View Full Version : why doesn't the food sell?

07-29-12, 08:13 AM
It's so frustrating that the food in BS doesn't sell. Not only do I not accumulate enough coin to expand because of extremely slow sales but the bakery is crammed with counters to hold all the food that piles up. I have to constantly clear counters to make way for more food that doesn't sell. When is this going to be fixed?

07-30-12, 11:19 AM
Try cooking recipes that reward more Coins, but less quantity per dish. This way you'll receive more Coins everything a customer eats, but you'll also have less food on your counters since you're cooking recipes with smaller quantities.

07-30-12, 12:09 PM
Check out these threads: http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?30804-High-profit-combination-for-8-machines.&highlight=velvet


07-31-12, 09:48 PM
I am so sick of the reply's to cook certain foods. It boils down to not having any customers in the bakery ( an apparent know bug by TL). After the initial rush of customer it drops down to 3 to 4 people in my bakery and never increases. With that many eating the food nothing will get sold out. I use to basically be at the same level in BS and RS. I have now almost sold all of my food and expand twice in RS, but am getting nowhere in my Bakery. It is beyond tiring.