View Full Version : Refund of Cash (bought Halloween case by accident)

11-17-10, 08:22 AM

I bought the halloween case by accident. i wanted to *page back* but touched the case by mistake (would be glad if you aske person if they really want to buy this)

--> How can i get a refund of the 24 city cash'?
i saved them for buying *rivers*

Now i have a graveyard in my inventory... i do not want it... can i place it on the ground and afterwards sell it and get my 24citycash back?

Duke nemesis

11-17-10, 05:16 PM
you are screwed. there is no way for them to know you did it by accident. it looks from their end like you didn't like what you get or something.

also, there is something on here about what you get for selling each item. It's next to nothing for city cash items. Less than a thousand coins I think. Might as well just keep the thing.

You are right, there should be a confirmation screen for purchases involving real money, like city cash items. That would hurt their sales though, so I doubt we'll see it.

11-19-10, 12:21 PM
You are right, there should be a confirmation screen for purchases involving real money, like city cash items. That would hurt their sales though, so I doubt we'll see it.

Urg. ****.

Btw: This was also my thought why there is no confimration button. i was surely not the first one who spent the cash by accident.

(great rip-off)

11-19-10, 12:30 PM
you are screwed. there is no way for them to know you did it by accident. it looks from their end like you didn't like what you get or something.

can't edit..

Yeah you are right. it sounds like i want the refund because i am not happy with what i got.
Stupid thing is.. i didn't even know what the case is. But can't proof it of course.

makes sense if they do not return the same amount of cash if you have sth. you not happy with. didn't thought about this...

****, my city would look gorgeous with these rives

but anyway...


11-19-10, 05:59 PM

LMAO. And you think they just "forgot" that?

Ching Ching.

Team Lava wins this round.

11-20-10, 07:53 AM
I'm the one that replied the first time, forgot to mention your rivers. DO NOT spend city cash on rivers. Play the mini-game and win it, you get a river. I have 50 rivers and got so bored with rivers that they are like trees or mobile homes for me now, ha.

When you play the mini-game, ONLY play with three players, then tap away furiously. You can win about 20% of the time, and the rest of the time you're racking up cash. Win win all around!

Oh, and when you win, keep playing immediately as it is all about who your two partners are. You can win 10 in a row or so if you keep playing with two good partners.