steal my piano, so maybe it was them.

07-30-12, 07:03 PM
bigbux3, she was being sarcastic lol

07-30-12, 07:15 PM
bigbux3, she was being sarcastic lol

I figured.
But Stormie didn't take anything. As he can't.

07-30-12, 07:17 PM
I figured.
But Stormie didn't take anything. As he can't.

Well.... he is taking a lot of people's enjoyment out of the game.

07-30-12, 07:30 PM
Well.... he is taking a lot of people's enjoyment out of the game.

I totally understand why people are upset. I mean, the forum is designed for suggestions and feedback so the company can make changes to any games at any time. But when a company isn't listening to their customers to keep them happy, you lose love, hope, and faith in them. I understand that they want them gone and they have specific preferences on the types of neighbors they acquire. Understood 100%. And that saddens me that TeamLava won't change something so minor like this to keep their customers happy. I've been a customer since 2010, I actually was going through my App Store History Purchases a few hours ago. But back to my point.
How is Stormie taking the enjoyment out of the game? Is it the extra pop up they put in the intro? Is it that he stays at the top of the neighbor's list? Or is it that he's not real?
They shouldn't let this effect their gameplay or take their joy. I wouldn't leave over this. I would leave over the price changes, the bad added features, the crashing and bugs. I would probably leave if they gave me a permanent vacation from the forums.

But this forum is for feedback TeamLava. Your consumer testing didn't work this time, so I think it's time to give them what they want. They obviously still have some type of trust in you, as they're still playing your games and are still active on the forums. You have to earn those good ratings and reviews, NOT ask for them in game. You deserve everything you put out. What you put in is what you get out. Please, listen to your customers. And hopefully over the years, you'll improve with communication and fixing. I hope they get what they want. The customers, that is.
That's all I have to say on this issue. It's my feedback to TeamLava. Please consider it.

07-30-12, 07:30 PM
I haven't stopped enjoying the game.

I don't mind having Stormie around.

Now that I know he didn't steal my stuff.

07-30-12, 07:48 PM
Uhh..... What...why would stormie take your things -.-

Doesn't really make sense.

07-30-12, 07:58 PM
Bigbux, i think the biggest problem with stormie is he is being rammed down our throats, whether we want him or not he's there. People's neighbor lists are something they feel is private to them. So with stormie being arbitrarily "given" to us, people feel violated. I know i do.

07-30-12, 08:09 PM
Bigbux, i think the biggest problem with stormie is he is being rammed down our throats, whether we want him or not he's there. People's neighbor lists are something they feel is private to them. So with stormie being arbitrarily "given" to us, people feel violated. I know i do.

And exactly! That shouldn't be. I only accept neighbors if their ______ looks good. Even if your level is low, if you have a good _____ I'll accept you.

07-30-12, 08:15 PM
And exactly! That shouldn't be. I only accept neighbors if their ______ looks good. Even if your level is low, if you have a good _____ I'll accept you.

Uhhh bum looks good?

kooky panda
07-30-12, 08:18 PM
Please continue the discussion here: http://forums.teamlava.com/showthrea...ighbor-Stormie (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?32775-Meet-your-new-neighbor-Stormie)!.