View Full Version : Seperate Kitchen and more

07-26-12, 08:44 PM
I love Restaurant Story and Bakery Story (this will be posted under Bakery also)

I recently played a game called [edit]. It's pretty much like these ones. They have one feature that would be awesome for Restaurant and Bakery.

There is a shop where you display your flowers and deco, then there's an arrow that will open the flower garden is. It would be awesome to have a seperate kitchen that could be decorated also and use the appliances. That way we'd have more space to make our Torea Rock.

Here's a little negative feed back. Bakery Story has more decorations that would go with a Restaurant much better for doing themes (ie The Chinese Deco) in my opinion a bakery should be whimsical. Restaurant is starting to have way to many desserts. A restaurant can be upscale all the way down to diner. The display cakes in bakery should be smaller and not take up to much room (4 squares cuts into table space).

These are just things I think would make my experience. Much more enjoyable.

07-28-12, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. Ill pass these on to the devs.